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From Captions to Visual Concepts and Back

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 Added by Piotr Doll\\'ar
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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This paper presents a novel approach for automatically generating image descriptions: visual detectors, language models, and multimodal similarity models learnt directly from a dataset of image captions. We use multiple instance learning to train visual detectors for words that commonly occur in captions, including many different parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The word detector outputs serve as conditional inputs to a maximum-entropy language model. The language model learns from a set of over 400,000 image descriptions to capture the statistics of word usage. We capture global semantics by re-ranking caption candidates using sentence-level features and a deep multimodal similarity model. Our system is state-of-the-art on the official Microsoft COCO benchmark, producing a BLEU-4 score of 29.1%. When human judges compare the system captions to ones written by other people on our held-out test set, the system captions have equal or better quality 34% of the time.

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When automatically generating a sentence description for an image or video, it often remains unclear how well the generated caption is grounded, that is whether the model uses the correct image regions to output particular words, or if the model is hallucinating based on priors in the dataset and/or the language model. The most common way of relating image regions with words in caption models is through an attention mechanism over the regions that are used as input to predict the next word. The model must therefore learn to predict the attentional weights without knowing the word it should localize. This is difficult to train without grounding supervision since recurrent models can propagate past information and there is no explicit signal to force the captioning model to properly ground the individual decoded words. In this work, we help the model to achieve this via a novel cyclical training regimen that forces the model to localize each word in the image after the sentence decoder generates it, and then reconstruct the sentence from the localized image region(s) to match the ground-truth. Our proposed framework only requires learning one extra fully-connected layer (the localizer), a layer that can be removed at test time. We show that our model significantly improves grounding accuracy without relying on grounding supervision or introducing extra computation during inference, for both image and video captioning tasks. Code is available at .
Methodologies for training visual question answering (VQA) models assume the availability of datasets with human-annotated textit{Image-Question-Answer} (I-Q-A) triplets. This has led to heavy reliance on datasets and a lack of generalization to new types of questions and scenes. Linguistic priors along with biases and errors due to annotator subjectivity have been shown to percolate into VQA models trained on such samples. We study whether models can be trained without any human-annotated Q-A pairs, but only with images and their associated textual descriptions or captions. We present a method to train models with synthetic Q-A pairs generated procedurally from captions. Additionally, we demonstrate the efficacy of spatial-pyramid image patches as a simple but effective alternative to dense and costly object bounding box annotations used in existing VQA models. Our experiments on three VQA benchmarks demonstrate the efficacy of this weakly-supervised approach, especially on the VQA-CP challenge, which tests performance under changing linguistic priors.
Generalization to out-of-distribution data has been a problem for Visual Question Answering (VQA) models. To measure generalization to novel questions, we propose to separate them into skills and concepts. Skills are visual tasks, such as counting or attribute recognition, and are applied to concepts mentioned in the question, such as objects and people. VQA methods should be able to compose skills and concepts in novel ways, regardless of whether the specific composition has been seen in training, yet we demonstrate that existing models have much to improve upon towards handling new compositions. We present a novel method for learning to compose skills and concepts that separates these two factors implicitly within a model by learning grounded concept representations and disentangling the encoding of skills from that of concepts. We enforce these properties with a novel contrastive learning procedure that does not rely on external annotations and can be learned from unlabeled image-question pairs. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for improving compositional and grounding performance.
The availability of large-scale image captioning and visual question answering datasets has contributed significantly to recent successes in vision-and-language pre-training. However, these datasets are often collected with overrestrictive requirements inherited from their original target tasks (e.g., image caption generation), which limit the resulting dataset scale and diversity. We take a step further in pushing the limits of vision-and-language pre-training data by relaxing the data collection pipeline used in Conceptual Captions 3M (CC3M) [Sharma et al. 2018] and introduce the Conceptual 12M (CC12M), a dataset with 12 million image-text pairs specifically meant to be used for vision-and-language pre-training. We perform an analysis of this dataset and benchmark its effectiveness against CC3M on multiple downstream tasks with an emphasis on long-tail visual recognition. Our results clearly illustrate the benefit of scaling up pre-training data for vision-and-language tasks, as indicated by the new state-of-the-art results on both the nocaps and Conceptual Captions benchmarks.
This paper explores new evaluation perspectives for image captioning and introduces a noun translation task that achieves comparative image caption generation performance by translating from a set of nouns to captions. This implies that in image captioning, all word categories other than nouns can be evoked by a powerful language model without sacrificing performance on n-gram precision. The paper also investigates lower and upper bounds of how much individual word categories in the captions contribute to the final BLEU score. A large possible improvement exists for nouns, verbs, and prepositions.
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