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Kondo physics in a Ni impurity embedded in O-doped Au chains

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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By means of ab initio calculations we study the effect of O-doping of Au chains containing a nanocontact represented by a Ni atom as a magnetic impurity. In contrast to pure Au chains, we find that with a minimun O-doping the $5d_{xz,yz}$ states of Au are pushed up, crossing the Fermi level. We also find that for certain O configurations, the Ni atom has two holes in the degenerate $3d_{xz,yz}$ orbitals, forming a spin $S=1$ due to a large Hund interaction. The coupling between the $5d_{xz,yz}$ Au bands and the $3d_{xz,yz}$ of Ni states leads to a possible realization of a two-channel $S=1$ Kondo effect. While this kind of Kondo effect is commonly found in bulk systems, it is rarely observed in low dimensions. The estimated Kondo scale of the system lies within the present achievable experimental resolution in transport measurements. Another possible scenario for certain atomic configurations is that one of the holes resides in a $3d_{z^2}$ orbital, leading to a two-stage Kondo effect, the second one with SU(4) symmetry.

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We analyze the conduction bands of the one dimensional noble-metal chains that contain a Co magnetic impurity by means of ab initio calculations. We compare the results obtained for Cu and Ag pure chains, as well as O doped Cu, Ag and Au chains with those previously found for Au pure chains. We find similar results in the case of Cu and Au hosts, whereas for Ag chains a different behavior is obtained. Differences and similarities among the different systems are analyzed by comparing the electronic structure of the three noble-metal hosts. The d-orbitals of Cu chains at the Fermi level have the same symmetry as in the case of Au chains. These orbitals hybridize with the corresponding ones of the Co impurity, giving rise to the possibility of exhibiting a two-channel Kondo physics.
80 - W. Chen , Y. J. Yan , M. Q. Ren 2021
We show that a self-assembled phase of potassium (K) doped single-layer para-sexiphenyl (PSP) film on gold substrate is an excellent platform for studying the two-impurity Kondo model. On K-doped PSP molecules well separated from others, we find a Kondo resonance peak near EF with a Kondo temperature of about 30 K. The Kondo resonance peak splits when another K-doped PSP molecule is present in the vicinity, and the splitting gradually increases with the decreased inter-molecular distance, with no signs of phase transition. Our data demonstrate how a Kondo singlet state gradually evolves into an antiferromagnetic singlet state due to the competition between Kondo screening and antiferromagnetic RKKY coupling, as described in the two-impurity Kondo model. Intriguingly, the antiferromagnetic singlet is destroyed quickly upon increasing temperature and transforms back to a Kondo singlet well below the Kondo temperature. Our data provide a comprehensive picture and quantitative constraints on related theories and calculations of two-impurity Kondo model.
We present a study of terahertz frequency magnetoelectric effect in ferrimagnetic pyroelectric CaBaCo$_4$O$_7$ and its Ni-doped variants. The terahertz absorption spectrum of these materials consists of spin excitations and low-frequency infrared-active phonons. We studied the magnetic-field-induced changes in the terahertz refractive index and absorption in magnetic fields up to 17 T. We find that the magnetic field modulates the strength of infrared-active optical phonons near 1.2 and 1.6 THz. We use the Lorentz model of the dielectric function to analyze the measured magnetic-field dependence of the refractive index and absorption. We propose that most of the magnetoelectric effect is contributed by the optical phonons near 1.6 THz and higher-frequency resonances. Our experimental results can be used to construct and validate more detailed theoretical descriptions of magnetoelectricity in CaBaCo$_{4-x}$Ni$_x$O$_7$.
Based on its condensed-matter properties, crystal structure, and metallurgy, which includes a phase diagram with six allotropic phases, plutonium is one of the most complicated pure elements in its solid state. Its anomalous properties, which are indicative of a very strongly correlated state, are related to its special position in the periodic table, which is at the boundary between the light actinides that have itinerant 5$f$ electrons and the heavy actinides that have localized 5$f$ electrons. As a foundational study to probe the role of local electronic correlations in Pu, we use the local-density approximation together with a continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the electronic structure of a single Pu atom that is either substitutionally embedded in the bulk and or adsorbed on the surface of a Th host. This is a simpler case than the solid phases of Pu metal, which must also include the interactions between Pu 5$f$ electrons on different Pu atoms. For the Pu impurity atom we have found a Kondo resonance peak, which is an important signature of electronic correlations, in the local density of states around the Fermi energy. Furthermore, we show that the peak width of this resonance is narrower for Pu atoms at the surface of Th than for those in the bulk due to a weakened Pu 5$f$-ligand hybridization at the surface.
56 - Bimla Danu , Fakher Assaad , 2019
Motivated by recent STM experiments, we explore the magnetic field induced Kondo effect that takes place at symmetry protected level crossings in finite Co adatom chains. We argue that the effective two-level system realized at a level crossing acts as an extended impurity coupled to the conduction electrons of the substrate by a distribution of Kondo couplings at the sites of the chain. Using auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which quantitatively reproduce the field dependence of the zero-bias signal, we show that a proper Kondo resonance is present at the sites where the effective Kondo coupling dominates. Our modeling and numerical simulations provide a theoretical basis for the interpretation of the STM spectrum in terms of level crossings of the Co adatom chains.
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