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Measuring Infrared Surface Brightness Fluctuation Distances with HST WFC3: Calibration and Advice

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 Added by Joseph Jensen
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present new calibrations of the near-infrared surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distance method for the F110W (J) and F160W (H) bandpasses of the Wide Field Camera 3 Infrared Channel (WFC3/IR) on the Hubble Space Telescope. The calibrations are based on data for 16 early-type galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters observed with WFC3/IR and are provided as functions of both the optical (g-z) and near-infrared (J-H) colors. The scatter about the linear calibration relations for the luminous red galaxies in the sample is approximately 0.10 mag, corresponding to a statistical error of 5% in distance. Our results imply that the distance to any suitably bright elliptical galaxy can be measured with this precision out to about 80 Mpc in a single-orbit observation with WFC3/IR, making this a remarkably powerful instrument for extragalactic distances. The calibration sample also includes much bluer and lower-luminosity galaxies than previously used for IR SBF studies, revealing interesting population differences that cause the calibration scatter to increase for dwarf galaxies.

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We present a measurement of the Hubble constant $H_0$ from surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distances for 63 bright, mainly early-type galaxies out to 100 Mpc observed with the Wide Field Camera 3 Infrared Channel (WFC3/IR) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The sample is drawn from several independent HST imaging programs using the F110W bandpass of WFC3/IR. The majority of galaxies are in the 50 to 80 Mpc range and come from the MASSIVE galaxy survey. The median statistical uncertainty on individual distance measurements is 4%. We construct the Hubble diagram with these IR SBF distances and constrain $H_0$ using {four} different treatments of the galaxy velocities. For the SBF zero point calibration, we use both the existing tie to Cepheid variables, updated for consistency with the latest determination of the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud from detached eclipsing binaries, and a new tie to the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) calibrated from the maser distance to NGC4258. These two SBF calibrations are consistent with each other and with theoretical predictions from stellar population models. From a weighted average of the Cepheid and TRGB calibrations, we derive $H_0=73.3{,pm,}0.7{,pm,}2.4$ km/s/Mpc, where the error bars reflect the statistical and systematic uncertainties. This result accords well with recent measurements of $H_0$ from Type~Ia supernovae, time delays in multiply lensed quasars, and water masers. The systematic uncertainty could be reduced to below 2% by calibrating the SBF method with precision TRGB distances for a statistical sample of massive early-type galaxies out to the Virgo cluster measured with the James Webb Space Telescope.
We quantified and calibrated the metallicity and temperature sensitivities of colors derived from nine Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) filters aboard the Hubble Space Telescope using Dartmouth isochrones and Kurucz atmospheres models. The theoretical isochrone colors were tested and calibrated against observations of five well studied galactic clusters: M92, NGC 6752, NGC 104, NGC 5927, and NGC 6791, all of which have spectroscopically determined metallicities spanning -2.30 < [Fe/H] < +0.4. We found empirical corrections to the Dartmouth isochrone grid for each of the following color magnitude diagrams (CMD) (F555W--F814W, F814W), (F336W-F555W, F814W), (F390M-F555W, F814W) and (F390W-F555W, F814W). Using the empirical corrections we tested the accuracy and spread of the photometric metallicities assigned from CMDs and color-color diagrams (which are necessary to break the age-metallicity degeneracy). Testing three color-color diagrams [(F336W-F555W),(F390M-F555W),(F390W-F555W), vs (F555W-F814W)], we found the colors (F390M-F555W) and (F390W-F555W), to be the best suited to measure photometric metallicities. The color (F390W-F555W) requires much less integration time, but generally produces wider metallicity distributions, and, at very-low metallicity, the MDF from (F390W-F555W) is ~60% wider than that from (F390M-F555W). Using the calibrated isochrones we recovered the overall cluster metallicity to within ~0.1 dex in [Fe/H] when using CMDs (i.e. when the distance, reddening and ages are approximately known). The measured metallicity distribution function (MDF) from color-color diagrams show this method measures metallicities of stellar clusters of unknown age and metallicity with an accuracy of ~0.2 - 0.5 dex using F336W--F555W, ~0.15 - 0.25 dex using F390M-F555W, and ~0.2 - 0.4 dex with F390W-F555W, with the larger uncertainty pertaining to the lowest metallicity range.
We measured high-quality surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distances for a sample of 63 massive early-type galaxies using the WFC3/IR camera on the Hubble Space Telescope. The median uncertainty on the SBF distance measurements is 0.085 mag, or 3.9% in distance. Achieving this precision at distances of 50 to 100 Mpc required significant improvements to the SBF calibration and data analysis procedures for WFC3/IR data. Forty-two of the galaxies are from the MASSIVE Galaxy Survey, a complete sample of massive galaxies within ~100 Mpc; the SBF distances for these will be used to improve the estimates of the stellar and central supermassive black hole masses in these galaxies. Twenty-four of the galaxies are Type Ia supernova hosts, useful for calibrating SN Ia distances for early-type galaxies and exploring possible systematic trends in the peak luminosities. Our results demonstrate that the SBF method is a powerful and versatile technique for measuring distances to galaxies with evolved stellar populations out to 100 Mpc and constraining the local value of the Hubble constant.
We present an in-depth study of surface brightness fluctuations (SBFs) in low-luminosity stellar systems. Using the MIST models, we compute theoretical predictions for absolute SBF magnitudes in the LSST, HST ACS/WFC, and proposed Roman Space Telescope filter systems. We compare our calculations to observed SBF-color relations of systems that span a wide range of age and metallicity. Consistent with previous studies, we find that single-age population models show excellent agreement with observations of low-mass galaxies with $0.5 lesssim g - i lesssim 0.9$. For bluer galaxies, the observed relation is better fit by models with composite stellar populations. To study SBF recovery from low-luminosity systems, we perform detailed image simulations in which we inject fully populated model galaxies into deep ground-based images from real observations. Our simulations show that LSST will provide data of sufficient quality and depth to measure SBF magnitudes with precisions of ${sim}0.2$-0.5 mag in ultra-faint $left(mathrm{10^4 leq M_star/M_odot leq 10^5}right)$ and low-mass classical (M$_starleq10^7$ M$_odot$) dwarf galaxies out to ${sim}4$ Mpc and ${sim}25$ Mpc, respectively, within the first few years of its deep-wide-fast survey. Many significant practical challenges and systematic uncertainties remain, including an irreducible sampling scatter in the SBFs of ultra-faint dwarfs due to their undersampled stellar mass functions. We nonetheless conclude that SBFs in the new generation of wide-field imaging surveys have the potential to play a critical role in the efficient confirmation and characterization of dwarf galaxies in the nearby universe.
Bayesian statistical calculations and linear-bisector calculations for obtaining Cepheid distances and radii by the infrared surface brightness method have been compared for a set of 38 Cepheids. The distances obtained by the two techniques agree to 1.5%+/-0.6% and the radii agree to 1.1%+/-0.7%. Thus the two methods yield the same distances and radii at the 2 sigma level. This implies that the short distance to the LMC found in recent linearbisector studies of Cepheids is not a result of simplifications in the mathematical approach. The computed uncertainties in distance and radius are larger in the Bayesian calculation typically by a factor of three.
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