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The HU Aqr planetary system hypothesis revisited

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study the mid-egress eclipse timing data gathered for the cataclysmic binary HU Aquarii during the years 1993-2014. The (O-C) residuals were previously attributed to a single ~7 Jupiter mass companion in ~5 au orbit or to a stable 2-planet system with an unconstrained outermost orbit. We present 22 new observations gathered between June, 2011 and July, 2014 with four instruments around the world. They reveal a systematic deviation of ~60 - 120 seconds from the older ephemeris. We re-analyse the whole set of the timing data available. Our results provide an erratum to the previous HU Aqr planetary models, indicating that the hypothesis for a third and fourth body in this system is uncertain. The dynamical stability criterion and a particular geometry of orbits rule out coplanar 2-planet configurations. A putative HU Aqr planetary system may be more complex, e.g., highly non-coplanar. Indeed, we found examples of 3-planet configurations with the middle planet in a retrograde orbit, which are stable for at least 1Gyr, and consistent with the observations. The (O-C) may be also driven by oscillations of the gravitational quadrupole moment of the secondary, as predicted by the Lanza et al. modification of the Applegate mechanism. Further systematic, long-term monitoring of HU Aqr is required to interpret the (O-C) residuals.

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162 - S.-B. Qian , L. Liu , W.-P. Liao 2011
Using the precise times of mid-egress of the eclipsing polar HU Aqr, we discovered that this polar is orbited by two or more giant planets. The two planets detected so far have masses of at least 5.9 and 4.5,M_{Jup}. Their respective distances from the polar are 3.6 AU and 5.4 AU with periods of 6.54 and 11.96 years, respectively. The observed rate of period decrease derived from the downward parabolic change in O-C curve is a factor 15 larger than the value expected for gravitational radiation. This indicates that it may be only a part of a long-period cyclic variation, revealing the presence of one more planet. It is interesting to note that the two detected circumbinary planets follow the Titus-Bode law of solar planets with n=5 and 6. We estimate that another 10 years of observations will reveal the presence of the predicted third planet.
309 - C.M. Bridge 2002
We apply an eclipse mapping technique to observations of the eclipsing magnetic cataclysmic variable HU Aqr. The observations were made with the S-Cam2 Superconducting Tunnel Junction detector at the WHT in October 2000, providing high signal-to-noise observations with simultaneous spectral and temporal resolution. HU Aqr was in a bright (high accretion) state (V=14.7) and the stream contributes as much to the overall system brightness as the accretion region on the white dwarf. The stream is modelled assuming accretion is occuring onto only one pole of the white dwarf. We find enhanced brightness towards the accretion region from irradiation and interpret enhanced brightness in the threading region, where the ballistic stream is redirected to follow the magnetic field lines of the white dwarf, as magnetic heating from the stream-field interaction, which is consistent with recent theoretical results. Changes in the stream eclipse profile over one orbital period indicate that the magnetic heating process is unstable.
LHS 1140 is an M dwarf known to host two known transiting planets at orbital periods of 3.77 and 24.7 days. The external planet (LHS 1140 b) is a rocky super-Earth that is located in the middle of the habitable zone of this low-mass star, placing this system at the forefront of the habitable exoplanet exploration. We further characterize this system by improving the physical and orbital properties and search for additional planetary-mass components in the system, also exploring the possibility of co-orbitals. We collected 113 new radial velocity observations with ESPRESSO over a 1.5-year time span with an average photon-noise precision of 1.07 m/s. We determine new masses with a precision of 6% for LHS 1140 b ($6.48 pm 0.46~M_{oplus}$) and 9% for LHS 1140 c ($m_c=1.78 pm 0.17~M_{oplus}$), reducing by half the previously published uncertainties. Although both planets have Earth-like bulk compositions, the internal structure analysis suggests that LHS 1140 b might be iron-enriched. In both cases, the water content is compatible to a maximum fraction of 10-12% in mass, which is equivalent to a deep ocean layer of $779 pm 650$ km for the habitable-zone planet LHS 1140 b. Our results also provide evidence for a new planet candidate in the system ($m_d= 4.8pm1.1~M_{oplus}$) on a ~78.9-day orbital period, which is detected through three independent methods. The analysis also allows us to discard other planets above 0.5 $M_{oplus}$ for periods shorter than 10 days and above 2 $M_{oplus}$ for periods up to one year. Finally, our analysis discards co-orbital planets of LHS 1140 b down to 1 $M_{oplus}$. Indications for a possible co-orbital signal in LHS 1140 c are detected in both radial velocity and photometric data, however. The new characterization of the system make it a key target for atmospheric studies of rocky worlds at different stellar irradiations
168 - M. Bours 2014
We present new eclipse observations of the polar (i.e. semi-detached magnetic white dwarf + M-dwarf binary) HU Aqr, and mid-egress times for each eclipse, which continue to be observed increasingly early. Recent eclipses occurred more than 70 seconds earlier than the prediction from the latest model that invoked a single circumbinary planet to explain the observed orbital period variations, thereby conclusively proving this model to be incorrect. Using ULTRACAM data, we show that mid-egress times determined for simultaneous data taken at different wavelengths agree with each other. The large variations in the observed eclipse times cannot be explained by planetary models containing up to three planets, because of poor fits to the data as well as orbital instability on short time scales. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the O-C diagram of almost 140 seconds is also too great to be caused by Applegates mechanism, movement of the accretion spot on the surface of the white dwarf, or by asynchronous rotation of the white dwarf. What does cause the observed eclipse time variations remains a mystery.
The present work is a critical revision of the hypothesis of the planetary tidal influence on solar activity published by Abreu et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 548, A88, 2012; called A12 here). A12 describes a hypothesis that planets can have an impact on the solar tachocline and therefore on solar activity. We checked the procedure and results of A12, namely the algorithm of planetary tidal torque calculation and the wavelet coherence between torque and heliospheric modulation potential. We found that the claimed peaks in long-period range of the torque spectrum are artefacts caused by the calculation algorithm. Also the statistical significance of the results of the wavelet coherence is found to be overestimated by an incorrect choice of the background assumption of red noise. Using a more conservative non-parametric random phase method, we found that the long-period coherence between planetary torque and heliospheric modulation potential becomes insignificant. Thus we conclude that the considered hypothesis of planetary tidal influence on solar activity is not based on a solid ground.
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