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Aims. Using the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) we aim to jointly estimate the key parameters that describe the galaxy density field and its spatial correlations in redshift space. Methods. We use the Bayesian formalism to jointly reconstruct the redshift-space galaxy density field, power spectrum, galaxy bias and galaxy luminosity function given the observations and survey selection function. The high-dimensional posterior distribution is explored using the Wiener filter within a Gibbs sampler. We validate the analysis using simulated catalogues and apply it to VIPERS data taking into consideration the inhomogeneous selection function. Results. We present joint constraints on the anisotropic power spectrum as well as the bias and number density of red and blue galaxy classes in luminosity and redshift bins as well as the measurement covariances of these quantities. We find that the inferred galaxy bias and number density parameters are strongly correlated although these are only weakly correlated with the galaxy power spectrum. The power spectrum and redshift-space distortion parameters are in agreement with previous VIPERS results with the value of the growth rate $fsigma_8 = 0.38$ with 18% uncertainty at redshift 0.7.
We investigate the higher-order correlation properties of the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) to test the hierarchical scaling hypothesis at z~1 and the dependence on galaxy luminosity, stellar mass, and redshift. We also aim to assess deviations from the linearity of galaxy bias independently from a previously performed analysis of our survey (Di Porto et al. 2014). We have measured the count probability distribution function in cells of radii 3 < R < 10 Mpc/h, deriving $sigma_{8g}$, the volume-averaged two-,three-,and four-point correlation functions and the normalized skewness $S_{3g}$ and kurtosis $S_{4g}$ for volume-limited subsamples covering the ranges $-19.5 le M_B(z=1.1)-5log(h) le -21.0$, $9.0 < log(M*/M_{odot} h^{-2}) le 11.0$, $0.5 le z < 1.1$. We have thus performed the first measurement of high-order correlations at z~1 in a spectroscopic redshift survey. Our main results are the following. 1) The hierarchical scaling holds throughout the whole range of scale and z. 2) We do not find a significant dependence of $S_{3g}$ on luminosity (below z=0.9 $S_{3g}$ decreases with luminosity but only at 1{sigma}-level). 3) We do not detect a significant dependence of $S_{3g}$ and $S_{4g}$ on scale, except beyond z~0.9, where the dependence can be explained as a consequence of sample variance. 4) We do not detect an evolution of $S_{3g}$ and $S_{4g}$ with z. 5) The linear bias factor $b=sigma_{8g}/sigma_{8m}$ increases with z, in agreement with previous results. 6) We quantify deviations from the linear bias by means of the Taylor expansion parameter $b_2$. Our results are compatible with a null non-linear bias term, but taking into account other available data we argue that there is evidence for a small non-linear bias term.
The VIPERS galaxy survey has measured the clustering of $0.5<z<1.2$ galaxies, enabling a number of measurements of galaxy properties and cosmological redshift-space distortions (RSD). Because the measurements were made using one-pass of the VIMOS instrument on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), the galaxies observed only represent approximately 47% of the parent target sample, with a distribution imprinted with the pattern of the VIMOS slitmask. Correcting for the effect on clustering has previously been achieved using an approximate approach developed using mock catalogues. Pairwise inverse probability (PIP) weighting has recently been proposed by Bianchi & Percival to correct for missing galaxies, and we apply it to mock VIPERS catalogues to show that it accurately corrects the clustering for the VIMOS effects, matching the clustering measured from the observed sample to that of the parent. We then apply PIP-weighting to the VIPERS data, and fit the resulting monopole and quadrupole moments of the galaxy two-point correlation function with respect to the line-of-sight, making measurements of RSD. The results are close to previous measurements, showing that the previous approximate methods used by the VIPERS team are sufficient given the errors obtained on the RSD parameter.
We carry out a joint analysis of redshift-space distortions and galaxy-galaxy lensing, with the aim of measuring the growth rate of structure; this is a key quantity for understanding the nature of gravity on cosmological scales and late-time cosmic acceleration. We make use of the final VIPERS redshift survey dataset, which maps a portion of the Universe at a redshift of $z simeq 0.8$, and the lensing data from the CFHTLenS survey over the same area of the sky. We build a consistent theoretical model that combines non-linear galaxy biasing and redshift-space distortion models, and confront it with observations. The two probes are combined in a Bayesian maximum likelihood analysis to determine the growth rate of structure at two redshifts $z=0.6$ and $z=0.86$. We obtain measurements of $fsigma_8(0.6) = 0.48 pm 0.12$ and $fsigma_8(0.86) = 0.48 pm 0.10$. The additional galaxy-galaxylensing constraint alleviates galaxy bias and $sigma_8$ degeneracies, providing direct measurements of $[f(0.6),sigma_8(0.6)] = [0.93 pm 0.22, 0.52 pm 0.06]$ and $f(0.86),sigma_8(0.86)] = [0.99 pm 0.19, 0.48 pm 0.04]$. These measurements are statistically consistent with a Universe where the gravitational interactions can be described by General Relativity, although they are not yet accurate enough to rule out some commonly considered alternatives. Finally, as a complementary test we measure the gravitational slip parameter, $E_G$ , for the first time at $z>0.6$. We find values of $smash{overline{E}_G}(0.6) = 0.16 pm 0.09$ and $smash{overline{E}_G}(0.86) = 0.09 pm 0.07$, when $E_G$ is averaged over scales above $3 h^{-1} rm{Mpc}$. We find that our $E_G$ measurements exhibit slightly lower values than expected for standard relativistic gravity in a {Lambda}CDM background, although the results are consistent within $1-2sigma$.
We use the final catalogue of the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) to measure the power spectrum of the galaxy distribution at high redshift, presenting results that extend beyond $z=1$ for the first time. We apply an FFT technique to four independent sub-volumes comprising a total of $51,728$ galaxies at $0.6<z<1.1$ (out of the nearly $90,000$ included in the whole survey). We concentrate here on the shape of the direction-averaged power spectrum in redshift space, explaining the level of modelling of redshift-space anisotropies and the anisotropic survey window function that are needed to deduce this in a robust fashion. We then use covariance matrices derived from a large ensemble of mock datasets in order to fit the spectral data. The results are well matched by a standard $Lambda$CDM model, with density parameter $Omega_M h =smash{0.227^{+0.063}_{-0.050}}$ and baryon fraction $smash{f_B=Omega_B/Omega_M=0.220^{+0.058}_{-0.072}}$. These inferences from the high-$z$ galaxy distribution are consistent with results from local galaxy surveys, and also with the Cosmic Microwave Background. Thus the $Lambda$CDM model gives a good match to cosmic structure at all redshifts so far accessible to observational study.
Using an unconventional single line diagnostic that unambiguously identifies AGNs in composite galaxies we report statistical differences in the properties (stellar age, [OII] luminosity, colour) between active and inactive galaxies at 0.62<z<1.2 extracted from the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). The nuclear activity is probed by the high-ionization [NeV] emission line and along with their parent samples, the galaxies are properly selected according to their stellar mass, redshift, and colour distributions. We report younger underlying stellar ages and higher [OII] luminosities of active galaxies in the green valley and in the blue cloud compared to control samples. We observe higher fractions of green galaxies hosting AGN activity at progressively bluer (r-K) colours. Depending on the location of the host galaxy in the NUVrK colour diagram we find higher AGN fractions in massive blue galaxies and in the least massive red galaxies, in agreement with the picture that black holes vary their properties when hosted in either star-forming or passive galaxies. Exactly where the fast quenching processes are expected to play a role, we identify a novel class of active galaxies in the blue cloud with signatures typical for a suddenly suppression of their star formation activity after a burst happening in the recent past. Their optical spectra resemble those of post-starburst galaxies, that would never be identified in a spectroscopic search using classical selection techniques. Broadly, these active galaxies selected on the [NeV] line are not commonly represented in shallow X-ray, mid-IR, or classical line diagnostics. If we consider that our results are limited by the shallow observational limits and rapid AGN variability, the impact of AGN feedback on galaxy formation and evolution may represent an important channel of fast-transiting galaxies moving to the red sequence.