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X-ray deficiency on strong accreting T Tauri stars - Comparing Orion with Taurus

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Depending on whether a T Tauri star accretes material from its circumstellar disk or not, different X-ray emission properties can be found. The accretion shocks produce cool heating of the plasma, contributing to the soft X-ray emission from the star. Using X-ray data from the Chandra Orion Ultra-deep Project and accretion rates that were obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope/WFPC2 photometric measurements in the Orion Nebula Cluster, we studied the relation between the accretion processes and the X-ray emissions of a coherent sample of T Tauri sources in the region. We performed regression and correlation analyses of our sample of T Tauri stars between the X-ray parameters, stellar properties, and the accretion measurements. We find that a clear anti-correlation is present between the residual X-ray luminosity and the accretion rates in our samples in Orion that is consistent with that found on the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus molecular cloud (XEST) study. We provide a catalog with X-ray luminosities (corrected from distance) and accretion measurements of an Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) T Tauri stars sample. Although Orion and Taurus display strong differences in their properties (total gas and dust mass, star density, strong irradiation from massive stars), we find that a similar relation between the residual X-ray emission and accretion rate is present in the Taurus molecular cloud and in the accreting samples from the Orion Nebula Cluster. The spread in the data suggests dependencies of the accretion rates and the X-ray luminosities other than the stellar mass, but the similarity between Orion and Taurus hints at the environment not being one of them. The anti-correlation between the residual X-ray luminosity and mass accretion rate is inherent to the T Tauri stars in general, independent of their birthplace and environment, and intrinsic to early stellar evolution.

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283 - G. Aresu , I. Kamp , R. Meijerink 2010
Context: T Tauri stars have X-ray luminosities ranging from L_X = 10^28-10^32 erg/s. These luminosities are similar to UV luminosities (L_UV 10^30-10^31 erg/s) and therefore X-rays are expected to affect the physics and chemistry of the upper layers of their surrounding protoplanetary disks. Aim: The effects and importance of X-rays on the chemical and hydrostatic structure of protoplanetary disks are investigated, species tracing X-ray irradiation (for L_X >= 10^29 erg/s) are identified and predictions for [OI], [CII] and [NII] fine structure line fluxes are provided. Methods: We have implemented X-ray physics and chemistry into the chemo-physical disk code ProDiMo. We include Coulomb heating and H2 ionization as heating processes and primary and secondary ionization due to X-rays in the chemistry. Results: X-rays heat up the gas causing it to expand in the optically thin surface layers. Neutral molecular species are not much affected in their abundance and spatial distribution, but charged species such as N+, OH+, H2O+ and H3O+ show enhanced abundances in the disk surface. Conclusions: Coulomb heating by X-rays changes the vertical structure of the disk, yielding temperatures of ~ 8000 K out to distances of 50 AU. The chemical structure is altered by the high electron abundance in the gas in the disk surface, causing an efficient ion-molecule chemistry. The products of this, OH+, H2O+ and H3O+, are of great interest for observations of low-mass young stellar objects with the Herschel Space Observatory. [OI] (at 63 and 145 mic) and [CII] (at 158 mic) fine structure emission are only affected for L_X > 10^30 erg/s.
99 - K. R. Briggs 2007
The Taurus-Auriga star-forming complex hosts the only population of T Tauri stars in which an anticorrelation of X-ray activity and rotation period has been observed. We have used XMM-Newtons European Photon Imaging Cameras to perform the most sensitive survey to date of X-ray emission (0.3-10 keV) from young stars in Taurus-Auriga and investigate the dependences of X-ray activity measures -- X-ray luminosity, Lx, its ratio with the stellar luminosity, Lx/Lstar, and the surface-averaged X-ray flux, Fxs -- on rotation period. We tested for differences in the distributions of Lx/Lstar of fast and slow rotators, accretors and non-accretors, and compared the dependence of Lx/Lstar on the ratio of the rotation period and the convective turnover timescale, the Rossby number, with that of late-type main-sequence stars. We found significant anticorrelations of Lx and Fxs with rotation period, but these could be explained by the typically higher stellar luminosity and effective temperature of fast-rotators in Taurus-Auriga and a near-linear dependence of Lx on Lstar. We found no evidence for a dependence of Lx/Lstar on rotation period, but for accretors to have lower Lx/Lstar than non-accretors at all rotation periods. The Rossby numbers of accretors and non-accretors were found to be the same as those of late-type main-sequence stars showing saturated X-ray emission. We conclude that non-accreting T Tauri stars show X-ray activity entirely consistent with the saturated activity of late-type main-sequence stars. Accreting T Tauri stars show lower X-ray activity, which cannot be attributed to their slower rotation.
Aims: We search new T Tauri star (TTS) candidates with the mid-infrared (MIR) part of the AKARI All-Sky Survey at 9 and 18 um wavelengths. Methods: We used the point source catalogue (PSC), obtained by the Infrared Camera (IRC) on board AKARI. We combined the 2MASS PSC and the 3rd version of the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue (UCAC) with the AKARI IRC-PSC, and surveyed 517 known TTSs over a 1800-square-degree part of the Taurus-Auriga region to find criteria to extract TTSs. We considered asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, post-AGB stars, Planetary Nebulae (PNe), and galaxies, which have similar MIR colours, to separate TTSs from these sources. Results: Of the 517 known TTSs, we detected 133 sources with AKARI. Based on the colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams made from the AKARI, 2MASS, and UCAC surveys, we propose the criteria to extract TTS candidates from the AKARI All-Sky data. On the basis of our criteria, we selected 176/14725 AKARI sources as TTS candidates which are located around the Taurus-Auriga region. Comparing these sources with SIMBAD, there are 148 previously identified sources including 115 Young Stellar Objects (YSOs), and 28 unidentified sources. Conclusions: Based on SIMBAD identifications, we take the TTS-identification probability using our criteria to be ~75 %. We find 28 TTS candidates, of which we expect 21 to be confirmed once follow-up observations can be obtained. Although the probability of ~75 % is not so high, it is affected by the completeness of the SIMBAD database, and we can search for TTSs over the whole sky, over all star forming regions.
72 - M. Guedel 2006
We test models for the generation of X-rays in accreting T Tauri stars (TTS), using X-ray data from the classical TTS T Tau. High-resolution spectroscopy from the Reflection Grating Spectrometers on XMM-Newton is used to infer electron densities, element abundances and the thermal structure of the X-ray source. We also discuss the ultraviolet light curve obtained by the Optical Monitor, and complementary ground-based photometry. A high-resolution image from Chandra constrains contributions from the two companions of T Tau N. The X-ray grating spectrum is rich in emission lines, but shows an unusual mixture of features from very hot (~30 MK) and very cool (1-3 MK) plasma, both emitted by similar amounts of emission measure. The cool plasma confirms the picture of a soft excess in the form of an enhanced OVII/OVIII Lya flux ratio, similar to that previously reported for other accreting TTS. Diagnostics from lines formed by this plasma indicate low electron densities (<~ 1E10 cm-3). The Ne/Fe abundance ratio is consistent with a trend in pre-main sequence stars in which this ratio depends on spectral type, but not on accretion. On the basis of line density diagnostics, we conclude that the density of the cool ``soft-excess plasma is orders of magnitude below that predicted for an accretion shock, assuming previously determined accretion rates of (3-6)E-8 M_sun/y. We argue that loading of magnetic field lines with infalling material suppresses the heating process in a part of the corona. We thus suggest that the X-ray production of T Tau is influenced by the accretion process although the X-rays may not form in the bulk of the accretion footpoints.
Young stars emit strong flares of X-ray radiation that penetrate the surface layers of their associated protoplanetary disks. It is still an open question as to whether flares create significant changes in disk chemical composition. We present models of the time-evolving chemistry of gas-phase water during X-ray flaring events. The chemistry is modeled at point locations in the disk between 1 and 50 au at vertical heights ranging from the mid-plane to the surface. We find that strong, rare flares, i.e., those that increase the unattenuated X-ray ionization rate by a factor of 100 every few years, can temporarily increase the gas-phase water abundance relative to H can by more than a factor of $sim3-5$ along the disk surface (Z/R $ge$ 0.3). We report that a typical flare, i.e., those that increase the unattenuated X-ray ionization rate by a factor of a few every few weeks, will not lead to significant, observable changes. Dissociative recombination of H$_3$O$^+$, water adsorption and desorption onto dust grains, and ultraviolet photolysis of water and related species are found to be the three dominant processes regulating the gas-phase water abundance. While the changes are found to be significant, we find that the effect on gas phase water abundances throughout the disk is short-lived (days). Even though we do not see a substantial increase in long term water (gas and ice) production, the flares large effects may be detectable as time varying inner disk water bursts at radii between 5 and 30 au with future far infrared observations.
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