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Parallax of Galactic Cepheids from Spatially Scanning the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope: The Case of SS Canis Majoris

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 Added by Stefano Casertano
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a high-precision measurement of the parallax for the 12-day Cepheid SS Canis Majoris, obtained via spatial scanning with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Spatial scanning enables astrometric measurements with a precision of 20-40 muas, an order of magnitude better than pointed observations. SS CMa is the second Cepheid targeted for parallax measurement with HST, and is the first of a sample of eighteen long-period >~ 10 days) Cepheids selected in order to improve the calibration of their period-luminosity relation and eventually permit a determination of the Hubble constant H_0 to better than 2%. The parallax of SS CMa is found to be 348 +/- 38 muas, corresponding to a distance of 2.9 +/- 0.3 kpc. We also present a refinement of the static geometric distortion of WFC3 obtained using spatial scanning observations of calibration fields, with a typical magnitude <~0.01 pixels on scales of 100 pixels.

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We present new parallax measurements of 7 long-period (> 10 days) Milky Way Cepheids (SS CMa, XY Car, VY Car, VX Per, WZ Sgr, X Pup and S Vul) using astrometry from spatial scanning of WFC3 on HST. Observations were obtained at 6 month intervals over 4 years. The distances are 1.7--3.6 kpc with a mean precision of 45 microarcseconds and a best of 29 microarcseconds (SNR = 14). The accuracy of the parallaxes is demonstrated through independent analyses of >100 reference stars. This raises to 10 the number of long-period Cepheids with significant parallax measurements, 8 obtained from this program. We also present high-precision F555W, F814W, and F160W magnitudes of these Cepheids, allowing a direct, zeropoint-independent comparison to >1800 extragalactic Cepheids in the hosts of 19 SNeIa. This sample addresses two outstanding systematic uncertainties affecting prior comparisons of Milky Way and extragalactic Cepheids used to calibrate H_0: their dissimilarity of periods and photometric systems. Comparing the new parallaxes to their predicted values derived from reversing the distance ladder gives a ratio (or independent scale for H_0) of 1.037+/-0.036, consistent with no change and inconsistent at the 3.5 sigma level with a ratio of 0.91 needed to match the value predicted by Planck+LCDM. Using these data instead to augment the Riess et al. (2016) measurement of H_0 improves the precision to 2.3%, yielding 73.48+/-1.66 km/s/Mpc, and tension with Planck+LCDM increases to 3.7 sigma. The future combination of Gaia parallaxes and HST spatial scanning photometry of 50 Milky Way Cepheids can support a < 1% calibration of H_0.
266 - Adam G. Riess 2011
We use the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope to determine the Hubble constant (H0) from optical and infrared observations of over 600 Cepheid variables in the host galaxies of 8 recent Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), providing the calibration for a mag-z relation of 253 SNe Ia. Increased precision over past measurements comes from: (1) more than doubling the number of infrared observations of Cepheids in nearby SN hosts; (2) increasing the sample of ideal SN Ia calibrators from six to eight; (3) increasing by 20% the number of Cepheids with infrared observations in the megamaser host NGC 4258; (4) reducing the difference in the mean metallicity of the Cepheid comparison samples from Delta log [O/H] = 0.08 to 0.05; and (5) calibrating all optical Cepheid colors with one camera, WFC3, to remove cross-instrument zero-point errors. Uncertainty in H0 from beyond the 1st rung of the distance ladder is reduced from 3.5% to 2.3%. The measurement of H0 via the geometric distance to NGC 4258 is 74.8 pm 3.1 km s- 1 Mpc-1, a 4.1% measurement including systematics. Better precision independent of NGC 4258 comes from two alternative Cepheid absolute calibrations: (1) 13 Milky Way Cepheids with parallaxes and (2) 92 Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud with multiple eclipsing binary distances, yielding 74.4 pm 2.5 km s- 1 Mpc-1, a 3.4% uncertainty with systematics. Our best estimate uses all three calibrations but a larger uncertainty afforded from any two: H0 = 73.8 pm 2.4 km s- 1 Mpc-1 including systematics, a 3.3% uncertainty. The improvement in H0, combined with WMAP7yr data, results in a constraint on the EOS parameter of dark energy of w = -1.08 pm 0.10 and Neff = 4.2 pm 0.7 for the number of relativistic species in the early universe. It also rules out the best-fitting gigaparsec-scale void models, posited as an alternative to dark energy. (abridged)
We present a new technique for wide and shallow observations using the near-infrared channel of Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Wide-field near-IR surveys with HST are generally inefficient, as guide star acquisitions make it impractical to observe more than one pointing per orbit. This limitation can be circumvented by guiding with gyros alone, which is possible as long as the telescope has three functional gyros. The method presented here allows us to observe mosaics of eight independent WFC3-IR pointings in a single orbit by utilizing the fact that HST drifts by only a very small amount in the 25 seconds between non-destructive reads of unguided exposures. By shifting the reads and treating them as independent exposures the full resolution of WFC3 can be restored. We use this drift and shift (DASH) method in the Cycle 23 COSMOS-DASH program, which will obtain 456 WFC3 $H_{160}$ pointings in 57 orbits, covering an area of 0.6 degree$^2$ in the COSMOS field down to $H_{160} = 25$. When completed, the program will more than triple the area of extra-galactic survey fields covered by near-IR imaging at HST resolution. We demonstrate the viability of the method with the first four orbits (32 pointings) of this program. We show that the resolution of the WFC3 camera is preserved, and that structural parameters of galaxies are consistent with those measured in guided observations.
We probe the structure and composition of the atmospheres of 5 hot Jupiter exoplanets using the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument. We use the G141 grism (1.1-1.7 $mu$m) to study TrES-2b, TrES-4b, and CoRoT-1b in transit, TrES-3b in secondary eclipse, and WASP-4b in both. This wavelength region includes a predicted absorption feature from water at 1.4 $mu$m, which we expect to be nondegenerate with the other molecules that are likely to be abundant for hydrocarbon-poor (e.g. solar composition) hot Jupiter atmospheres. We divide our wavelength regions into 10 bins. For each bin we produce a spectrophotometric light curve spanning the time of transit and/or eclipse. We correct these light curves for instrumental systematics without reference to an instrument model. For our transmission spectra, our mean $1-sigma$ precision per bin corresponds to variations of 2.1, 2.8, and 3.0 atmospheric scale heights for TrES-2b, TrES-4b, and CoRoT-1b, respectively. We find featureless spectra for these three planets. We are unable to extract a robust transmission spectrum for WASP-4b. For our dayside emission spectra, our mean $1-sigma$ precision per bin corresponds to a planet-to-star flux ratio of $1.5times10^{-4}$ and $2.1times10^{-4}$ for WASP-4b and TrES-3b, respectively. We combine these estimates with previous broadband measurements and conclude that for both planets isothermal atmospheres are disfavored. We find no signs of features due to water. We confirm that WFC3 is suitable for studies of transiting exoplanets, but in staring mode multi-visit campaigns are necessary to place strong constraints on water abundance.
We present here our observations and analysis of the dayside emission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-103b. We observed WASP-103b during secondary eclipse using two visits of the Hubble Space Telescope with the G141 grism on Wide Field Camera 3 in spatial scan mode. We generated secondary eclipse light curves of the planet in both blended white-light and spectrally binned wavechannels from 1.1-1.7 micron and corrected the light curves for flux contamination from a nearby companion star. We modeled the detector systematics and secondary eclipse spectrum using Gaussian process regression and found that the near-IR emission spectrum of WASP-103b is featureless across the observed near-IR region to down to a sensitivity of 175 ppm, and shows a shallow slope towards the red. The atmosphere has a single brightness temperature of T_B = 2890 K across this wavelength range. This region of the spectrum is indistinguishable from isothermal, but may not manifest from a physically isothermal system, i.e. pseudo-isothermal. A Solar-metallicity profile with a thermal inversion layer at 10^-2 bar fits WASP-103bs spectrum with high confidence, as do an isothermal profile with Solar metallicity and a monotonically decreasing atmosphere with C/O>1. The data rule out a monotonically decreasing atmospheric profile with Solar composition, and we rule out a low-metallicity decreasing profile as non-physical for this system. The pseudo-isothermal profile could be explained by a thermal inversion layer just above the layer probed by our observations, or by clouds or haze in the upper atmosphere. Transmission spectra at optical wavelengths would allow us to better differentiate between potential atmospheric models.
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