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We propose a conservative two-dimensional particle model in which particles carry a continuous and classical spin. The model includes standard ferromagnetic interactions between spins of two different particles, and a nonstandard coupling between spin and velocity of the same particle inspired by the coupling observed in self-propelled hard discs. Because of this coupling Galilean invariance is broken and the conserved linear momentum associated to translation invariance is not proportional to the velocity of the center of mass. Also, the dynamics is not invariant under a global rotation of the spins alone. This, in principle, leaves room for collective motion and thus raises the question whether collective motion can arise in Hamiltonian systems. We study the statistical mechanics of such a system, and show that, in the fully connected (or mean-field) case, a transition to collective motion does exist in spite of momentum conservation. Interestingly, the velocity of the center of mass, which in the absence of Galilean invariance, is a relevant variable, also feeds back on the magnetization properties, as it acts as an external magnetic field that smoothens the transition. Molecular dynamics simulations of finite size systems indeed reveal a rich phase diagram, with a transition from a disordered to a homogeneous polar phase, but also more complex inhomogeneous phases with local order interrupted by topological defects.
We review the observations and the basic laws describing the essential aspects of collective motion -- being one of the most common and spectacular manifestation of coordinated behavior. Our aim is to provide a balanced discussion of the various facets of this highly multidisciplinary field, including experiments, mathematical methods and models for simulations, so that readers with a variety of background could get both the basics and a broader, more detailed picture of the field. The observations we report on include systems consisting of units ranging from macromolecules through metallic rods and robots to groups of animals and people. Some emphasis is put on models that are simple and realistic enough to reproduce the numerous related observations and are useful for developing concepts for a better understanding of the complexity of systems consisting of many simultaneously moving entities. As such, these models allow the establishing of a few fundamental principles of flocking. In particular, it is demonstrated, that in spite of considerable differences, a number of deep analogies exist between equilibrium statistical physics systems and those made of self-propelled (in most cases living) units. In both cases only a few well defined macroscopic/collective states occur and the transitions between these states follow a similar scenario, involving discontinuity and algebraic divergences.
In their comment on our work (ArXiv:1912.07056v1), Cavagna textit{et al.} raise several interesting points on the phenomenology of flocks of birds, and conduct additional data analysis to back up their points. In particular, they question the existence of rigid body rotations in flocks of birds. In this reply, we first clarify the notions of rigid body rotations, and of rigidity itself. Then, we justify why we believe that it is legitimate to wonder about their importance when studying the spatial correlations between speeds in flocks of birds.
We study a $2d$ Hamiltonian fluid made of particles carrying spins coupled to their velocities. At low temperatures and intermediate densities, this conservative system exhibits phase coexistence between a collectively moving droplet and a still gas. The particle displacements within the droplet have remarkably similar correlations to those of birds flocks. The center of mass behaves as an effective self-propelled particle, driven by the droplets total magnetization. The conservation of a generalized angular momentum leads to rigid rotations, opposite to the fluctuations of the magnetization orientation that, however small, are responsible for the shape and scaling of the correlations.
The rectification of a single file of attracting particles subjected to a low frequency ac drive is proposed as a working mechanism for particle shuttling in an asymmetric narrow channel. Increasing the particle attraction results in the file condensing, as signalled by the dramatic enhancement of the net particle current. Magnitude and direction of the current become extremely sensitive to the actual size of the condensate, which can then be made to shuttle between two docking stations, transporting particles in one direction, with an efficiency much larger than conventional diffusive models predict.
Langevin equations for the self-thermophoretic dynamics of Janus motors partially coated with an absorbing layer that is heated by a radiation field are presented. The derivation of these equations is based on fluctuating hydrodynamics and radiative heat transfer theory involving stochastic equations for bulk phases and surface processes that are consistent with microscopic reversibility. Expressions for the self-thermophoretic force and torque for arbitrary slip boundary conditions are obtained. The overdamped Langevin equations for the colloid displacement and radiative heat transfer provide expressions for the self-thermophoretic velocity and its reciprocal contribution where an external force can influence the radiative heat transfer. A nonequilibrium fluctuation formula is also derived and shows how the probability density of the Janus particle displacement and radiation energy transfer during the time interval [0,t] are related to the mechanical and thermal affinities that characterize the nonequilibrium system state.