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We study the properties of operators in a unitary conformal field theory whose scaling dimensions approach each other for some values of the parameters and satisfy von Neumann-Wigner non-crossing rule. We argue that the scaling dimensions of such operators and their OPE coefficients have a universal scaling behavior in the vicinity of the crossing point. We demonstrate that the obtained relations are in a good agreement with the known examples of the level-crossing phenomenon in maximally supersymmetric $mathcal N=4$ Yang-Mills theory, three-dimensional conformal field theories and QCD.
Supersymmetric theories with the same bosonic content but different fermions, aka emph{twins}, were thought to exist only for supergravity. Here we show that pairs of super conformal field theories, for example exotic $mathcal{N}=3$ and $mathcal{N}=1$ theories in $D=4$ spacetime dimensions, can also be twin. We provide evidence from three different perspectives: (i) a twin S-fold construction, (ii) a double-copy argument and (iii) by identifying candidate twin holographically dual gauged supergravity theories. Furthermore, twin W-supergravity theories then follow by applying the double-copy prescription to exotic super conformal field theories.
We extend the work of Hellerman (arxiv:0902.2790) to derive an upper bound on the conformal dimension $Delta_2$ of the next-to-lowest nontrival primary operator in unitary two-dimensional conformal field theories without chiral primary operators. The bound we find is of the same form as found for $Delta_1$: $Delta_2 leq c_{tot}/12 + O(1)$. We find a similar bound on the conformal dimension $Delta_3$, and present a method for deriving bounds on $Delta_n$ for any $n$, under slightly modified assumptions. For asymptotically large $c_{tot}$ and fixed $n$, we show that $Delta_n leq frac{c_{tot}}{12}+O(1)$. We conclude with a brief discussion of the gravitational implications of these results.
Following on from earlier work relating modules of meromorphic bosonic conformal field theories to states representing solutions of certain simple equations inside the theories, we show, in the context of orbifold theories, that the intertwiners between twisted sectors are unique and described explicitly in terms of the states corresponding to the relevant modules. No explicit knowledge of the structure of the twisted sectors is required. Further, we propose a general set of sufficiency conditions, illustrated in the context of a third order no-fixed-point twist of a lattice theory, for verifying consistency of arbitrary orbifold models in terms of the states representing the twisted sectors.
We study constraints coming from the modular invariance of the partition function of two-dimensional conformal field theories. We constrain the spectrum of CFTs in the presence of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic currents using the semi-definite programming. In particular, we find the bounds on the twist gap for the non-current primaries depend dramatically on the presence of holomorphic currents, showing numerous kinks and peaks. Various rational CFTs are realized at the numerical boundary of the twist gap, saturating the upper limits on the degeneracies. Such theories include Wess-Zumino-Witten models for the Delignes exceptional series, the Monster CFT and the Baby Monster CFT. We also study modular constraints imposed by $mathcal{W}$-algebras of various type and observe that the bounds on the gap depend on the choice of $mathcal{W}$-algebra in the small central charge region.
The loss of criticality in the form of weak first-order transitions or the end of the conformal window in gauge theories can be described as the merging of two fixed points that move to complex values of the couplings. When the complex fixed points are close to the real axis, the system typically exhibits walking behavior with Miransky (or Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless) scaling. We present a novel realization of these phenomena at strong coupling by means of the gauge/gravity duality, and give evidence for the conjectured existence of complex conformal field theories at the fixed points.