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Local structure can identify and quantify influential global spreaders in large scale social networks

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 Added by Shenggong Ji
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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Measuring and optimizing the influence of nodes in big-data online social networks are important for many practical applications, such as the viral marketing and the adoption of new products. As the viral spreading on social network is a global process, it is commonly believed that measuring the influence of nodes inevitably requires the knowledge of the entire network. Employing percolation theory, we show that the spreading process displays a nucleation behavior: once a piece of information spread from the seeds to more than a small characteristic number of nodes, it reaches a point of no return and will quickly reach the percolation cluster, regardless of the entire network structure, otherwise the spreading will be contained locally. Thus, we find that, without the knowledge of entire network, any nodes global influence can be accurately measured using this characteristic number, which is independent of the network size. This motivates an efficient algorithm with constant time complexity on the long standing problem of best seed spreaders selection, with performance remarkably close to the true optimum.

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214 - Qi Zeng , Ying Liu , Liming Pan 2021
Identifying the most influential spreaders is important to understand and control the spreading process in a network. As many real-world complex systems can be modeled as multilayer networks, the question of identifying important nodes in multilayer network has attracted much attention. Existing studies focus on the multilayer network structure, while neglecting how the structural and dynamical coupling of multiple layers influence the dynamical importance of nodes in the network. Here we investigate on this question in an information-disease coupled spreading dynamics on multiplex networks. Firstly, we explicitly reveal that three interlayer coupling factors, which are the two-layer relative spreading speed, the interlayer coupling strength and the two-layer degree correlation, significantly impact the spreading influence of a node on the contact layer. The suppression effect from the information layer makes the structural centrality on the contact layer fail to predict the spreading influence of nodes in the multiplex network. Then by mapping the coevolving spreading dynamics into percolation process and using the message-passing approach, we propose a method to calculate the size of the disease outbreaks from a single seed node, which can be used to estimate the nodes spreading influence in the coevolving dynamics. Our work provides insights on the importance of nodes in the multiplex network and gives a feasible framework to investigate influential spreaders in the asymmetrically coevolving dynamics.
Identifying the most influential spreaders that maximize information flow is a central question in network theory. Recently, a scalable method called Collective Influence (CI) has been put forward through collective influence maximization. In contrast to heuristic methods evaluating nodes significance separately, CI method inspects the collective influence of multiple spreaders. Despite that CI applies to the influence maximization problem in percolation model, it is still important to examine its efficacy in realistic information spreading. Here, we examine real-world information flow in various social and scientific platforms including American Physical Society, Facebook, Twitter and LiveJournal. Since empirical data cannot be directly mapped to ideal multi-source spreading, we leverage the behavioral patterns of users extracted from data to construct virtual information spreading processes. Our results demonstrate that the set of spreaders selected by CI can induce larger scale of information propagation. Moreover, local measures as the number of connections or citations are not necessarily the deterministic factors of nodes importance in realistic information spreading. This result has significance for rankings scientists in scientific networks like the APS, where the commonly used number of citations can be a poor indicator of the collective influence of authors in the community.
158 - Qian Li , Tao Zhou , Linyuan Lv 2013
Identifying influential spreaders is crucial for understanding and controlling spreading processes on social networks. Via assigning degree-dependent weights onto links associated with the ground node, we proposed a variant to a recent ranking algorithm named LeaderRank [L. Lv et al., PLoS ONE 6 (2011) e21202]. According to the simulations on the standard SIR model, the weighted LeaderRank performs better than LeaderRank in three aspects: (i) the ability to find out more influential spreaders, (ii) the higher tolerance to noisy data, and (iii) the higher robustness to intentional attacks.
The COVID-19 infection cases have surged globally, causing devastations to both the society and economy. A key factor contributing to the sustained spreading is the presence of a large number of asymptomatic or hidden spreaders, who mix among the susceptible population without being detected or quarantined. Here we propose an effective non-pharmacological intervention method of detecting the asymptomatic spreaders in contact-tracing networks, and validated it on the empirical COVID-19 spreading network in Singapore. We find that using pure physical spreading equations, the hidden spreaders of COVID-19 can be identified with remarkable accuracy. Specifically, based on the unique characteristics of COVID-19 spreading dynamics, we propose a computational framework capturing the transition probabilities among different infectious states in a network, and extend it to an efficient algorithm to identify asymptotic individuals. Our simulation results indicate that a screening method using our prediction outperforms machine learning algorithms, e.g. graph neural networks, that are designed as baselines in this work, as well as random screening of infections closest contacts widely used by China in its early outbreak. Furthermore, our method provides high precision even with incomplete information of the contract-tracing networks. Our work can be of critical importance to the non-pharmacological interventions of COVID-19, especially with increasing adoptions of contact tracing measures using various new technologies. Beyond COVID-19, our framework can be useful for other epidemic diseases that also feature asymptomatic spreading
The overwhelming success of online social networks, the key actors in the Web 2.0 cosmos, has reshaped human interactions globally. To help understand the fundamental mechanisms which determine the fate of online social networks at the system level, we describe the digital world as a complex ecosystem of interacting networks. In this paper, we study the impact of heterogeneity in network fitnesses on the competition between an international network, such as Facebook, and local services. The higher fitness of international networks is induced by their ability to attract users from all over the world, which can then establish social interactions without the limitations of local networks. In other words, inter-country social ties lead to increased fitness of the international network. To study the competition between an international network and local ones, we construct a 1:1000 scale model of the digital world, consisting of the 80 countries with the most Internet users. Under certain conditions, this leads to the extinction of local networks; whereas under different conditions, local networks can persist and even dominate completely. In particular, our model suggests that, with the parameters that best reproduce the empirical overtake of Facebook, this overtake could have not taken place with a significant probability.
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