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L-Store: A Real-time OLTP and OLAP System

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 Added by Mohammad Sadoghi
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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Arguably data is the new natural resource in the enterprise world with an unprecedented degree of proliferation. But to derive real-time actionable insights from the data, it is important to bridge the gap between managing the data that is being updated at a high velocity (i.e., OLTP) and analyzing a large volume of data (i.e., OLAP). However, there has been a divide where specialized solutions were often deployed to support either OLTP or OLAP workloads but not both; thus, limiting the analysis to stale and possibly irrelevant data. In this paper, we present Lineage-based Data Store (L-Store) that combines the real-time processing of transactional and analytical workloads within a single unified engine by introducing a novel lineage-based storage architecture. By exploiting the lineage, we develop a contention-free and lazy staging of columnar data from a write-optimized form (suitable for OLTP) into a read-optimized form (suitable for OLAP) in a transactionally consistent approach that also supports querying and retaining the current and historic data. Our working prototype of L-Store demonstrates its superiority compared to state-of-the-art approaches under a comprehensive experimental evaluation.

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Increasingly, business projects are ephemeral. New Business Intelligence tools must support ad-lib data sources and quick perusal. Meanwhile, tag clouds are a popular community-driven visualization technique. Hence, we investigate tag-cloud views with support for OLAP operations such as roll-ups, slices, dices, clustering, and drill-downs. As a case study, we implemented an application where users can upload data and immediately navigate through its ad hoc dimensions. To support social networking, views can be easily shared and embedded in other Web sites. Algorithmically, our tag-cloud views are approximate range top-k queries over spontaneous data cubes. We present experimental evidence that iceberg cuboids provide adequate online approximations. We benchmark several browser-oblivious tag-cloud layout optimizations.
Current main memory database system architectures are still challenged by high contention workloads and this challenge will continue to grow as the number of cores in processors continues to increase. These systems schedule transactions randomly across cores to maximize concurrency and to produce a uniform load across cores. Scheduling never considers potential conflicts. Performance could be improved if scheduling balanced between concurrency to maximize throughput and scheduling transactions linearly to avoid conflicts. In this paper, we present the design of several intelligent transaction scheduling algorithms that consider both potential transaction conflicts and concurrency. To incorporate reasoning about transaction conflicts, we develop a supervised machine learning model that estimates the probability of conflict. This model is incorporated into several scheduling algorithms. In addition, we integrate an unsupervised machine learning algorithm into an intelligent scheduling algorithm. We then empirically measure the performance impact of different scheduling algorithms on OLTP and social networking workloads. Our results show that, with appropriate settings, intelligent scheduling can increase throughput by 54% and reduce abort rate by 80% on a 20-core machine, relative to random scheduling. In summary, the paper provides preliminary evidence that intelligent scheduling significantly improves DBMS performance.
167 - David Lomet 2020
A log structured store uses a single write I/O for a number of diverse and non-contiguous pages within a large buffer instead of using a write I/O for each page separately. This requires that pages be relocated on every write, because pages are never updated in place. Instead, pages are dynamically remapped on every write. Log structuring was invented for and used initially in file systems. Today, a form of log structuring is used in SSD controllers because an SSD requires the erasure of a large block of pages before flash storage can be reused. No update-in-place requires that the storage for out-of-date pages be reclaimed (garbage collected or cleaned). We analyze cleaning performance and introduce a cleaning strategy that uses a new way to prioritize the order in which stale pages are garbage collected. Our cleaning strategy approximates an optimal cleaning strategy. Simulation studies confirm the results of the analysis. This strategy is a significant improvement over previous cleaning strategies.
208 - Marouane Hachicha 2008
With the rise of XML as a standard for representing business data, XML data warehouses appear as suitable solutions for Web-based decision-support applications. In this context, it is necessary to allow OLAP analyses over XML data cubes (XOLAP). Thus, XQuery extensions are needed. To help define a formal framework and allow much-needed performance optimizations on analytical queries expressed in XQuery, having an algebra at ones disposal is desirable. However, XOLAP approaches and algebras from the literature still largely rely on the relational model and/or only feature a small number of OLAP operators. In opposition, we propose in this paper to express a broad set of OLAP operators with the TAX XML algebra.
Research in transaction processing has made significant progress in improving the performance of multi-core in-memory transactional systems. However, the focus has mainly been on low-contention workloads. Modern transactional systems perform poorly on workloads with transactions accessing a few highly contended data items. We observe that most transactional workloads, including those with high contention, can be divided into clusters of data conflict-free transactions and a small set of residuals. In this paper, we introduce a new concurrency control protocol called Strife that leverages the above observation. Strife executes transactions in batches, where each batch is partitioned into clusters of conflict-free transactions and a small set of residual transactions. The conflict-free clusters are executed in parallel without any concurrency control, followed by executing the residual cluster either serially or with concurrency control. We present a low-overhead algorithm that partitions a batch of transactions into clusters that do not have cross-cluster conflicts and a small residual cluster. We evaluate Strife against the optimistic concurrency control protocol and several variants of two-phase locking, where the latter is known to perform better than other concurrency protocols under high contention, and show that Strife can improve transactional throughput by up to 2x. We also perform an in-depth micro-benchmark analysis to empirically characterize the performance and quality of our clustering algorithm
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