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Improved Balanced Flow Computation Using Parametric Flow

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 Added by Omar Darwish
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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We present a new algorithm for computing balanced flows in equality networks arising in market equilibrium computations. The current best time bound for computing balanced flows in such networks requires $O(n)$ maxflow computations, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the network [Devanur et al. 2008]. Our algorithm requires only a single parametric flow computation. The best algorithm for computing parametric flows [Gallo et al. 1989] is only by a logarithmic factor slower than the best algorithms for computing maxflows. Hence, the running time of the algorithms in [Devanur et al. 2008] and [Duan and Mehlhorn 2015] for computing market equilibria in linear Fisher and Arrow-Debreu markets improve by almost a factor of $n$.

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81 - Yossi Azar , Noam Touitou 2017
We discuss one of the most fundamental scheduling problem of processing jobs on a single machine to minimize the weighted flow time (weighted response time). Our main result is a $O(log P)$-competitive algorithm, where $P$ is the maximum-to-minimum processing time ratio, improving upon the $O(log^{2}P)$-competitive algorithm of Chekuri, Khanna and Zhu (STOC 2001). We also design a $O(log D)$-competitive algorithm, where $D$ is the maximum-to-minimum density ratio of jobs. Finally, we show how to combine these results with the result of Bansal and Dhamdhere (SODA 2003) to achieve a $O(log(min(P,D,W)))$-competitive algorithm (where $W$ is the maximum-to-minimum weight ratio), without knowing $P,D,W$ in advance. As shown by Bansal and Chan (SODA 2009), no constant-competitive algorithm is achievable for this problem.
451 - Jer^ome Leroux 2008
Acceleration in symbolic verification consists in computing the exact effect of some control-flow loops in order to speed up the iterative fix-point computation of reachable states. Even if no termination guarantee is provided in theory, successful results were obtained in practice by different tools implementing this framework. In this paper, the acceleration framework is extended to data-flow analysis. Compared to a classical widening/narrowing-based abstract interpretation, the loss of precision is controlled here by the choice of the abstract domain and does not depend on the way the abstract value is computed. Our approach is geared towards precision, but we dont loose efficiency on the way. Indeed, we provide a cubic-time acceleration-based algorithm for solving interval constraints with full multiplication.
In 2013, Orlin proved that the max flow problem could be solved in $O(nm)$ time. His algorithm ran in $O(nm + m^{1.94})$ time, which was the fastest for graphs with fewer than $n^{1.06}$ arcs. If the graph was not sufficiently sparse, the fastest running time was an algorithm due to King, Rao, and Tarjan. We describe a new variant of the excess scaling algorithm for the max flow problem whose running time strictly dominates the running time of the algorithm by King et al. Moreover, for graphs in which $m = O(n log n)$, the running time of our algorithm dominates that of King et al. by a factor of $O(loglog n)$.
In wet-lab experiments, the slime mold Physarum polycephalum has demonstrated its ability to solve shortest path problems and to design efficient networks. For the shortest path problem, a mathematical model for the evolution of the slime is available and it has been shown in computer experiments and through mathematical analysis that the dynamics solves the shortest path problem. In this paper, we introduce a dynamics for the network design problem. We formulate network design as the problem of constructing a network that efficiently supports a multi-commodity flow problem. We investigate the dynamics in computer simulations and analytically. The simulations show that the dynamics is able to construct efficient and elegant networks. In the theoretical part we show that the dynamics minimizes an objective combining the cost of the network and the cost of routing the demands through the network. We also give alternative characterization of the optimum solution.
We design a Local Computation Algorithm (LCA) for the set cover problem. Given a set system where each set has size at most $s$ and each element is contained in at most $t$ sets, the algorithm reports whether a given set is in some fixed set cover whose expected size is $O(log{s})$ times the minimum fractional set cover value. Our algorithm requires $s^{O(log{s})} t^{O(log{s} cdot (log log{s} + log log{t}))}$ queries. This result improves upon the application of the reduction of [Parnas and Ron, TCS07] on the result of [Kuhn et al., SODA06], which leads to a query complexity of $(st)^{O(log{s} cdot log{t})}$. To obtain this result, we design a parallel set cover algorithm that admits an efficient simulation in the LCA model by using a sparsification technique introduced in [Ghaffari and Uitto, SODA19] for the maximal independent set problem. The parallel algorithm adds a random subset of the sets to the solution in a style similar to the PRAM algorithm of [Berger et al., FOCS89]. However, our algorithm differs in the way that it never revokes its decisions, which results in a fewer number of adaptive rounds. This requires a novel approximation analysis which might be of independent interest.
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