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We present a global fit to HERA data on the reduced cross section measured in electron-proton collisions in the region of small Bjorken-$x$: $xle x_0=10^{-2}$ and moderate to high values of the virtuality $Q^2<Q^2_{max}=650$ GeV$^2$. The main dynamical ingredients in the fits are two recently proposed improved BK equations for the description of the small-$x$ evolution of the dipole scattering amplitude. These two new equations provide an all-order resummation of double collinear logarithms that arise beyond leading logarithmic accuracy. We show that a very good description of data is possible in both cases, provided the parent dipole or smallest dipole prescriptions are employed for the running of the coupling.
Fits to the final combined HERA deep-inelastic scattering cross-section data within the conventional DGLAP framework of QCD have shown some tension at low $x$ and low $Q^2$. A resolution of this tension incorporating $ln(1/x)$-resummation terms into the HERAPDF fits is investigated using the xFitter program. The kinematic region where this resummation is important is delineated. Such high-energy resummation not only gives a better description of the data, particularly of the longitudinal structure function $F_L$, it also results in a gluon PDF which is steeply rising at low $x$ for low scales, $Q^2 simeq 2.5$ GeV$^2$, contrary to the fixed-order NLO and NNLO gluon PDF.
We compare methods to resum logarithms in event shape distributions as they have been used in perturbative QCD directly and in effective field theory. We demonstrate that they are equivalent. In showing this equivalence, we are able to put standard soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) formulae for cross sections in momentum space into a novel form more directly comparable with standard QCD formulae, and endow the QCD formulae with dependence on separated hard, jet, and soft scales, providing potential ways to improve estimates of theoretical uncertainty. We show how to compute cross sections in momentum space to keep them as accurate as the corresponding expressions in Laplace space. In particular, we point out that that care is required in truncating differential distributions at N$^k$LL accuracy to ensure they match the accuracy of the corresponding cumulant or Laplace transform. We explain how to avoid such mismatches at N$^k$LL accuracy, and observe why they can also be avoided by working to N$^k$LL$$ accuracy.
We study the photon trident process, where an initial photon turns into an electron-positron pair and a final photon under a nonlinear interaction with a strong plane-wave background field. We show that this process is very similar to double Compton scattering, where an electron interacts with the background field and emits two photons. We also show how the one-step terms can be obtained by resumming the small- and large-$chi$ expansions. We consider a couple of different resummation methods, and also propose new resummations (involving Meijer-G functions) which have the correct type of expansions at both small and large $chi$. These new resummations require relatively few terms to give good precision.
We investigate enhanced EW corrections to inclusive hard processes in the TeV energy region with emphasis on the small-x situation, in which the hard scale Q is significantly smaller than the available energy sqrt{s}= Q/x. We first propose and justify a general factorization formula in which the (double-log) EW form factor at scale Q^2 is factorized from EW parton distribution functions, which satisfy evolution equations of DGLAP type. We then investigate the small-x behavior of the EW parton distributions including the novel ones for non-vanishing t-channel weak isospin T and we compare it with a BFKL-type approach. In either approach we find that large small-x corrections of order alpha_w log x log Q^2/M^2 (M being the EW symmetry breaking scale) are present only for T=2 and not for T=1. This implies that only transverse WW interactions (coupled to T=2) are affected, while the T=1 components feel just the form factor at scale Q^2.
We present a global fit to the structure function F_2 measured in lepton-proton experiments at small values of Bjorken-x, x< 0.01, for all experimentally available values of Q^2, 0.045< Q^2 < 800 GeV^2, using the Balitsky -Kovchegov equation including running coupling corrections. Using our fits to F_2, we reproduce available data for F_L and perform predictions, parameter-free and completely driven by small-x evolution, to the kinematic range relevant for the LHeC.