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Laser Transmission Studies with Magnetic Nanofluids

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 Added by Radha Srinivasan
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Transmission of He-Ne (632 nm, 10 mW) Gaussian laser beam through Hexane and Water based magnetic nanofluids containing Fe3O4 nanoparticles show strong non-linear and magneto-optical effects. Application of external magnetic field (up to 1.7 Wb/m2) perpendicular to the incident laser beam produces a change in forward scattered pattern of the incident laser beam. Dependence of forward scattered patterns in presence of external magnetic field has been studied. Image processing has been carried out to understand spatial distribution of the forward scattered patterns and temporal evolution of patterns involving particle image velocimetry technique. Change in non-linear refractive index is estimated for samples showing self-diffraction arising from higher order non-linear optical effect. Observed effects are useful for understanding light scattering from magnetic nanofluids and developing optofluidic devices and sensors.

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We report the creation and real-space observation of magnetic structures with well-defined topological properties and a lateral size as low as about 150 nm. They are generated in a thin ferrimagnetic film by ultrashort single optical laser pulses. Thanks to their topological properties, such structures can be classified as Skyrmions of a particular type that does not require an externally applied magnetic field for stabilization. Besides Skyrmions, we are able to generate magnetic features with topological characteristics that can be tuned by changing the laser fluence. The stability of such features is accounted for by an analytical model based on the interplay between the exchange and the magnetic dipole-dipole interactions
In this work, we demonstrate that the nonlinear response of certain soft-matter systems can be tailored at will by appropriately engineering their optical polarizability. In particular, we deliberately synthesize stable colloidal suspensions with negative polarizabilities, and observe for the first time robust propagation and enhanced transmission of self-trapped light over long distances that would have been otherwise impossible in conventional suspensions with positive polarizabilities. What greatly facilitates this behavior is an induced saturable nonlinear optical response introduced by the thermodynamic properties of these colloidal systems. This in turn leads to a substantial reduction in scattering via self-activated transparency effects. Our results may open up new opportunities in developing soft-matter systems with tunable optical nonlinearities.
512 - David Hillerkuss 2012
We demonstrate 32.5 Tbit/s 16QAM Nyquist WDM transmission over a total length of 227 km of SMF-28 without optical dispersion compensation. A number of 325 optical carriers are derived from a single laser and encoded with dual-polarization 16QAM data using sinc-shaped Nyquist pulses. As we use no guard bands, the carriers have a spacing of 12.5 GHz equal to the Nyquist bandwidth of the data. We achieve a high net spectral efficiency of 6.4 bit/s/Hz using a software-defined transmitter which generates the electrical modulator drive signals in real-time.
91 - J. Tielke , M. Maas , M. Castillo 2021
Nanofluids are suspensions of nanoparticles in a base heat-transfer liquid. They have been widely investigated to boost heat transfer since they were proposed in the 1990s. We present a statistical correlation analysis of experimentally measured thermal conductivity of water-based nanofluids available in the literature. The influences of particle concentration, particle size, temperature and surfactants are investigated. For specific materials (alumina, titania, copper oxide, copper, silica and silicon carbide), separate analyses are performed. The conductivity increases with the concentration in qualitative agreement with Maxwells theory of homogeneous media. The conductivity also increases with the temperature (in addition to the improvement due to the increased conductivity with water). Surprisingly, only silica nanofluids exhibit a statistically significant effect of particle size, whereby smaller particles lead to faster heat transfer. Overall, the large scatter in the experimental data prevents a compelling, unambiguous assessment of these effects. Taken together, the results of our analysis suggest that more comprehensive experimental characterizations of nanofluids are necessary to estimate their practical potential.
We describe colloidal Janus particles with metallic and dielectric faces that swim vigorously when illuminated by defocused optical tweezers without consuming any chemical fuel. Rather than wandering randomly, these optically-activated colloidal swimmers circulate back and forth through the beam of light, tracing out sinuous rosette patterns. We propose a model for this mode of light-activated transport that accounts for the observed behavior through a combination of self-thermophoresis and optically-induced torque. In the deterministic limit, this model yields trajectories that resemble rosette curves known as hypotrochoids.
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