Percolation theory is applied to the phase-transition dynamics of domain pattern formation in segregating binary Bose--Einstein condensates in quasi-two-dimensional systems. Our finite-size-scaling analysis shows that the percolation threshold of the initial domain pattern emerging from the dynamic instability is close to 0.5 for strongly repulsive condensates. The percolation probability is universally described with a scaling function when the probability is rescaled by the characteristic domain size in the dynamic scaling regime of the phase-ordering kinetics, independent of the intercomponent interaction. It is revealed that an infinite domain wall sandwiched between percolating domains in the two condensates has an noninteger fractal dimension and keeps the scaling behavior during the dynamic scaling regime. This result seems to be in contrast to the argument that the dynamic scale invariance is violated in the presence of an infinite topological defect in numerical cosmology.
We study two-dimensional quantum turbulence in miscible binary Bose-Einstein condensates in either a harmonic trap or a steep-wall trap through the numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations. The turbulence is generated through a Gaussian stirring potential. When the condensates have unequal intra-component coupling strengths or asymmetric trap frequencies, the turbulent condensates undergo a dramatic decay dynamics to an interlaced array of vortex-antidark structures, a quasi-equilibrium state, of like-signed vortices with an extended size of the vortex core. The time of formation of this state is shortened when the parameter asymmetry of the intra-component couplings or the trap frequencies are enhanced. The corresponding spectrum of the incompressible kinetic energy exhibits two noteworthy features: (i) a $k^{-3}$ power-law around the range of the wave number determined by the spin healing length (the size of the extended vortex-core) and (ii) a flat region around the range of the wave number determined by the density healing length. The latter is associated with the small scale phase fluctuation relegated outside the Thomas-Fermi radius and is more prominent as the strength of intercomponent interaction approaches the strength of intra-component interaction. We also study the impact of the inter-component interaction to the cluster formation of like-signed vortices in an elliptical steep-wall trap, finding that the inter-component coupling gives rise to the decay of the clustered configuration.
We explore the time evolution of quasi-1D two component Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) following a quench from one component BECs with a ${rm U}(1)$ order parameter into two component condensates with a ${rm U}(1)shorttimes{rm Z}_2$ order parameter. In our case, these two spin components have a propensity to phase separate, i.e., they are immiscible. Remarkably, these spin degrees of freedom can equivalently be described as a single component attractive BEC. A spatially uniform mixture of these spins is dynamically unstable, rapidly amplifing any quantum or pre-existing classical spin fluctuations. This coherent growth process drives the formation of numerous spin polarized domains, which are far from the systems ground state. At much longer times these domains grow in size, coarsening, as the system approaches equilibrium. The experimentally observed time evolution is fully consistent with our stochastic-projected Gross-Pitaevskii calculation.
Supersolidity - a coexistence of superfluidity and crystalline or amorphous density variations - has been vividly debated ever since its conjecture. While the initial focus was on helium-4, recent experiments uncovered supersolidity in ultra-cold dipolar quantum gases. Here, we propose a new self-bound supersolid phase in a binary mixture of Bose gases with short-range interactions, making use of the non-trivial properties of spin-orbit coupling. We find that a first-order phase transition from a self-bound supersolid stripe phase to a zero-minimum droplet state of the Bose gas occurs as a function of the Rabi coupling strength. These phases are characterized using the momentum distribution, the transverse spin polarization and the superfluid fraction. The critical point of the transition is estimated in an analytical framework. The predicted density-modulated supersolid stripe and zero-minimum droplet phase should be experimentally observable in a binary mixture of $^{39}$K with spin-orbit coupling.
Domain size distribution in phase separating binary Bose--Einstein condensates is studied theoretically by numerically solving the Gross--Pitaevskii equations at zero temperature. We show that the size distribution in the domain patterns arising from the dynamic instability obeys a power law in a scaling regime according to the dynamic scaling analysis based on the percolation theory. The scaling behavior is kept during the relaxation development until the characteristic domain size becomes comparable to the linear size of the system, consistent with the dynamic scaling hypothesis of the phase-ordering kinetics. Our numerical experiments indicate the existence of a different scaling regime in the size distribution function, which can be caused by the so-called coreless vortices.
We show theoretically that periodic density patterns are stabilized in two counter-propagating Bose-Einstein condensates of atoms in different hyperfine states under Rabi coupling. In the presence of coupling, the relative velocity between two components is localized around density depressions in quasi-one-dimensional systems. When the relative velocity is sufficiently small, the periodic pattern reduces to a periodic array of topological solitons as kinks of relative phase. According to our variational and numerical analyses, the soliton solution is well characterized by the soliton width and density depression. We demonstrate the dependence of the depression and width on the Rabi frequency and the coupling constant of inter-component density-density interactions. The periodic pattern of the relative phase transforms continuously from a soliton array to a sinusoidal pattern as the period becomes smaller than the soliton width. These patterns become unstable when the localized relative velocity exceeds a critical value. The stability-phase diagram of this system is evaluated with a stability analysis of countersuperflow, by taking into account the finite-size-effect owing to the density depression.