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Individuals are always limited by some inelastic resources, such as time and energy, which restrict them to dedicate to social interaction and limit their contact capacity. Contact capacity plays an important role in dynamics of social contagions, which so far has eluded theoretical analysis. In this paper, we first propose a non-Markovian model to understand the effects of contact capacity on social contagions, in which each individual can only contact and transmit the information to a finite number of neighbors. We then develop a heterogeneous edge-based compartmental theory for this model, and a remarkable agreement with simulations is obtained. Through theory and simulations, we find that enlarging the contact capacity makes the network more fragile to behavior spreading. Interestingly, we find that both the continuous and discontinuous dependence of the final adoption size on the information transmission probability can arise. And there is a crossover phenomenon between the two types of dependence. More specifically, the crossover phenomenon can be induced by enlarging the contact capacity only when the degree exponent is above a critical degree exponent, while the the final behavior adoption size always grows continuously for any contact capacity when degree exponent is below the critical degree exponent.
Heterogeneous adoption thresholds exist widely in social contagions, but were always neglected in previous studies. We first propose a non-Markovian spreading threshold model with general adoption threshold distribution. In order to understand the effects of heterogeneous adoption thresholds quantitatively, an edge-based compartmental theory is developed for the proposed model. We use a binary spreading threshold model as a specific example, in which some individuals have a low adoption threshold (i.e., activists) while the remaining ones hold a relatively high adoption threshold (i.e., bigots), to demonstrate that heterogeneous adoption thresholds markedly affect the final adoption size and phase transition. Interestingly, the first-order, second-order and hybrid phase transitions can be found in the system. More importantly, there are two different kinds of crossover phenomena in phase transition for distinct values of bigots adoption threshold: a change from first-order or hybrid phase transition to the second-order phase transition. The theoretical predictions based on the suggested theory agree very well with the results of numerical simulations.
We investigate critical behaviors of a social contagion model on weighted networks. An edge-weight compartmental approach is applied to analyze the weighted social contagion on strongly heterogenous networks with skewed degree and weight distributions. We find that degree heterogeneity can not only alter the nature of contagion transition from discontinuous to continuous but also can enhance or hamper the size of adoption, depending on the unit transmission probability. We also show that, the heterogeneity of weight distribution always hinder social contagions, and does not alter the transition type.
Internet communication channels, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, and email, are multiplex networks that facilitate interaction and information-sharing among individuals. During brief time periods users often use a single communication channel, but then communication channel alteration (CCA) occurs. This means that we must refine our understanding of the dynamics of social contagions. We propose a non-Markovian behavior spreading model in multiplex networks that takes into account the CCA mechanism, and we develop a generalized edge-based compartmental method to describe the spreading dynamics. Through extensive numerical simulations and theoretical analyses we find that the time delays induced by CCA slow the behavior spreading but do not affect the final adoption size. We also find that the CCA suppresses behavior spreading. On two coupled random regular networks, the adoption size exhibits hybrid growth, i.e., it grows first continuously and then discontinuously with the information transmission probability. CCA in ER-SF multiplex networks in which two subnetworks are ErdH{o}s-R{e}nyi (ER) and scale-free (SF) introduces a crossover from continuous to hybrid growth in adoption size versus information transmission probability. Our results extend our understanding of the role of CCA in spreading dynamics, and may elicit further research.
Community structure is an important factor in the behavior of real-world networks because it strongly affects the stability and thus the phase transition order of the spreading dynamics. We here propose a reversible social contagion model of community networks that includes the factor of social reinforcement. In our model an individual adopts a social contagion when the number of received units of information exceeds its adoption threshold. We use mean-field approximation to describe our proposed model, and the results agree with numerical simulations. The numerical simulations and theoretical analyses both indicate that there is a first-order phase transition in the spreading dynamics, and that a hysteresis loop emerges in the system when there is a variety of initially-adopted seeds. We find an optimal community structure that maximizes spreading dynamics. We also find a rich phase diagram with a triple point that separates the no-diffusion phase from the two diffusion phases.
Human social behavior plays a crucial role in how pathogens like SARS-CoV-2 or fake news spread in a population. Social interactions determine the contact network among individuals, while spreading, requiring individual-to-individual transmission, takes place on top of the network. Studying the topological aspects of a contact network, therefore, not only has the potential of leading to valuable insights into how the behavior of individuals impacts spreading phenomena, but it may also open up possibilities for devising effective behavioral interventions. Because of the temporal nature of interactions - since the topology of the network, containing who is in contact with whom, when, for how long, and in which precise sequence, varies (rapidly) in time - analyzing them requires developing network methods and metrics that respect temporal variability, in contrast to those developed for static (i.e., time-invariant) networks. Here, by means of event mapping, we propose a method to quantify how quickly agents mingle by transforming temporal network data of agent contacts. We define a novel measure called contact sequence centrality, which quantifies the impact of an individual on the contact sequences, reflecting the individuals behavioral potential for spreading. Comparing contact sequence centrality across agents allows for ranking the impact of agents and identifying potential behavioral super-spreaders. The method is applied to social interaction data collected at an art fair in Amsterdam. We relate the measure to the existing network metrics, both temporal and static, and find that (mostly at longer time scales) traditional metrics lose their resemblance to contact sequence centrality. Our work highlights the importance of accounting for the sequential nature of contacts when analyzing social interactions.