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Coupled collective and Rabi oscillations triggered by electron transport through a photon cavity

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 Added by Vidar Gudmundsson
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We show how the switching-on of an electron transport through a system of two parallel quantum dots embedded in a short quantum wire in a photon cavity can trigger coupled Rabi and collective electron-photon oscillations. We select the initial state of the system to be an eigenstate of the closed system containing two Coulomb interacting electrons with possibly few photons of a single cavity mode. The many-level quantum dots are described by a continuous potential. The Coulomb interaction and the para- and dia-magnetic electron-photon interactions are treated by exact diagonalization in a truncated Fock-space. To identify the collective modes the results are compared for an open and a closed system with respect to the coupling to external electron reservoirs, or leads. We demonstrate that the vacuum Rabi oscillations can be seen in transport quantities as the current in and out of the system.

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We propose a physical mechanism which enables permanent Rabi oscillations in driven-dissipative condensates of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities subjected to external magnetic fields. The method is based on incoherent excitonic reservoir engineering. We demonstrate that permanent non-decaying oscillations may appear due to the parity-time (PT) symmetry of the coupled exciton-photon system realised in a specific regime of pumping to the exciton state and depletion of the reservoir. For effective non-zero exciton-photon detuning, permanent Rabi oscillations occur with unequal amplitudes of exciton and photon components. Our predictions pave way to realisation of integrated circuits based on exciton-polariton condensates.
We show that a Rabi-splitting of the states of strongly interacting electrons in parallel quantum dots embedded in a short quantum wire placed in a photon cavity can be produced by either the para- or the dia-magnetic electron-photon interactions when the geometry of the system is properly accounted for and the photon field is tuned close to a resonance with the electron system. We use these two resonances to explore the electroluminescence caused by the transport of electrons through the one- and two-electron ground states of the system and their corresponding conventional and vacuum electroluminescense as the central system is opened up by coupling it to external leads acting as electron reservoirs. Our analysis indicates that high-order electron-photon processes are necessary to adequately construct the cavity-photon dressed electron states needed to describe both types of electroluminescence.
82 - K. Jurgens , F. Lengers , T. Kuhn 2020
Semiconductor quantum dots in photonic cavities are strongly coupled light-matter systems with prospective applications in optoelectronic devices and quantum information processing. Here we present a theoretical study of the coupled exciton--light field dynamics of a planar quantum dot ensemble, treated as two-level systems, embedded in a photonic cavity modeled by Maxwells equations. When excited by coupling an external short laser pulse into the cavity, we find an exciton-polariton-like behavior for weak excitation and Rabi oscillations for strong excitation with a sharp transition between these regimes. In the transition region we find highly non-linear dynamics involving high harmonics of the fundamental oscillation. We perform a numerical study based on the Finite-Difference-Time-Domain method for the solution of Maxwells equations coupled to Bloch equations for the quantum dots and also derive an analytical model to describe the coupled cavity-quantum dot system, which allows us to describe the light field dynamics in terms of a Newton-like dynamics in an effective anharmonic potential. From the shape of this potential combined with the initial conditions the transition can be well understood. The model is then extended to a broadened ensemble of quantum dots. For weak excitation the polariton spectrum broadens and the lines slightly shift, however, the sharp transition to the Rabi oscillation regime is still present. Furthermore, we find a second, lower threshold with additional lines in the spectra which can be traced back to Rabi oscillations driven by the polariton modes. Our approach provides new insights in the dynamics of both quantum dot and light field in the photonic structure.
The problem of Rabi oscillations in a qubit coupled to a fluctuator and in contact with a heath bath is considered. A scheme is developed for taking into account both phase and energy relaxation in a phenomenological way, while taking full account of the quantum dynamics of the four-level system subject to a driving AC field. Significant suppression of the Rabi oscillations is found when the qubit and fluctuator are close to resonance. The effect of the fluctuator state on the read-out signal is discussed. This effect is shown to modify the observed signal significantly. This may be relevant to recent experiments by Simmonds et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 077003 (2004)].
We investigate the influence of electron-phonon interactions on the dynamical properties of a quantum-dot-cavity QED system. We show that non-Markovian effects in the phonon reservoir lead to strong changes in the dynamics, arising from photon-assisted dephasing processes, not present in Markovian treatments. A pronounced consequence is the emergence of a phonon induced spectral asymmetry when detuning the cavity from the quantum-dot resonance. The asymmetry can only be explained when considering the polaritonic quasi-particle nature of the quantum-dot-cavity system. Furthermore, a temperature induced reduction of the light-matter coupling strength is found to be relevant in interpreting experimental data, especially in the strong coupling regime.
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