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Tensor-multi-scalar theories: relativistic stars and 3+1 decomposition

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 Added by Emanuele Berti
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Gravitational theories with multiple scalar fields coupled to the metric and each other --- a natural extension of the well studied single-scalar-tensor theories --- are interesting phenomenological frameworks to describe deviations from general relativity in the strong-field regime. In these theories, the $N$-tuple of scalar fields takes values in a coordinate patch of an $N$-dimensional Riemannian target-space manifold whose properties are poorly constrained by weak-field observations. Here we introduce for simplicity a non-trivial model with two scalar fields and a maximally symmetric target-space manifold. Within this model we present a preliminary investigation of spontaneous scalarization for relativistic, perfect fluid stellar models in spherical symmetry. We find that the scalarization threshold is determined by the eigenvalues of a symmetric scalar-matter coupling matrix, and that the properties of strongly scalarized stellar configurations additionally depend on the target-space curvature radius. In preparation for numerical relativity simulations, we also write down the $3+1$ decomposition of the field equations for generic tensor-multi-scalar theories.

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In $f(R)$ gravity and Brans-Dicke theory with scalar potentials, we study the structure of neutron stars on a spherically symmetric and static background for two equations of state: SLy and FPS. In massless BD theory, the presence of a scalar coupling $Q$ with matter works to change the star radius in comparison to General Relativity, while the maximum allowed mass of neutron stars is hardly modified for both SLy and FPS equations of state. In Brans-Dicke theory with the massive potential $V(phi)=m^2 phi^2/2$, where $m^2$ is a positive constant, we show the difficulty of realizing neutron star solutions with a stable field profile due to the existence of an exponentially growing mode outside the star. As in $f(R)$ gravity with the $R^2$ term, this property is related to the requirement of extra boundary conditions of the field at the surface of star. For the self-coupling potential $V(phi)=lambda phi^4/4$, this problem can be circumvented by the fact that the second derivative $V_{,phi phi}=3lambdaphi^2$ approaches 0 at spatial infinity. In this case, we numerically show the existence of neutron star solutions for both SLy and FPS equations of state and discuss how the mass-radius relation is modified as compared to General Relativity.
We study the cosmology on the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker background in scalar-vector-tensor theories with a broken $U(1)$ gauge symmetry. For parity-invariant interactions arising in scalar-vector-tensor theories with second-order equations of motion, we derive conditions for the absence of ghosts and Laplacian instabilities associated with tensor, vector, and scalar perturbations at linear order. This general result is applied to the computation of the primordial tensor power spectrum generated during inflation as well as to the speed of gravity relevant to dark energy. We also construct a concrete inflationary model in which a temporal vector component $A_0$ contributes to the dynamics of cosmic acceleration besides a scalar field $phi$ through their kinetic mixings. In this model, we show that all the stability conditions of perturbations can be consistently satisfied during inflation and subsequent reheating.
The aim of this paper is to study the stability of soliton-like static solutions via non-linear simulations in the context of a special class of massive tensor-multi-scalar-theories of gravity whose target space metric admits Killing field(s) with a periodic flow. We focused on the case with two scalar fields and maximally symmetric target space metric, as the simplest configuration where solitonic solutions can exist. In the limit of zero curvature of the target space $kappa = 0$ these solutions reduce to the standard boson stars, while for $kappa e 0$ significant deviations can be observed, both qualitative and quantitative. By evolving these solitonic solutions in time, we show that they are stable for low values of the central scalar field $psi_c$ while instability kicks in with the increase of $psi_c$. Specifically, in the stable region, the models oscillate with a characteristic frequency related to the fundamental mode. Such frequency tends to zero with the approach of the unstable models and eventually becomes imaginary when the solitonic solutions lose stability. As expected from the study of the equilibrium models, the change of stability occurs exactly at the maximum mass point, which was checked numerically with a very good accuracy.
In gravity theories that exhibit spontaneous scalarization, astrophysical objects are identical to their general relativistic counterpart until they reach a certain threshold in compactness or curvature. Beyond this threshold, they acquire a non-trivial scalar configuration, which also affects their structure. The onset of scalarization is controlled only by terms that contribute to linear perturbation around solutions of general relativity. The complete set of these terms has been identified for generalized scalar-tensor theories. Stepping on this result, we study the onset on scalarization in generalized scalar-tensor theories and determine the relevant thresholds in terms of the contributing coupling constants and the properties of the compact object.
We derive the odd parity perturbation equation in scalar-tensor theories with a non minimal kinetic coupling sector of the general Horndeski theory, where the kinetic term is coupled to the metric and the Einstein tensor. We derive the potential of the perturbation, by identifying a master function and switching to tortoise coordinates. We then prove the mode stability under linear odd- parity perturbations of hairy black holes in this sector of Horndeski theory, when a cosmological constant term in the action is included. Finally, we comment on the existence of slowly rotating black hole solutions in this setup and discuss their implications on the physics of compact objects configurations, such as neutron stars.
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