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Local Spectroscopic Characterization of Spin and Layer Polarization in WSe$_2$

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 Added by Brian LeRoy
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) measurements of monolayer and bilayer WSe$_2$. We measure a band gap of 2.21 $pm$ 0.08 eV in monolayer WSe$_2$, which is much larger than the energy of the photoluminescence peak indicating a large excitonic binding energy. We additionally observe significant electronic scattering arising from atomic-scale defects. Using Fourier transform STS (FT-STS), we map the energy versus momentum dispersion relations for monolayer and bilayer WSe$_2$. Further, by tracking allowed and forbidden scattering channels as a function of energy we infer the spin texture of both the conduction and valence bands. We observe a large spin-splitting of the valence band due to strong spin-orbit coupling, and additionally observe spin-valley-layer coupling in the conduction band of bilayer WSe$_2$.

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91 - F. Yang , M. W. Wu 2016
We investigate the steady-state out-of-plane spin diffusion in p-type bilayer WSe2 in the presence of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling and Hartree-Fock effective magnetic field. The out-of-plane components of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling serve as the opposite Zeeman-like fields in the two valleys. Together with the identical Hartree-Fock effective magnetic fields, different total effective magnetic field strengths in the two valleys are obtained. It is further revealed that due to the valley-dependent total effective magnetic field strength, similar (different) spin-diffusion lengths in the two valleys are observed at small (large) spin injection. Nevertheless, it is shown that the intervalley hole-phonon scattering can suppress the difference in the spin-diffusion lengths at large spin injection due to the spin-conserving intervalley charge transfers with the opposite transfer directions between spin-up and -down holes. Moreover, with a fixed large pure spin injection, we predict the build-up of a steady-state valley polarization during the spin diffusion with the maximum along the diffusion direction being capable of exceeding 1 %. It is revealed that the valley polarization arises from the induced quasi hot-hole Fermi distributions with different effective hot-hole temperatures between spin-up and -down holes during the spin diffusion, leading to the different intervalley charge transfer rates in the opposite transfer directions. Additionally, it is also shown that by increasing the injected spin polarization, the hole density or the impurity density, the larger valley polarization can be obtained.
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides are a promising platform to investigate many-body interactions of excitonic complexes. In monolayer tungsten diselenide, the ground-state exciton is dark (spin-indirect), and the valley degeneracy allows low-energy dark momentum-indirect excitons to form. Interactions between the dark exciton species and the optically accessible bright exciton (X) are likely to play significant roles in determining the optical properties of X at high power, as well as limiting the ultimate exciton densities that can be achieved, yet so far little is known about these interactions. Here, we demonstrate long-lived dense populations of momentum-indirect intervalley ($X_K$) and spin-indirect intravalley (D) dark excitons by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements (Tr-PL). Our results uncover an efficient inter-state conversion between X to D excitons through the spin-flip process and the one between D and $X_K$ excitons mediated by the exchange interaction (D + D to $X_K$ + $X_K$). Moreover, we observe a persistent redshift of the X exciton due to strong excitonic screening by $X_K$ exciton with a response time in the timescale of sub-ns, revealing a non-trivial inter-state exciton-exciton interaction. Our results provide a new insight into the interaction between bright and dark excitons, and point to a possibility to employ dark excitons for investigating exciton condensation and the valleytronics.
The availability of accessible fabrication methods based on deterministic transfer of atomically thin crystals has been essential for the rapid expansion of research into van der Waals heterostructures. An inherent issue of these techniques is the deformation of the polymer carrier film during the transfer, which can lead to highly non-uniform strain induced in the transferred two-dimensional material. Here, using a combination of optical spectroscopy, atomic force and Kelvin probe force microscopy, we show that the presence of nanometer scale wrinkles formed due to transfer-induced stress relaxation can lead to strong changes in the optical properties of MoSe$_2$/WSe$_2$ heterostructures and the emergence of the linearly polarized interlayer exciton photoluminescence. We attribute these changes to the local breaking of crystal symmetry in the nanowrinkles, which act as efficient accumulation centers for the interlayer excitons due to the strain-induced interlayer band gap reduction. The surface potential images of the rippled heterobilayer samples acquired using Kelvin probe force microscopy reveal the variation of the local work function consistent with the strain-induced band gap modulation, while the potential offset observed at the ridges of the wrinkles shows a clear correlation with the value of the tensile strain estimated from the wrinkle geometry. Our findings highlight the important role of the residual strain in defining optical properties of van der Waals heterostructures and suggest novel approaches for interlayer exciton manipulation by local strain engineering.
57 - G. Tkachov 2020
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides in the distorted octahedral 1T$^prime$ phase exhibit a large bulk bandgap and gapless boundary states, which is an asset in the ongoing quest for topological electronics. In single-layer tungsten diselenide (WSe$_2$), the boundary states have been observed at well ordered interfaces between 1T$^prime$ and semiconducting (1H) phases. This paper proposes an effective 4-band theory for the boundary states in single-layer WSe$_2$,describing a Kramers pair of in-gap states as well as the behaviour at the spectrum termination points on the conduction and valence bands of the 1T$^prime$ phase. The spectrum termination points determine the temperature and chemical potential dependences of the ballistic conductance and thermopower at the phase boundary. Notably, the thermopower shows an ambipolar behaviour, changing the sign in the bandgap of the 1T$^prime$ - WSe$_2$ and reflecting its particle-hole asymmetry. The theory establishes a link between the bulk band structure and ballistic boundary transport in single-layer WSe$_2$ and is applicable to a range of related topological materials.
248 - E. Courtade , M. Semina , M. Manca 2017
Charged excitons, or X$^{pm}$-trions, in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides have binding energies of several tens of meV. Together with the neutral exciton X$^0$ they dominate the emission spectrum at low and elevated temperatures. We use charge tunable devices based on WSe$_2$ monolayers encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride, to investigate the difference in binding energy between X$^+$ and X$^-$ and the X$^-$ fine structure. We find in the charge neutral regime, the X$^0$ emission accompanied at lower energy by a strong peak close to the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy. This peak is absent in reflectivity measurements, where only the X$^0$ and an excited state of the X$^0$ are visible. In the $n$-doped regime, we find a closer correspondence between emission and reflectivity as the trion transition with a well-resolved fine-structure splitting of 6~meV for X$^-$ is observed. We present a symmetry analysis of the different X$^+$ and X$^-$ trion states and results of the binding energy calculations. We compare the trion binding energy for the $n$-and $p$-doped regimes with our model calculations for low carrier concentrations. We demonstrate that the splitting between the X$^+$ and X$^-$ trions as well as the fine structure of the X$^-$ state can be related to the short-range Coulomb exchange interaction between the charge carriers.
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