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Magnetic Field Structures in Star Forming Regions: Mid-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of K3-50

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 Added by Peter Barnes
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Peter Barnes

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We report new imaging polarimetry observations of the Galactic compact HII region K3-50 using CanariCam at the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We use a standard polarimetric analysis technique, first outlined by Aitken, to decompose the observed polarisation images centred at 8.7, 10.3, and 12.5 $mu$m into the emissive and absorptive components from silicate grains that are aligned with the local magnetic field. These components reveal the spatially-resolved magnetic field structures across the mid-infrared emission area of K3-50. We examine these structures and show that they are consistent with previously observed features and physical models of K3-50, such as the molecular torus and the ionised outflow. We propose a 3D geometry for all the structures seen at different wavelengths. We also compute relevant physical quantities in order to estimate the associated magnetic field strengths that would be implied under various physical assumptions. We compare these results with MHD simulations of protostar formation that predict the magnetic field strength and configuration. We find that the magnetic field may be dynamically important in the innermost 0.2 pc of the molecular torus, but that the torus is more likely to be rotationally-supported against gravity outside this radius. Similarly, magnetic fields are unlikely to dominate the {em global} physics of the ionised outflow, but they may be important in helping confine the flow near the cavity wall in some locations. Ours is the first application of the Aitken technique to spatially-resolved magnetic field structures in multiple layers along the line of sight, effectively a method of polarisation tomography.

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Imaging polarimetry is a useful tool to reveal the 3D structure of dust distributions and to localize embedded young stellar objects. We present maps of the linear polarization at 2.2 micron for three ultra-compact HII regions (G192.16-3.82, G331.28-0.19, G339.88-1.26) and the methanol maser source G305.21+0.21. From the polarization maps, we draw conclusions on the morphology of these objects and the presence of luminous illuminating sources.
119 - J. M. De Buizer 2004
We present here a mid-infrared imaging survey of 26 sites of water maser emission. Observations were obtained at the InfraRed Telescope Facility 3-m telescope with the University of Florida mid-infrared imager/spectrometer OSCIR, and the JPL mid-infrared camera MIRLIN. The main purpose of the survey was to explore the relationship between water masers and the massive star formation process. It is generally believed that water masers predominantly trace outflows and embedded massive stellar objects, but may also exist in circumstellar disks around young stars. We investigate each of these possibilities in light of our mid-infrared imaging. We find that mid-infrared emission seems to be more closely associated with water and OH maser emission than cm radio continuum emission from UC HII regions. We also find from the sample of sources in our survey that, like groups of methanol masers, both water and OH masers have a proclivity for grouping into linear or elongated distributions. We conclude that the vast majority of linearly distributed masers are not tracing circumstellar disks, but outflows and shocks instead.
The Q-parameter is used extensively to quantify the spatial distributions of stars and gas in star-forming regions as well as older clusters and associations. It quantifies the amount of structure using the ratio of the average length of a minimum spanning tree, mbar, to the average length within the complete graph, sbar. The interpretation of the Q-parameter often relies on comparing observed values of Q, mbar and sbar to idealised synthetic geometries, where there is little or no match between the observed star-forming regions and the synthetic regions. We measure Q, mbar, and sbar over 10 Myr in N-body simulations which are compared to IC 348, NGC 1333, and the ONC. For each star-forming region we set up simulations that approximate their initial conditions for a combination of different virial rations and fractal dimensions. We find that dynamical evolution of idealised fractal geometries can account for the observed Q, mbar, and sbar values in nearby star-forming regions. In general, an initially fractal star-forming region will tend to evolve to become more smooth and centrally concentrated. However, we show that initial conditions, as well as where the edge of the region is defined, can cause significant differences in the path that a star-forming region takes across the mbar-sbar plot as it evolves. We caution that the observed Q-parameter should not be directly compared to idealised geometries. Instead, it should be used to determine the degree to which a star-forming region is either spatially substructured or smooth and centrally concentrated.
We employed observational spectroscopic data of star-forming regions compiled from the literature and photoionization models to analyse the neon ionic abundances obtained using both optical and mid-infrared emission-lines. Comparing Ne++/H+ ionic abundances from distinct methods, we found that, in average, the abundances obtained via IR emission-lines are higher than those obtained via optical lines by a factor of 4. Photoionization models with abundance variations along the radius of the hypothetical nebula provide a possible explanation for a large part of the difference between ionic abundances via optical and infrared emission-lines. Ionization Correction Factor (ICF) for the neon is obtained from direct determinations of ionic fractions using infrared emission-lines. A constant Ne/O ratio (logNe/O approx -0.70) for a large range of metallicity, independently of the ICF used to compute the neon total abundance is derived.
We present an implementation of the iterative flux-conserving Lucy-Richardson (L-R) deconvolution method of image restoration for maps produced by the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST). We have analyzed its performance and convergence extensively through simulations and cross-correlations of the deconvolved images with available highresolution maps. We present new science results from two BLAST surveys, in the Galactic regions K3-50 and IC 5146, further demonstrating the benefits of performing this deconvolution. We have resolved three clumps within a radius of 4.5 inside the star-forming molecular cloud containing K3-50. Combining the well-resolved dust emission map with available multi-wavelength data, we have constrained the Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of five clumps to obtain masses (M), bolometric luminosities (L), and dust temperatures (T). The L-M diagram has been used as a diagnostic tool to estimate the evolutionary stages of the clumps. There are close relationships between dust continuum emission and both 21-cm radio continuum and 12CO molecular line emission. The restored extended large scale structures in the Northern Streamer of IC 5146 have a strong spatial correlation with both SCUBA and high resolution extinction images. A dust temperature of 12 K has been obtained for the central filament. We report physical properties of ten compact sources, including six associated protostars, by fitting SEDs to multi-wavelength data. All of these compact sources are still quite cold (typical temperature below ~ 16 K) and are above the critical Bonner-Ebert mass. They have associated low-power Young Stellar Objects (YSOs). Further evidence for starless clumps has also been found in the IC 5146 region.
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