The soft photon theorem in U(1) gauge theories with only massless charged particles has recently been shown to be the Ward identity of an infinite-dimensional asymptotic symmetry group. This symmetry group is comprised of gauge transformations which approach angle-dependent constants at null infinity. In this paper, we extend the analysis to all U(1) theories, including those with massive charged particles such as QED.
Previous analyses of asymptotic symmetries in QED have shown that the subleading soft photon theorem implies a Ward identity corresponding to a charge generating divergent large gauge transformations on the asymptotic states at null infinity. In this work, we demonstrate that the subleading soft photon theorem is equivalent to a more general Ward identity. The charge corresponding to this Ward identity can be decomposed into an electric piece and a magnetic piece. The electric piece generates the Ward identity that was previously studied, but the magnetic piece is novel, and implies the existence of an additional asymptotic magnetic symmetry in QED.
We consider the scattering of massless particles coupled to an abelian gauge field in 2n-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. Weinbergs soft photon theorem is recast as Ward identities for infinitely many new nontrivial symmetries of the massless QED S-matrix, with one such identity arising for each propagation direction of the soft photon. These symmetries are identified as large gauge transformations with angle-dependent gauge parameters that are constant along the null generators of null infinity. Almost all of the symmetries are spontaneously broken in the standard vacuum and the soft photons are the corresponding Goldstone bosons. Our result establishes a relationship between soft theorems and asymptotic symmetry groups in any even dimension.
We consider three-dimensional sQED with 2 flavors and minimal supersymmetry. We discuss various models which are dual to Gross-Neveu-Yukawa theories. The $U(2)$ ultraviolet global symmetry is often enhanced in the infrared, for instance to $O(4)$ or $SU(3)$. This is analogous to the conjectured behaviour of non-supersymmetric QED with 2 flavors. A perturbative analysis of the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa models in the $D = 4 - varepsilon$ expansion shows that the $U(2)$ preserving superpotential deformations of the sQED (modulo tuning mass terms to zero) are irrelevant, so the fixed points with enhanced symmetry are stable. We also construct an example of $mathcal{N} = 2$ sQED with 4 flavors that exhibits enhanced $SO(6)$ symmetry.
It is commonly asserted that the electromagnetic current is conserved and therefore is not renormalized. Within QED we show (a) that this statement is false, (b) how to obtain the renormalization of the current to all orders of perturbation theory, and (c) how to correctly define an electron number operator. The current mixes with the four-divergence of the electromagnetic field-strength tensor. The true electron number operator is the integral of the time component of the electron number density, but only when the current differs from the MSbar-renormalized current by a definite finite renormalization. This happens in such a way that Gausss law holds: the charge operator is the surface integral of the electric field at infinity. The theorem extends naturally to any gauge theory.
Recently it has been shown that the vacuum state in QED is infinitely degenerate. Moreover a transition among the degenerate vacua is induced in any nontrivial scattering process and determined from the associated soft factor. Conventional computations of scattering amplitudes in QED do not account for this vacuum degeneracy and therefore always give zero. This vanishing of all conventional QED amplitudes is usually attributed to infrared divergences. Here we show that if these vacuum transitions are properly accounted for, the resulting amplitudes are nonzero and infrared finite. Our construction of finite amplitudes is mathematically equivalent to, and amounts to a physical reinterpretation of, the 1970 construction of Faddeev and Kulish.