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Stimulated Brillouin scattering revisited: Strong coupling regime and Rabi splitting

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 Added by Thibaut Sylvestre
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical waveguides is a fundamental interaction between light and acoustic waves mediated by electrostriction and photoelasticity. In this paper, we revisit the usual theory of this inelastic scattering process to get a joint system in which the acoustic wave is strongly coupled to the interference pattern between the optical waves. We show in particular that, when the optoacoustic coupling rate is comparable to the phonon damping rate, the system enters in the strong coupling regime, giving rise to avoided crossing of the dispersion curve and Rabi-like splitting. We further find that optoacoustic Rabi splitting could in principle be observed using backward stimulated Brillouin scattering in sub-wavelength diameter tapered optical fibers with moderate peak pump power.

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We compute the SBS gain for a metamaterial comprising a cubic lattice of dielectric spheres suspended in a background dielectric material. Theoretical methods are presented to calculate the optical, acoustic, and opto-acoustic parameters that describe the SBS properties of the material at long wavelengths. Using the electromagnetic and strain energy densities we accurately characterise the optical and acoustic properties of the metamaterial. From a combination of energy density methods and perturbation theory, we recover the appropriate terms of the photoelastic tensor for the metamaterial. We demonstrate that electrostriction is not necessarily the dominant mechanism in the enhancement and suppression of the SBS gain coefficient in a metamaterial, and that other parameters, such as the Brillouin linewidth, can dominate instead. Examples are presented that exhibit an order of magnitude enhancement in the SBS gain as well as perfect suppression.
Using full opto-acoustic numerical simulations, we demonstrate enhancement and suppression of the SBS gain in a metamaterial comprising a subwavelength cubic array of dielectric spheres suspended in a dielectric background material. We develop a general theoretical framework and present several numerical examples using technologically important materials. For As$_2$S$_3$ spheres in silicon, we achieve a gain enhancement of more than an order of magnitude compared to pure silicon, and for GaAs spheres in silicon, full suppression is obtained. The gain for As$_2$S$_3$ glass can also be strongly suppressed by embedding silica spheres. The constituent terms of the gain coefficient are shown to depend in a complex way on the filling fraction. We find that electrostriction is the dominant effect behind the control of SBS in bulk media.
321 - William Loh , Scott B. Papp , 2014
We use theoretical analysis and numerical simulation to investigate the operation of a laser oscillating from gain supplied by stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in a microresonator. The interaction of the forward, backward, and density waves within the microresonator results in a set of coupled-mode equations describing both the lasers phase and amplitude evolution over time. Using this coupled-mode formalism, we investigate the performance of the SBS laser under noise perturbation and identify the fundamental parameters and their optimization to enable low-noise SBS operation. The intrinsic laser linewidth, which is primarily limited by incoherent thermal occupation of the density wave, can be of order hertz or below. Our analysis also determines the SBS lasers relaxation oscillation, which results from the coupling between the optical and density waves, and appears as a resonance in both the phase and amplitude quadratures. We further explore contributions of the pump noise to the SBS lasers performance, which we find under most circumstances to increase the SBS laser noise beyond its fundamental limits. By tightly stabilizing the pump laser onto the microcavity resonance, the transfer of pump noise is significantly reduced. Our analysis is both supported and extended through numerical simulations of the SBS laser.
Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) has been demonstrated in silicon waveguides in recent years. However, due to the weak interaction between photons and acoustic phonons in these waveguides, long interaction length is typically necessary. Here, we experimentally show that forward stimulated Brillouin scattering in a short interaction length of a 20 um radius silicon microring resonator could give 1.2 dB peak gain at only 10mW coupled pump power. The experimental results demonstrate that both optical and acoustic modes can have efficient interaction in a short interaction length. The observed Brillouin gain varies with coupled pump power in good agreement with theoretical prediction. The work shows the potential of SBS in silicon for moving the demonstrated fiber SBS applications to the integrated silicon photonics platform.
We theoretically investigate a new class of silicon waveguides for achieving Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) in the mid-infrared (MIR). The waveguide consists of a rectangular core supporting a low-loss optical mode, suspended in air by a series of transverse ribs. The ribs are patterned to form a finite quasi-one-dimensional phononic crystal, with the complete stopband suppressing the transverse leakage of acoustic waves, and confining them to the core of the waveguide. We derive a theoretical formalism that can be used to compute the opto-acoustic interaction in such periodic structures, and find forward intramodal-SBS gains up to $1750~text{m}^{-1}text{W}^{-1}$, which compares favorably with the proposed MIR SBS designs based on buried germanium waveguides. This large gain is achieved thanks to the nearly complete suppression of acoustic radiative losses.
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