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On the Formation of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources with Neutron Star Accretors: the Case of M82 X-2

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 Added by Tassos Fragos
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The recent discovery of a neutron star accretor in the ultra-luminous X-ray source M82 X-2 challenges our understanding of high-mass X-ray binary formation and evolution. By combining binary population synthesis and detailed mass-transfer models, however, we show that the binary parameters of M82 X-2 are not surprising provided non-conservative mass transfer is allowed. Specifically, the donor-mass lower limit and orbital period measured for M82 X-2 lie near the most probable values predicted by population synthesis models, and systems such as M82 X-2 should exist in approximately 13% of the galaxies with a star-formation history similar to M82. We conclude that the binary system that formed M82 X-2 is most likely less than 50 Myr old and contains a donor star which had an initial mass of approximately 8-10 M$_odot$, while the NSs progenitor star had an initial mass in the $8-25,rm M_{odot}$ range. The donor star still currently resides on the main sequence, and is capable of continued MT on the thermal timescale, while in the ultra-luminous X-ray regime, for as long as 400,000 years.

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We study properties of luminous X-ray pulsars using a simplified model of the accretion column. The maximal possible luminosity is calculated as a function of the neutron star (NS) magnetic field and spin period. It is shown that the luminosity can reach values of the order of $10^{40},{rm erg/s}$ for the magnetar-like magnetic field ($Bgtrsim 10^{14},{rm G}$) and long spin periods ($Pgtrsim 1.5,{rm s}$). The relative narrowness of an area of feasible NS parameters which are able to provide higher luminosities leads to the conclusion that $Lsimeq 10^{40},,{rm erg/s}$ is a good estimate for the limiting accretion luminosity of a NS. Because this luminosity coincides with the cut-off observed in the high mass X-ray binaries luminosity function which otherwise does not show any features at lower luminosities, we can conclude that a substantial part of ultra-luminous X-ray sources are accreting neutron stars in binary systems.
113 - Andrew R. King 2003
Chandra observations of the Cartwheel galaxy reveal a population of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with lifetimes < 10^7 yr associated with a spreading wave of star formation which began some 3 x 10^8 yr ago. A population of high-mass X-ray binaries provides a simple model: donor stars of initial masses M_2 > 15 Msun transfer mass on their thermal timescales to black holes of masses M_1 > 10 Msun. For alternative explanations of the Cartwheel ULX population in terms of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH) accreting from massive stars, the inferred production rate > 10^-6 yr^-1 implies at least 300 IMBHs, and more probably 3 x 10^4, within the star-forming ring. These estimates are increased by factors eta^-1 if the efficiency eta with which IMBHs find companions of > 15 Msun within 10^7 yr is <1. Current models of IMBH production would require a very large mass ($ga 10^{10}msun$) of stars to have formed new clusters. Further, the accretion efficiency must be low (< 6 x 10^-3) for IMBH binaries, suggesting super-Eddington accretion, even though intermediate black hole masses are invoked with the purpose of avoiding it. These arguments suggest either that to make a ULX, an IMBH must accrete from some as yet unknown non-stellar mass reservoir with very specific properties, or that most if not all ULXs in star-forming galaxies are high-mass X-ray binaries.
We present a detailed, broadband X-ray spectral analysis of the ULX pulsar NGC 7793 P13, a known super-Eddington source, utilizing data from the $XMM$-$Newton$, $NuSTAR$ and $Chandra$ observatories. The broadband $XMM$-$Newton+NuSTAR$ spectrum of P13 is qualitatively similar to the rest of the ULX sample with broadband coverage, suggesting that additional ULXs in the known population may host neutron star accretors. Through time-averaged, phase-resolved and multi-epoch studies, we find that two non-pulsed thermal blackbody components with temperatures $sim$0.5 and $sim$1.5 keV are required to fit the data below 10 keV, in addition to a third continuum component which extends to higher energies and is associated with the pulsed emission from the accretion column. The characteristic radii of the thermal components appear to be similar, and are too large to be associated with the neutron star itself, so the need for two components likely indicates the accretion flow outside the magnetosphere is complex. We suggest a scenario in which the thick inner disc expected for super-Eddington accretion begins to form, but is terminated by the neutron stars magnetic field soon after its onset, implying a limit of $B lesssim 6 times 10^{12}$ G for the dipolar component of the central neutron stars magnetic field. Evidence of similar termination of the disc in other sources may offer a further means of identifying additional neutron star ULXs. Finally, we examine the spectrum exhibited by P13 during one of its unusual off states. These data require both a hard powerlaw component, suggesting residual accretion onto the neutron star, and emission from a thermal plasma, which we argue is likely associated with the P13 system.
We review observations of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). X-ray spectroscopic and timing studies of ULXs suggest a new accretion state distinct from those seen in Galactic stellar-mass black hole binaries. The detection of coherent pulsations indicates the presence of neutron-star accretors in three ULXs and therefore apparently super-Eddington luminosities. Optical and X-ray line profiles of ULXs and the properties of associated radio and optical nebulae suggest that ULXs produce powerful outflows, also indicative of super-Eddington accretion. We discuss models of super-Eddington accretion and their relation to the observed behaviors of ULXs. We review the evidence for intermediate mass black holes in ULXs. We consider the implications of ULXs for super-Eddington accretion in active galactic nuclei, heating of the early universe, and the origin of the black hole binary recently detected via gravitational waves.
We study spectral variability of 11 ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULX) using archived XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. We use three models to describe the observed spectra: a power-law, a multi-colour disc (MCD) and a combination of these two models. We find that 7 ULXs show a correlation between the luminosity Lx and the photon index Gamma. Furthermore, 4 out of these 7 ULXs also show spectral pivoting in the observed energy band. We also find that two ULXs show an Lx-Gamma anti-correlation. The spectra of 4 ULXs in the sample can be adequately fitted with a MCD model. We compare these sources to known black hole binaries (BHB) and find that they follow similar paths in their luminosity-temperature diagrams. Finally we show that the `soft excess reported for many of these ULXs at about 0.2 keV seems to roughly follow a trend Lsoft propto T^{-3.5} when modelled with a power-law plus a `cool MCD model. This is contrary to the L propto T^4 relation that is expected from theory and what is seen for many accreting BHBs. The observed trend could instead arise from disc emission beamed by an outflowing wind around a about 10 solar mass black hole.
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