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Chondrule Formation via Impact Jetting Triggered by Planetary Accretion

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 Added by Yasuhiro Hasegawa
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Chondrules are one of the most primitive elements that can serve as a fundamental clue as to the origin of our Solar system. We investigate a formation scenario of chondrules that involves planetesimal collisions and the resultant impact jetting. Planetesimal collisions are the main agent to regulate planetary accretion that corresponds to the formation of terrestrial planets and cores of gas giants. The key component of this scenario is that ejected materials can melt when the impact velocity between colliding planetesimals exceeds about 2.5 km s$^{-1}$. The previous simulations show that the process is efficient enough to reproduce the primordial abundance of chondrules. We examine this scenario carefully by performing semi-analytical calculations that are developed based on the results of direct $N$-body simulations. As found by the previous work, we confirm that planetesimal collisions that occur during planetary accretion can play an important role in forming chondrules. This arises because protoplanet-planetesimal collisions can achieve the impact velocity of about 2.5 km s$^{-1}$ or higher, as protoplanets approach the isolation mass ($M_{p,iso}$). Assuming that the ejected mass is a fraction ($F_{ch}$) of colliding planetesimals mass, we show that the resultant abundance of chondrules is formulated well by $F_{ch}M_{p,iso}$, as long as the formation of protoplanets is completed within a given disk lifetime. We perform a parameter study and examine how the abundance of chondrules and their formation timing change. We find that the impact jetting scenario generally works reasonably well for a certain range of parameters, while more dedicated work would be needed to include other physical processes that are neglected in this work and to examine their effects on chondrule formation.

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Understanding chondrule formation provides invaluable clues about the origin of the solar system. Recent studies suggest that planetesimal collisions and the resulting impact melts are promising for forming chondrules. Given that the dynamics of planetesimals is a key in impact-based chondrule formation scenarios, we here perform direct $N$-body simulations to examine how the presence of Jupiter affects the properties of chondrule-forming collisions. Our results show that the absence/presence of Jupiter considerably changes the properties of high velocity collisions whose impact velocities are higher than 2.5 km s$^{-1}$; high velocity collisions occur due to impacts between protoplanets and planetesimals for the case without Jupiter; for the case with Jupiter, eccentricities of planetesimals are pumped up by the secular and resonant perturbations from Jupiter. We also categorize the resulting planetesimal collisions and find that most of high velocity collisions are classified as grazing ones for both cases. To examine the effect of Jupiter on chondrule formation directly, we adopt the impact jetting scenario and compute the resulting abundance of chondrules. Our results show that for the case without Jupiter, chondrule formation proceeds in the inside-out manner, following the growth of protoplanets. If Jupiter is present, the location and timing of chondrule formation are determined by Jupiters eccentricity, which is treated as a free parameter in our simulations. Thus, the existence of Jupiter is the key parameter for specifying when and where chondrule formation occurs for impact-based scenarios.
181 - Anders Johansen 2015
Chondrules are millimeter-sized spherules that dominate primitive meteorites (chondrites) originating from the asteroid belt. The incorporation of chondrules into asteroidal bodies must be an important step in planet formation, but the mechanism is not understood. We show that the main growth of asteroids can result from gas-drag-assisted accretion of chondrules. The largest planetesimals of a population with a characteristic radius of 100 km undergo run-away accretion of chondrules within ~3 Myr, forming planetary embryos up to Mars sizes along with smaller asteroids whose size distribution matches that of main belt asteroids. The aerodynamical accretion leads to size-sorting of chondrules consistent with chondrites. Accretion of mm-sized chondrules and ice particles drives the growth of planetesimals beyond the ice line as well, but the growth time increases above the disk life time outside of 25 AU. The contribution of direct planetesimal accretion to the growth of both asteroids and Kuiper belt objects is minor. In contrast, planetesimal accretion and chondrule accretion play more equal roles for the formation of Moon-sized embryos in the terrestrial planet formation region. These embryos are isolated from each other and accrete planetesimals only at a low rate. However, the continued accretion of chondrules destabilizes the oligarchic configuration and leads to the formation of Mars-sized embryos and terrestrial planets by a combination of direct chondrule accretion and giant impacts.
264 - Tim Lichtenberg 2017
Chondrules are the dominant bulk silicate constituent of chondritic meteorites and originate from highly energetic, local processes during the first million years after the birth of the Sun. So far, an astrophysically consistent chondrule formation scenario, explaining major chemical, isotopic and textural features, remains elusive. Here, we examine the prospect of forming chondrules from planetesimal collisions. We show that intensely melted bodies with interior magma oceans became rapidly chemically equilibrated and physically differentiated. Therefore, collisional interactions among such bodies would have resulted in chondrule-like but basaltic spherules, which are not observed in the meteoritic record. This inconsistency with the expected dynamical interactions hints at an incomplete understanding of the planetary growth regime during the protoplanetary disk phase. To resolve this conundrum, we examine how the observed chemical and isotopic features of chondrules constrain the dynamical environment of accreting chondrite parent bodies by interpreting the meteoritic record as an impact-generated proxy of planetesimals that underwent repeated collision and reaccretion cycles. Using a coupled evolution-collision model we demonstrate that the vast majority of collisional debris feeding the asteroid main belt must be derived from planetesimals which were partially molten at maximum. Therefore, the precursors of chondrite parent bodies either formed primarily small, from sub-canonical aluminum-26 reservoirs, or collisional destruction mechanisms were efficient enough to shatter planetesimals before they reached the magma ocean phase. Finally, we outline the window in parameter space for which chondrule formation from planetesimal collisions can be reconciled with the meteoritic record and how our results can be used to further constrain early solar system dynamics.
Chondrules are silicate spheroids found in meteorites, serving as important fossil records of the early solar system. In order to form chondrules, chondrule precursors must be heated to temperatures much higher than the typical conditions in the current asteroid belt. One proposed mechanism for chondrule heating is the passage through bow shocks of highly eccentric planetesimals in the protoplanetary disk in the early solar system. However, it is difficult for planetesimals to gain and maintain such high eccentricities. In this paper, we present a new scenario in which planetesimals in the asteroid belt region are excited to high eccentricities by the Jovian sweeping secular resonance in a depleting disk, leading to efficient formation of chondrules. We study the orbital evolution of planetesimals in the disk using semi-analytic models and numerical simulations. We investigate the dependence of eccentricity excitation on the planetesimals size as well as the physical environment, and calculate the probability for chondrule formation. We find that 50 - 2000 km planetesimals can obtain eccentricities larger than 0.6 and cause effective chondrule heating. Most chondrules form in high velocity shocks, in low density gas, and in the inner disk. The fraction of chondrule precursors which become chondrules is about 4 - 9 % between 1.5 - 3 AU. Our model implies that the disk depletion timescale is $tau_mathrm{dep}approx 1~mathrm{Myr}$, comparable to the age spread of chondrules; and that Jupiter formed before chondrules, no more than 0.7 Myr after the formation of the CAIs.
It is proposed that planetesimals perturbed by Jovian mean-motion resonances are the source of shock waves that form chondrules. It is considered that this shock-induced chondrule formation requires the velocity of the planetesimal relative to the gas disk to be on the order of > 7 km/s at 1 AU. In previous studies on planetesimal excitation, the effects of Jovian mean-motion resonance together with the gas drag were investigated, but the velocities obtained were at most 8 km/s in the asteroid belt, which is insufficient to account for the ubiquitous existence of chondrules. In this paper, we reexamine the effect of Jovian resonances and take into account the secular resonance in the asteroid belt caused by the gravity of the gas disk. We find that the velocities relative to the gas disk of planetesimals a few hundred kilometers in size exceed 12 km/s, and that this is achieved around the 3:1 mean-motion resonance. The heating region is restricted to a relatively narrow band between 1.5 AU and 3.5 AU. Our results suggest that chondrules were produced effectively in the asteroid region after Jovian formation. We also find that many planetesimals are scattered far beyond Neptune. Our findings can explain the presence of crystalline silicate in comets if the scattered planetesimals include silicate dust processed by shock heating.
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