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Determining distances to stars statistically from photometry

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 Added by Heidi Newberg
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In determining the distances to stars within the Milky Way galaxy, one often uses photometric or spectroscopic parallax. In these methods, the type of each individual star is determined, and the absolute magnitude of that star type is compared with the measured apparent magnitude to determine individual distances. In this article, we define the term statistical photometric parallax, in which statistical knowledge of the absolute magnitudes of stellar populations is used to determine the underlying density distributions of those stars. This technique has been used to determine the density distribution of the Milky Way stellar halo and its component tidal streams, using very large samples of stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Most recently, the volunteer computing platform MilkyWay@home has been used to find the best fit model parameters for the density of these halo stars.

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For application to surveys of interstellar matter and Galactic structure, we compute new spectrophotometric distances to 139 OB stars frequently used as background targets for UV spectroscopy. Many of these stars have updated spectral types and digital photometry with reddening corrections from the Galactic O-Star (GOS) spectroscopic survey. We compare our new photometric distances to values used in previous IUE and FUSE surveys and to parallax distances derived from Gaia-DR2, after applying a standard (0.03 mas) offset from the quasar celestial reference frame. We find substantial differences between photometric and parallax distances (at d > 1.5 kpc) with increasing dispersion when parallax errors exceed 8%. Differences from previous surveys arise from new GOS stellar classifications, especially luminosity classes, and from reddening corrections. We apply our methods to two OB associations. For Perseus OB1 (nine O-stars) we find mean distances of $2.47pm0.57$ kpc (Gaia parallax) and $2.99pm0.14$ kpc (photometric) using a standard grid of absolute magnitudes (Bowen et al. 2008). For 29 O-stars in Car OB1 associated with Trumpler-16, Trumpler-14, Trumpler-15, and Collinder-228 star clusters, we find $2.87pm0.73$ kpc (Gaia parallax) and $2.60pm0.28$ kpc (photometric). Using an alternative grid of O-star absolute magnitudes (Martins et al. 2005) shifts these photometric distances 7% closer. Improving the distances to OB-stars will require attention to spectral types, photometry, reddening, binarity, and the grid of absolute magnitudes. We anticipate that future measurements in Gaia-DR3 will improve the precision of distances to massive star-forming regions in the Milky Way.
In the last decades we witnessed an increase in studies of open clusters of the Galaxy, especially because of the good determination for a wide range of values of parameters such as age, distance, reddening, and proper motion. The reliable determination of the parameters strongly depends on the photometry available and especially on the U filter, which is used to obtain the color excess E(B-V) through the color-color diagram (U-B) by (B-V) by fitting a zero age main-sequence. Owing to the difficulty of performing photometry in the U band, many authors have tried to obtain E(B-V) without the filter. But because of the near linearity of the color-color diagrams that use the other bands, combined with the fact that most fitting procedures are highly subjective (many done by eye) the reliability of those results has always been questioned. Our group has recently developed, a tool that performs isochrone fitting in open-cluster photometric data with a global optimization algorithm, which removes the need to visually perform the fits and thus removes most of the related subjectivity. Here we apply our method to a set of synthetic clusters and two observed open clusters (Trumpler 1 and Melotte 105) using only photometry for the BVRI bands. Our results show that, considering the cluster structural variance caused only by photometric and Poisson sampling errors, our method is able to recover the synthetic cluster parameters with errors of less than 10% for a wide range of ages, distances, and reddening, which clearly demonstrates its potential. The results obtained for Trumpler 1 and Melotte 105 also agree well with previous literature values.
Understanding the formation and evolution of our Galaxy requires accurate distances, ages and chemistry for large populations of field stars. Here we present several updates to our spectro-photometric distance code, that can now also be used to estimate ages, masses, and extinctions for individual stars. Given a set of measured spectro-photometric parameters, we calculate the posterior probability distribution over a given grid of stellar evolutionary models, using flexible Galactic stellar-population priors. The code (called {tt StarHorse}) can acommodate different observational datasets, prior options, partially missing data, and the inclusion of parallax information into the estimated probabilities. We validate the code using a variety of simulated stars as well as real stars with parameters determined from asteroseismology, eclipsing binaries, and isochrone fits to star clusters. Our main goal in this validation process is to test the applicability of the code to field stars with known {it Gaia}-like parallaxes. The typical internal precision (obtained from realistic simulations of an APOGEE+Gaia-like sample) are $simeq 8%$ in distance, $simeq 20%$ in age,$simeq 6 %$ in mass, and $simeq 0.04$ mag in $A_V$. The median external precision (derived from comparisons with earlier work for real stars) varies with the sample used, but lies in the range of $simeq [0,2]%$ for distances, $simeq [12,31]%$ for ages, $simeq [4,12]%$ for masses, and $simeq 0.07$ mag for $A_V$. We provide StarHorse distances and extinctions for the APOGEE DR14, RAVE DR5, GES DR3 and GALAH DR1 catalogues.
We developed a code that estimates distances to stars using measured spectroscopic and photometric quantities. We employ a Bayesian approach to build the probability distribution function over stellar evolutionary models given these data, delivering estimates of model parameters for each star individually. The code was first tested on simulations, successfully recovering input distances to mock stars with <1% bias.The method-intrinsic random distance uncertainties for typical spectroscopic survey measurements amount to around 10% for dwarf stars and 20% for giants, and are most sensitive to the quality of $log g$ measurements. The code was validated by comparing our distance estimates to parallax measurements from the Hipparcos mission for nearby stars (< 300 pc), to asteroseismic distances of CoRoT red giant stars, and to known distances of well-studied open and globular clusters. The external comparisons confirm that our distances are subject to very small systematic biases with respect to the fundamental Hipparcos scale (+0.4 % for dwarfs, and +1.6% for giants). The typical random distance scatter is 18% for dwarfs, and 26% for giants. For the CoRoT-APOGEE sample, the typical random distance scatter is ~15%, both for the nearby and farther data. Our distances are systematically larger than the CoRoT ones by about +9%, which can mostly be attributed to the different choice of priors. The comparison to known distances of star clusters from SEGUE and APOGEE has led to significant systematic differences for many cluster stars, but with opposite signs, and with substantial scatter. Finally, we tested our distances against those previously determined for a high-quality sample of giant stars from the RAVE survey, again finding a small systematic trend of +5% and an rms scatter of 30%.
This paper involves a data release of the observational campaign: Cosmicflows with Spitzer (CFS). Surface photometry of the 1270 galaxies constituting the survey is presented. An additional ~ 400 galaxies from various other Spitzer surveys are also analyzed. CFS complements the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, that provides photometry for an additional 2352 galaxies, by extending observations to low galactic latitudes (|b|<30 degrees). Among these galaxies are calibrators, selected in K band, of the Tully-Fisher relation. The addition of new calibrators demonstrate the robustness of the previously released calibration. Our estimate of the Hubble constant using supernova host galaxies is unchanged, H0 = 75.2 +/- 3.3 km/s/Mpc. Distance-derived radial peculiar velocities, for the 1935 galaxies with all the available parameters, will be incorporated into a new data release of the Cosmicflows project. The size of the previous catalog will be increased by 20%, including spatial regions close to the Zone of Avoidance.
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