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TREEOME: A framework for epigenetic and transcriptomic data integration to explore regulatory interactions controlling transcription

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 Added by David Budden
 Publication date 2015
  fields Biology
and research's language is English

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Motivation: Predictive modelling of gene expression is a powerful framework for the in silico exploration of transcriptional regulatory interactions through the integration of high-throughput -omics data. A major limitation of previous approaches is their inability to handle conditional and synergistic interactions that emerge when collectively analysing genes subject to different regulatory mechanisms. This limitation reduces overall predictive power and thus the reliability of downstream biological inference. Results: We introduce an analytical modelling framework (TREEOME: tree of models of expression) that integrates epigenetic and transcriptomic data by separating genes into putative regulatory classes. Current predictive modelling approaches have found both DNA methylation and histone modification epigenetic data to provide little or no improvement in accuracy of prediction of transcript abundance despite, for example, distinct anti-correlation between mRNA levels and promoter-localised DNA methylation. To improve on this, in TREEOME we evaluate four possible methods of formulating gene-level DNA methylation metrics, which provide a foundation for identifying gene-level methylation events and subsequent differential analysis, whereas most previous techniques operate at the level of individual CpG dinucleotides. We demonstrate TREEOME by integrating gene-level DNA methylation (bisulfite-seq) and histone modification (ChIP-seq) data to accurately predict genome-wide mRNA transcript abundance (RNA-seq) for H1-hESC and GM12878 cell lines. Availability: TREEOME is implemented using open-source software and made available as a pre-configured bootable reference environment. All scripts and data presented in this study are available online at

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This paper introduces a high-throughput software tool framework called {it sam2bam} that enables users to significantly speedup pre-processing for next-generation sequencing data. The sam2bam is especially efficient on single-node multi-core large-memory systems. It can reduce the runtime of data pre-processing in marking duplicate reads on a single node system by 156-186x compared with de facto standard tools. The sam2bam consists of parallel software components that can fully utilize the multiple processors, available memory, high-bandwidth of storage, and hardware compression accelerators if available. The sam2bam provides file format conversion between well-known genome file formats, from SAM to BAM, as a basic feature. Additional features such as analyzing, filtering, and converting the input data are provided by {it plug-in} tools, e.g., duplicate marking, which can be attached to sam2bam at runtime. We demonstrated that sam2bam could significantly reduce the runtime of NGS data pre-processing from about two hours to about one minute for a whole-exome data set on a 16-core single-node system using up to 130 GB of memory. The sam2bam could reduce the runtime for whole-genome sequencing data from about 20 hours to about nine minutes on the same system using up to 711 GB of memory.
Network of packages with regulatory interactions (dependences and conflicts) from Debian GNU/Linux operating system is compiled and used as analogy of a gene regulatory network. Using a trace-back algorithm we assembly networks from the potential pool of packages for both scale-free and exponential topology from real and a null model data, respectively. We calculate the maximum number of packages that can be functionally installed in the system (i.e., the active network size). We show that scale-free regulatory networks allow a larger active network size than random ones. Small genomes with scale-free regulatory topology could allow much more functionality than large genomes with an exponential one, with implications on its dynamics, robustness and evolution.
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