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A generalized Poisson and Poisson-Boltzmann solver for electrostatic environments

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The computational study of chemical reactions in complex, wet environments is critical for applications in many fields. It is often essential to study chemical reactions in the presence of applied electrochemical potentials, taking into account the non-trivial electrostatic screening coming from the solvent and the electrolytes. As a consequence the electrostatic potential has to be found by solving the generalized Poisson and the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for neutral and ionic solutions, respectively. In the present work solvers for both problems have been developed. A preconditioned conjugate gradient method has been implemented to the generalized Poisson equation and the linear regime of the Poisson-Boltzmann, allowing to solve iteratively the minimization problem with some ten iterations of a ordinary Poisson equation solver. In addition, a self-consistent procedure enables us to solve the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann problem. Both solvers exhibit very high accuracy and parallel efficiency, and allow for the treatment of different boundary conditions, as for example surface systems. The solver has been integrated into the BigDFT and Quantum-ESPRESSO electronic-structure packages and will be released as an independent program, suitable for integration in other codes.

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127 - Bao Wang , Guowei Wei 2016
Developing accurate solvers for the Poisson Boltzmann (PB) model is the first step to make the PB model suitable for implicit solvent simulation. Reducing the grid size influence on the performance of the solver benefits to increasing the speed of solver and providing accurate electrostatics analysis for solvated molecules. In this work, we explore the accurate coarse grid PB solver based on the Greens function treatment of the singular charges, matched interface and boundary (MIB) method for treating the geometric singularities, and posterior electrostatic potential field extension for calculating the reaction field energy. We made our previous PB software, MIBPB, robust and provides almost grid size independent reaction field energy calculation. Large amount of the numerical tests verify the grid size independence merit of the MIBPB software. The advantage of MIBPB software directly make the acceleration of the PB solver from the numerical algorithm instead of utilization of advanced computer architectures. Furthermore, the presented MIBPB software is provided as a free online sever.
We present the open source distributed software package Poisson-Boltzmann Analytical Method (PB-AM), a fully analytical solution to the linearized Poisson Boltzmann equation, for molecules represented as non-overlapping spherical cavities. The PB-AM software package includes the generation of outputs files appropriate for visualization using VMD, a Brownian dynamics scheme that uses periodic boundary conditions to simulate dynamics, the ability to specify docking criteria, and offers two different kinetics schemes to evaluate biomolecular association rate constants. Given that PB-AM defines mutual polarization completely and accurately, it can be refactored as a many-body expansion to explore 2- and 3-body polarization. Additionally, the software has been integrated into the Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS) software package to make it more accessible to a larger group of scientists, educators and students that are more familiar with the APBS framework.
114 - S. Colombi , C. Alard 2017
We propose a new semi-Lagrangian Vlasov-Poisson solver. It employs elements of metric to follow locally the flow and its deformation, allowing one to find quickly and accurately the initial phase-space position $Q(P)$ of any test particle $P$, by expanding at second order the geometry of the motion in the vicinity of the closest element. It is thus possible to reconstruct accurately the phase-space distribution function at any time $t$ and position $P$ by proper interpolation of initial conditions, following Liouville theorem. When distorsion of the elements of metric becomes too large, it is necessary to create new initial conditions along with isotropic elements and repeat the procedure again until next resampling. To speed up the process, interpolation of the phase-space distribution is performed at second order during the transport phase, while third order splines are used at the moments of remapping. We also show how to compute accurately the region of influence of each element of metric with the proper percolation scheme. The algorithm is tested here in the framework of one-dimensional gravitational dynamics but is implemented in such a way that it can be extended easily to four or six-dimensional phase-space. It can also be trivially generalised to plasmas.
112 - P. M. Ricker 2007
We describe a finite-volume method for solving the Poisson equation on oct-tree adaptive meshes using direct solvers for individual mesh blocks. The method is a modified version of the method presented by Huang and Greengard (2000), which works with finite-difference meshes and does not allow for shared boundaries between refined patches. Our algorithm is implemented within the FLASH code framework and makes use of the PARAMESH library, permitting efficient use of parallel computers. We describe the algorithm and present test results that demonstrate its accuracy.
103 - Lijie Ji , Yanlai Chen , Zhenli Xu 2018
In numerical simulations of many charged systems at the micro/nano scale, a common theme is the repeated solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. This task proves challenging, if not entirely infeasible, largely due to the nonlinearity of the equation and the high dimensionality of the physical and parametric domains with the latter emulating the system configuration. In this paper, we for the first time adapt a mathematically rigorous and computationally efficient model order reduction paradigm, the so-called reduced basis method (RBM), to mitigate this challenge. We adopt a finite difference method as the mandatory underlying scheme to produce the {em truth approximations} of the RBM upon which the fast algorithm is built and its performance is measured against. Numerical tests presented in this paper demonstrate the high efficiency and accuracy of the fast algorithm, the reliability of its error estimation, as well as its capability in effectively capturing the boundary layer.
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