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Iterating free-field AdS/CFT: higher spin partition function relations

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 Added by Matteo Beccaria
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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We find a simple relation between a free higher spin field partition function on thermal quotient of AdS(d+1) and the partition function of the associated d-dimensional conformal higher spin field on thermal quotient of AdS(d). Starting with a conformal higher spin field defined on AdS(d) one may also associate to it another conformal field in d-1 dimensions, thus iterating AdS/CFT. We observe that in the case of d=4 this iteration leads to a trivial 3d higher spin conformal theory with parity-even non-local action: it describes zero total number of dynamical degrees of freedom and the corresponding partition function on thermal AdS(3) is equal to 1.

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We aim at formulating a higher-spin gravity theory around AdS$_2$ relevant for holography. As a first step, we investigate its kinematics by identifying the low-dimensional cousins of the standard higher-dimensional structures in higher-spin gravity such as the singleton, the higher-spin symmetry algebra, the higher-rank gauge and matter fields, etc. In particular, the higher-spin algebra is given here by $hs[lambda]$ and parameterized by a real parameter $lambda$. The singleton is defined to be a Verma module of the AdS$_2$ isometry subalgebra $so(2,1) subset hs[lambda]$ with conformal weight $Delta = frac{1pmlambda}{2},$. On the one hand, the spectrum of local modes is determined by the Flato-Fronsdal theorem for the tensor product of two such singletons. It is given by an infinite tower of massive scalar fields in AdS$_2$ with ascending masses expressed in terms of $lambda$. On the other hand, the higher-spin fields arising through the gauging of $hs[lambda]$ algebra do not propagate local degrees of freedom. Our analysis of the spectrum suggests that AdS$_2$ higher-spin gravity is a theory of an infinite collection of massive scalars with fine-tuned masses, interacting with infinitely many topological gauge fields. Finally, we discuss the holographic CFT$_1$ duals of the kinematical structures identified in the bulk.
The local form of higher-spin equations found recently to the second order [1] is shown to properly reproduce the anticipated $AdS/CFT$ correlators for appropriate boundary conditions. It is argued that consistent $AdS/CFT$ holography for the parity-broken boundary models needs a nontrivial modification of the bosonic truncation of the original higher-spin theory with the doubled number of fields, as well as a nonlinear deformation of the boundary conditions in the higher orders.
We define and study a holographic dual to the topological twist of $mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theories on Riemannian three-manifolds. The gravity duals are solutions to four-dimensional $mathcal{N}=4$ gauged supergravity, where the three-manifold arises as a conformal boundary. Following our previous work, we show that the renormalized gravitational free energy of such solutions is independent of the boundary three-metric, as required for a topological theory. We then go further, analyzing the geometry of supersymmetric bulk solutions. Remarkably, we are able to show that the gravitational free energy of any smooth four-manifold filling of any three-manifold is always zero. Aided by this analysis, we prove a similar result for topological AdS$_5$/CFT$_4$. We comment on the implications of these results for the large $N$ limits of topologically twisted gauge theories in three and four dimensions, including the ABJM theory and $mathcal{N}=4$ $SU(N)$ super-Yang-Mills, respectively.
We study the holographic dual of the simplest notion of spin in a $p$-adic field theory, namely Greens functions which involve non-trivial sign characters over the $p$-adic numbers. In order to recover these sign characters from bulk constructions, we find that we must introduce a non-dynamical $U(1)$ gauge field on the line graph of the Bruhat-Tits tree. Wilson lines of this gauge field on suitable paths yield the desired sign characters. We show explicitly how to start with complex scalars or fermions in the bulk, coupled to the $U(1)$ gauge field, and compute the holographic two-point functions of their dual operators on the boundary.
246 - M. Beccaria , A.A. Tseytlin 2015
We observe that the partition function of the set of all free massless higher spins s=0,1,2,3,... in flat space is equal to one: the ghost determinants cancel against the physical ones or, equivalently, the (regularized) total number of degrees of freedom vanishes. This reflects large underlying gauge symmetry and suggests analogy with supersymmetric or topological theory. The Z=1 property extends also to the AdS background, i.e. the 1-loop vacuum partition function of Vasiliev theory is equal to 1 (assuming a particular regularization of the sum over spins); this was noticed earlier as a consistency requirement for the vectorial AdS/CFT duality. We find that Z=1 is also true in the conformal higher spin theory (with higher-derivative d^{2s} kinetic terms) expanded near flat or conformally flat S^4 background. We also consider the partition function of free conformal theory of symmetric traceless rank s tensor field which has 2-derivative kinetic term but only scalar gauge invariance in flat 4d space. This non-unitary theory has a Weyl-invariant action in curved background and corresponds to partially massless field in AdS_5. We discuss in detail the special case of s=2 (or conformal graviton), compute the corresponding conformal anomaly coefficients and compare them with previously found expressions for generic representations of conformal group in 4 dimensions.
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