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Improving Runtime Overheads for detectEr

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 Added by EPTCS
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English
 Authors Ian Cassar

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We design monitor optimisations for detectEr, a runtime-verification tool synthesising systems of concurrent monitors from correctness properties for Erlang programs. We implement these optimisations as part of the existing tool and show that they yield considerably lower runtime overheads when compared to the unoptimised monitor synthesis.

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164 - Christian Colombo 2013
With numerous specialised technologies available to industry, it has become increasingly frequent for computer systems to be composed of heterogeneous components built over, and using, different technologies and languages. While this enables developers to use the appropriate technologies for specific contexts, it becomes more challenging to ensure the correctness of the overall system. In this paper we propose a framework to enable extensible technology agnostic runtime verification and we present an extension of polyLarva, a runtime-verification tool able to handle the monitoring of heterogeneous-component systems. The approach is then applied to a case study of a component-based artefact using different technologies, namely C and Java.
Stream Runtime Verification is a formal dynamic analysis technique that generalizes runtime verification algorithms from temporal logics like LTL to stream monitoring, allowing to compute richer verdicts than Booleans (including quantitative and arbitrary data). In this paper we study the problem of implementing an SRV engine that is truly extensible to arbitrary data theories, and we propose a solution as a Haskell embedded domain specific language. In spite of the theoretical clean separation in SRV between temporal dependencies and data computations, previous engines include ad-hoc implementations of a few data types, requiring complex changes to incorporate new data theories. We propose here an SRV language called hLola that borrows general Haskell types and embeds them transparently into an eDSL. This novel technique, which we call lift deep embedding, allows for example, the use of higher-order functions for static stream parameterization. We describe the Haskell implementation of hLola and illustrate simple extensions implemented using libraries, which require long and error-prone additions in other ad-hoc SRV formalisms.
Runtime verification is a computing analysis paradigm based on observing a system at runtime (to check its expected behaviour) by means of monitors generated from formal specifications. Distributed runtime verification is runtime verification in connection with distributed systems: it comprises both monitoring of distributed systems and using distributed systems for monitoring. Aggregate computing is a programming paradigm based on a reference computing machine that is the aggregate collection of devices that cooperatively carry out a computational process: the details of behaviour, position and number of devices are largely abstracted away, to be replaced with a space-filling computational environment. In this position paper we argue, by means of simple examples, that aggregate computing is particularly well suited for implementing distributed monitors. Our aim is to foster further research on how to generate aggregate computing monitors from suitable formal specifications.
Using online Q&A forums, such as Stack Overflow (SO), for guidance to resolve program bugs, among other development issues, is commonplace in modern software development practice. Runtime exceptions (RE) is one such important class of bugs that is actively discussed on SO. In this work we present a technique and prototype tool called MAESTRO that can automatically recommend an SO post that is most relevant to a given Java RE in a developers code. MAESTRO compares the exception-generating program scenario in the developers code with that discussed in an SO post and returns the post with the closest match. To extract and compare the exception scenario effectively, MAESTRO first uses the answer code snippets in a post to implicate a subset of lines in the posts question code snippet as responsible for the exception and then compares these lines with the developers code in terms of their respective Abstract Program Graph (APG) representations. The APG is a simplified and abstracted derivative of an abstract syntax tree, proposed in this work, that allows an effective comparison of the functionality embodied in the high-level program structure, while discarding many of the low-level syntactic or semantic differences. We evaluate MAESTRO on a benchmark of 78 instances of Java REs extracted from the top 500 Java projects on GitHub and show that MAESTRO can return either a highly relevant or somewhat relevant SO post corresponding to the exception instance in 71% of the cases, compared to relevant posts returned in only 8% - 44% instances, by four competitor tools based on state-of-the-art techniques. We also conduct a user experience study of MAESTRO with 10 Java developers, where the participants judge MAESTRO reporting a highly relevant or somewhat relevant post in 80% of the instances. In some cases the post is judged to be even better than the one manually found by the participant.
Android introduces a new permission model that allows apps to request permissions at runtime rather than at the installation time since 6.0 (Marshmallow, API level 23). While this runtime permission model provides users with greater flexibility in controlling an apps access to sensitive data and system features, it brings new challenges to app development. First, as users may grant or revoke permissions at any time while they are using an app, developers need to ensure that the app properly checks and requests required permissions before invoking any permission-protected APIs. Second, Androids permission mechanism keeps evolving and getting customized by device manufacturers. Developers are expected to comprehensively test their apps on different Andro
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