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Two-dimensional superconductor-insulator quantum phase transitions in an electron-doped cuprate

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 Added by Ariando
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We use ionic liquid-assisted electric field effect to tune the carrier density in an electron-doped cuprate ultrathin film and cause a two-dimensional superconductor-insulator transition (SIT). The low upper critical field in this system allows us to perform magnetic field (B)-induced SIT in the liquid-gated superconducting film. Finite-size scaling analysis indicates that SITs induced both by electric and magnetic field are quantum phase transitions and the transitions are governed by percolation effects - quantum mechanical in the former and classical in the latter case. Compared to the hole-doped cuprates, the SITs in electron-doped system occur at critical sheet resistances (Rc) much lower than the pair quantum resistance RQ=h/(2e)2=6.45 k{Omega}, suggesting the possible existence of fermionic excitations at finite temperature at the insulating phase near SITs.

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A zero-temperature magnetic-field-driven superconductor to insulator transition (SIT) in quasi-two-dimensional superconductors is expected to occur when the applied magnetic-field crosses a certain critical value. A fundamental question is whether this transition is due to the localization of Cooper pairs or due to the destruction of them. Here we address this question by studying the SIT in amorphous WSi. Transport measurements reveal the localization of Cooper pairs at a quantum critical field B_c^1 (Bose-insulator), with a product of the correlation length and dynamical exponents zv~4/3 near the quantum critical point (QCP). Beyond B_c^1, superconducting fluctuations still persist at finite temperatures. Above a second critical field B_c^2>B_c^1, the Cooper pairs are destroyed and the film becomes a Fermi-insulator. The different phases all merge at a tricritical point at finite temperatures with zv=2/3. Our results suggest a sequential superconductor to Bose insulator to Fermi insulator phase transition, which differs from the conventional scenario involving a single quantum critical point.
132 - I. Diamant , R. L. Greene , 2009
The tunneling spectra of the electron-doped cuprate Pr_2-xCe_xCuO4 as a function of doping and temperature is reported. We find that the superconducting gap, delta, shows a BCS-like temperature dependence even for extremely low carrier concentrations (studied here for the first time). Moreover, delta follows the doping dependence of Tc, in strong contrast with tunneling studies of hole-doped cuprates. From our results we conclude that there is a single superconducting energy scale in the electron-doped cuprates.
We report on measurements of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth lambda_{ab} in the infinite-layer electron-doped high-temperature cuprate superconductor Sr_0.9La_0.1CuO_2 by means of muon-spin rotation. The observed temperature and magnetic field dependences of lambda_{ab} are consistent with the presence of a substantial s-wave component in the superconducting order parameter in good agreement with the results of tunneling, specific heat, and small-angle neutron scattering experiments.
196 - C. S. Liu , W. C. Wu 2007
An antiferromagnetic (AF) spin fluctuation induced pairing model is proposed for the electron-doped cuprate superconductors. It suggests that, similar to the hole-doped side, the superconducting gap function is monotonic d_{x^2-y^2}-wave and explains why the observed gap function has a nonmonotonic d_{x^2-y^2}-wave behavior when an AF order is taken into account. Dynamical spin susceptibility is calculated and shown to be in good agreement with the experiment. This gives a strong support to the proposed model.
High temperature cuprate superconductors consist of stacked CuO2 planes, with primarily two dimensional electronic band structures and magnetic excitations, while superconducting coherence is three dimensional. This dichotomy highlights the importance of out-of-plane charge dynamics, believed to be incoherent in the normal state, yet lacking a comprehensive characterization in energy-momentum space. Here, we use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) with polarization analysis to uncover the pure charge character of a recently discovered collective mode in electron-doped cuprates. This mode disperses along both the in- and, importantly, out-of-plane directions, revealing its three dimensional nature. The periodicity of the out-of-plane dispersion corresponds to the CuO2 plane distance rather than the crystallographic c-axis lattice constant, suggesting that the interplane Coulomb interaction drives the coherent out-of-plane charge dynamics. The observed properties are hallmarks of the long-sought acoustic plasmon, predicted for layered systems and argued to play a substantial role in mediating high temperature superconductivity.
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