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L-space fillings and generalized solid tori

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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Much work has been done recently towards trying to understand the topological significance of being an L-space. Building on work of Rasmussen and Rasmussen, we give a topological characterisation of Floer simple manifolds such that all non-longitudinal fillings are L-spaces. We use this to partially classify L-space twisted torus knots in $S^1 times S^2$ and resolve a question asked by Rasmussen and Rasmussen.

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We prove that instanton L-space knots are fibered and strongly quasipositive. Our proof differs conceptually from proofs of the analogous result in Heegaard Floer homology, and includes a new decomposition theorem for cobordism maps in framed instanton Floer homology akin to the $textrm{Spin}^c$ decompositions of cobordism maps in other Floer homology theories. As our main application, we prove (modulo a mild nondegeneracy condition) that for $r$ a positive rational number and $K$ a nontrivial knot in the $3$-sphere, there exists an irreducible homomorphism [pi_1(S^3_r(K)) to SU(2)] unless $r geq 2g(K)-1$ and $K$ is both fibered and strongly quasipositive, broadly generalizing results of Kronheimer and Mrowka. We also answer a question of theirs from 2004, proving that there is always an irreducible homomorphism from the fundamental group of 4-surgery on a nontrivial knot to $SU(2)$. In another application, we show that a slight enhancement of the A-polynomial detects infinitely many torus knots, including the trefoil.
We give a new, conceptually simpler proof of the fact that knots in $S^3$ with positive L-space surgeries are fibered and strongly quasipositive. Our motivation for doing so is that this new proof uses comparatively little Heegaard Floer-specific machinery and can thus be translated to other forms of Floer homology. We carried this out for instanton Floer homology in our recent article Instantons and L-space surgeries, and used it to generalize Kronheimer and Mrowkas results on $SU(2)$ representations of fundamental groups of Dehn surgeries.
Every $L$-space knot is fibered and strongly quasi-positive, but this does not hold for $L$-space links. In this paper, we use the so called H-function, which is a concordance link invariant, to introduce a subfamily of fibered strongly quasi-positive $L$-space links. Furthermore, we present an infinite family of $L$-space links which are not quasi-positive.
235 - Amey Kaloti 2013
We prove that if a contact manifold $(M,xi)$ is supported by a planar open book, then Euler characteristic and signature of any Stein filling of $(M,xi)$ is bounded. We also prove a similar finiteness result for contact manifolds supported by spinal open books with planar pages. Moving beyond the geography of Stein fillings, we classify fillings of some lens spaces.
In Dunfields catalog of the hyperbolic manifolds in the SnapPy census which are complements of L-space knots in $S^3$, we determine that $22$ have tunnel number $2$ while the remaining all have tunnel number $1$. Notably, these $22$ manifolds contain $9$ asymmetric L-space knot complements. Furthermore, using SnapPy and KLO we find presentations of these $22$ knots as closures of positive braids that realize the Morton-Franks-Williams bound on braid index. The smallest of these has genus $12$ and braid index $4$.
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