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Classical Computation by Quantum Bits

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 Added by Sougato Bose
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Atomic-scale logic and the minimization of heating (dissipation) are both very high on the agenda for future computation hardware. An approach to achieve these would be to replace networks of transistors directly by classical reversible logic gates built from the coherent dynamics of a few interacting atoms. As superpositions are unnecessary before and after each such gate (inputs and outputs are bits), the dephasing time only needs to exceed a single gate operation time, while fault tolerance should be achieved with low overhead, by classical coding. Such gates could thus be a spin-off of quantum technology much before full-scale quantum computation. Thus motivated, we propose methods to realize the 3-bit Toffoli and Fredkin gates universal for classical reversible logic using a single time-independent 3-qubit Hamiltonian with realistic nearest neighbour two-body interactions. We also exemplify how these gates can be composed to make a larger circuit. We show that trapped ions may soon be scalable simulators for such architectures, and investigate the prospects with dopants in silicon.

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88 - Christof Wetterich 2021
A simple probabilistic cellular automaton is shown to be equivalent to a relativistic fermionic quantum field theory with interactions. Occupation numbers for fermions are classical bits or Ising spins. The automaton acts deterministically on bit configurations. The genuinely probabilistic character of quantum physics is realized by probabilistic initial conditions. In turn, the probabilistic automaton is equivalent to the classical statistical system of a generalized Ising model. For a description of the probabilistic information at any given time quantum concepts as wave functions and non-commuting operators for observables emerge naturally. Quantum mechanics can be understood as a particular case of classical statistics. This offers prospects to realize aspects of quantum computing in the form of probabilistic classical computing.
We present a new approach to scalable quantum computing--a ``qubus computer--which realises qubit measurement and quantum gates through interacting qubits with a quantum communication bus mode. The qubits could be ``static matter qubits or ``flying optical qubits, but the scheme we focus on here is particularly suited to matter qubits. There is no requirement for direct interaction between the qubits. Universal two-qubit quantum gates may be effected by schemes which involve measurement of the bus mode, or by schemes where the bus disentangles automatically and no measurement is needed. In effect, the approach integrates together qubit degrees of freedom for computation with quantum continuous variables for communication and interaction.
155 - Andrew M. Childs 2008
In some of the earliest work on quantum mechanical computers, Feynman showed how to implement universal quantum computation by the dynamics of a time-independent Hamiltonian. I show that this remains possible even if the Hamiltonian is restricted to be a sparse matrix with all entries equal to 0 or 1, i.e., the adjacency matrix of a low-degree graph. Thus quantum walk can be regarded as a universal computational primitive, with any desired quantum computation encoded entirely in some underlying graph. The main idea of the construction is to implement quantum gates by scattering processes.
296 - Hai-Ru Xu , Bang-Hai Wang 2014
Blind quantum computation allows a client without enough quantum technologies to delegate her quantum computation to a remote quantum server, while keeping her input, output and algorithm secure. In this paper, we propose a universal single-server and almost-classical-client blind quantum computation protocol. In this protocol, the client interfaces with only one server and the only ability of the client required is to get particles from the trusted center and forward them to the server. We present an analysis of this protocol and modify it to a universal single-server and fully-classical-client blind quantum computation protocol by improving the ability of the trusted center. Based on our protocols and recent works, a new Cloud + Certificate Authority (CA) style is proposed for the blind quantum computation.
Classical reversible circuits, acting on $w$~bits, are represented by permutation matrices of size $2^w times 2^w$. Those matrices form the group P($2^w$), isomorphic to the symmetric group {bf S}$_{2^w}$. The permutation group P($n$), isomorphic to {bf S}$_n$, contains cycles with length~$p$, ranging from~1 to $L(n)$, where $L(n)$ is the so-called Landau function. By Lagrange interpolation between the $p$~matrices of the cycle, we step from a finite cyclic group of order~$p$ to a 1-dimensional Lie group, subgroup of the unitary group U($n$). As U($2^w$) is the group of all possible quantum circuits, acting on $w$~qubits, such interpolation is a natural way to step from classical computation to quantum computation.
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