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High Photoresponsivity and Short Photo Response Times in Few-Layered WSe$_2$ Transistors

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 Added by Luis Balicas Dr
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Here, we report the photoconducting response of field-effect transistors based on three atomic layers of chemical vapor transport grown WSe$_2$ crystals mechanically exfoliated onto SiO$_2$. We find that tri-layered WSe$_2$ field-effect transistors, built with the simplest possible architecture, can display high hole mobilities ranging from 350 cm$^2$/Vs at room temperature (saturating at a value of ~500 cm$^2$/Vs below 50 K) displaying a strong photocurrent response which leads to exceptionally high photo responsivities up to 7 A/W under white light illumination of the entire channel for power densities p < 10$^2$ W/m$^2$. Under a fixed wavelength of $lambda$ = 532 nm and a laser spot size smaller than the conducting channel area we extract photo responsitivities approaching 100 mA/W with concomitantly high external quantum efficiencies up to ~ 40 % at room temperature. These values surpass values recently reported from more complex architectures, such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides based heterostructures. Also, tri-layered WSe$_2$ photo-transistors display photo response times in the order of 10 microseconds. Our results indicate that the addition of a few atomic layers considerably decreases the photo response times, probably by minimizing the interaction with the substrates, while maintaining a very high photo-responsivity.

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We demonstrate dual-gated $p$-type field-effect transistors (FETs) based on few-layer tungsten diselenide (WSe$_2$) using high work-function platinum source/drain contacts, and a hexagonal boron nitride top-gate dielectric. A device topology with contacts underneath the WSe$_2$ results in $p$-FETs with $I_{ON}$/$I_{OFF}$ ratios exceeding 10$^7$, and contacts that remain Ohmic down to cryogenic temperatures. The output characteristics show current saturation and gate tunable negative differential resistance. The devices show intrinsic hole mobilities around 140 cm$^2$/Vs at room temperature, and approaching 4,000 cm$^2$/Vs at 2 K. Temperature-dependent transport measurements show a metal-insulator transition, with an insulating phase at low densities, and a metallic phase at high densities. The mobility shows a strong temperature dependence consistent with phonon scattering, and saturates at low temperatures, possibly limited by Coulomb scattering, or defects.
In ReS$_2$ a layer-independent direct band-gap of 1.5 eV implies a potential for its use in optoelectronic applications. ReS$_2$ crystallizes in the 1T$^{prime}$-structure which leads to anisotropic physical properties and whose concomitant electronic structure might host a non-trivial topology. Here, we report an overall evaluation of the anisotropic Raman response and the transport properties of few-layered ReS$_2$ field-effect transistors. We find that ReS$_2$ exfoliated on SiO$_2$ behaves as an $n$-type semiconductor with an intrinsic carrier mobility surpassing $mu_i$ ~30 cm$^2$/Vs at $T = 300$ K which increases up to ~350 cm$^2$/Vs at 2 K. Semiconducting behavior is observed at low electron densities $n$, but at high values of n the resistivity decreases by a factor > 7 upon cooling to 2 K and displays a metallic $T^2$-dependence. This indicates that the band structure of 1T$^{prime}$-ReS$_2$ is quite susceptible to an electric field applied perpendicularly to the layers. The electric-field induced metallic state observed in transition metal dichalcogenides was recently claimed to result from a percolation type of transition. Instead, through a scaling analysis of the conductivity as a function of $T$ and $n$, we find that the metallic state of ReS$_2$ results from a second-order metal to insulator transition driven by electronic correlations. This gate-induced metallic state offers an alternative to phase engineering for producing ohmic contacts and metallic interconnects in devices based on transition metal dichalcogenides.
High carrier mobilities play a fundamental role for high-frequency electronics, integrated optoelectronics as well as for sensor and spintronic applications, where device performance is directly linked to the magnitude of the carrier mobility. Van der Waals heterostructures formed by graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) already outperform all known materials in terms of room temperature mobility. Here, we show that the mobility of todays best graphene/hBN devices can be surpassed by more than a factor of three by heterostructures formed by tungsten diselenide (WSe$_2$), graphene and hBN, which can have mobilities as high as 350,000 cm$^2$/(Vs) at room temperature, and resistivities as low as 15 Ohm. The resistivity of these devices shows a much weaker temperature dependence than the one of graphene on any other known substrate. The origin of this behaviour points to modified acoustic phonon bands in graphene and questions our understanding of electron-phonon scattering in van der Waals heterostructures.
We study the origin of photocurrent generated in doped multilayer BP photo-transistors, and find that it is dominated by thermally driven thermoelectric and bolometric processes. The experimentally observed photocurrent polarities are consistent with photo-thermal processes. The photo-thermoelectric current can be generated up to a $mu$m away from the contacts, indicating a long thermal decay length. With an applied source-drain bias, a photo-bolometric current is generated across the whole device, overwhelming the photo-thermoelectric contribution at a moderate bias. The photo-responsivity in the multilayer BP device is two orders of magnitude larger than that observed in graphene.
A critical challenge for the integration of the optoelectronics is that photodetectors have relatively poor sensitivities at the nanometer scale. It is generally believed that a large electrodes spacing in photodetectors is required to absorb sufficient light to maintain high photoresponsivity and reduce the dark current. However, this will limit the optoelectronic integration density. Through spatially resolved photocurrent investigation, we find that the photocurrent in metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors based on layered GaSe is mainly generated from the photoexcited carriers close to the metal-GaSe interface and the photocurrent active region is always close to the Schottky barrier with higher electrical potential. The photoresponsivity monotonically increases with shrinking the spacing distance before the direct tunneling happen, which was significantly enhanced up to 5,000 AW-1 for the bottom contacted device at bias voltage 8 V and wavelength of 410 nm. It is more than 1,700-fold improvement over the previously reported results. Besides the systematically experimental investigation of the dependence of the photoresponsivity on the spacing distance for both the bottom and top contacted MSM photodetectors, a theoretical model has also been developed to well explain the photoresponsivity for these two types of device configurations. Our findings realize shrinking the spacing distance and improving the performance of 2D semiconductor based MSM photodetectors simultaneously, which could pave the way for future high density integration of 2D semiconductor optoelectronics with high performances.
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