We introduce two operational entanglement measures which are applicable for arbitrary multipartite (pure or mixed) states. One of them characterizes the potentiality of a state to generate other states via local operations assisted by classical communication (LOCC) and the other the simplicity of generating the state at hand. We show how these measures can be generalized to two classes of entanglement measures. Moreover, we compute the new measures for pure few-partite systems and use them to characterize the entanglement contained in a three-qubit state. We identify the GHZ- and the W-state as the most powerful pure three-qubit states regarding state manipulation.
A new entanglement measure, the multiple entropy measures (MEMS), is proposed to quantify quantum entanglement of multi-partite quantum state. The MEMS is vector-like with $m=[N/2]$, the integer part of $N/2$, components: $[S_1, S_2,..., S_m]$, and the $i$-th component $S_i$ is the geometric mean of $i$-body partial entropy of the system. The $S_i$ measures how strong an arbitrary $i$ bodies from the system are entangled with the rest of the system. The MEMS is not only transparent in physical picture, but also simple to calculate. It satisfies the conditions for a good entanglement measure. We have analyzed the entanglement properties of the GHZ-state, the W-states and cluster-states under MEMS. The cluster-state is more entangled than the GHZ-state and W-state under MEMS.
Multipartite entanglement is an essential resource for quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum networks. The utility of a quantum state, $|psirangle$, for these applications is often directly related to the degree or type of entanglement present in $|psirangle$. Therefore, efficiently quantifying and characterizing multipartite entanglement is of paramount importance. In this work, we introduce a family of multipartite entanglement measures, called Concentratable Entanglements. Several well-known entanglement measures are recovered as special cases of our family of measures, and hence we provide a general framework for quantifying multipartite entanglement. We prove that the entire family does not increase, on average, under Local Operations and Classical Communications. We also provide an operational meaning for these measures in terms of probabilistic concentration of entanglement into Bell pairs. Finally, we show that these quantities can be efficiently estimated on a quantum computer by implementing a parallelized SWAP test, opening up a research direction for measuring multipartite entanglement on quantum devices.
We present experimental schemes that allow to study the entanglement classes of all symmetric states in multiqubit photonic systems. In addition to comparing the presented schemes in efficiency, we will highlight the relation between the entanglement properties of symmetric Dicke states and a recently proposed entanglement scheme for atoms. In analogy to the latter, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between well-defined sets of experimental parameters and multiqubit entanglement classes inside the symmetric subspace of the photonic system.
New measures of multipartite entanglement are constructed based on two definitions of multipartite information and different methods of optimizing over extensions of the states. One is a generalization of the squashed entanglement where one takes the mutual information of parties conditioned on the states extension and takes the infimum over such extensions. Additivity of the multipartite squashed entanglement is proved for bo
Entangled systems in experiments may be lost or offline in distributed quantum information processing. This inspires a general problem to characterize quantum operations which result in breaking of entanglement or not. Our goal in this work is to solve this problem both in single entanglement and network scenarios. We firstly propose a local model for characterizing all entangled states that are breaking for losing particles. This implies a simple criterion for witnessing single entanglement such as generalized GHZ states and Dicke states. It further provides an efficient witness for characterizing entangled quantum networks depending mainly on the connectivity of network configurations such as $k$-independent quantum networks, completely connected quantum networks, and $k$-connected quantum networks. These networks are universal resources for measurement-based quantum computations. The strong nonlocality can be finally verified by using nonlinear inequalities. These results show distinctive features of both single entangled systems and entangled quantum networks.