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Non-commutative deformations and quasi-coherent modules

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 Added by Wendy Lowen
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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We identify a class of quasi-compact semi-separated (qcss) twisted presheaves of algebras A for which well-behaved Grothendieck abelian categories of quasi-coherent modules Qch(A) are defined. This class is stable under algebraic deformation, giving rise to a 1-1 correspondence between algebraic deformations of A and abelian deformations of Qch(A). For a qcss presheaf A, we use the Gerstenhaber-Schack (GS) complex to explicitely parameterize the first order deformations. For a twisted presheaf A with central twists, we descibe an alternative category QPr(A) of quasi-coherent presheaves which is equivalent to Qch(A), leading to an alternative, equivalent association of abelian deformations to GS cocycles of qcss presheaves of commutative algebras. Our construction applies to the restriction O of the structure sheaf of a scheme X to a finite semi-separating open affine cover (for which we have an equivalence between Qch(O) and Qch(X)). Under a natural identification of Gerstenhaber-Schack cohomology of O and Hochschild cohomology of X, our construction is shown to be equivalent to Todas construction in the smooth case.

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In this article we develop the theory of minors of non-commutative schemes. This study is motivated by applications in the theory of non-commutative resolutions of singularities of commutative schemes. In particular, we construct a categorical resolution for non-commutative curves and in the rational case show that it can be realized as the derived category of a quasi-hereditary algebra.
Let R be a non-commutative field. We prove that generic triples of flags in an m-dimensional R-vector space are described by flat R-line bundles on the honeycomb graph with (m-1)(m-2)/2 holes. Generalising this, we prove that the non-commutative moduli space X(m,S) of (twisted) framed flat R-vector bundles of rank m on a decorated surface S is birationally identified with the moduli spaces of (twisted) flat line bundles on a spectral surface $Sigma_Gamma$ assigned to certain bipartite graphs $Gamma$ on S. We introduce non-commutative cluster Poisson varieties related to bipartite ribbon graphs. They carry a canonical non-commutative Poisson structure. The result above just means that the space X(m, S) has a structure of a non-commutative cluster Poisson variety, equivariant under the action of the mapping class group of S. For bipartite graphs on a torus, we get the non-commutative dimer cluster integrable system. We develop a parallel dual story of non-commutative cluster A-varieties related to bipartite ribbon graphs. They carry a canonical non-commutative 2-form. The dual non-commutative moduli space A(m,S) of twisted decorated local systems on S carries a cluster A-variety structure, equivariant under the action of the mapping class group of S. The non-commutative cluster A-coordinates on the space A(m,S) are expressed as ratios of Gelfand-Retakh quasideterminants. In the case m=2 this recovers the Berenstein-Retakh non-commutative cluster algebras related to surfaces. We introduce stacks of admissible dg-sheaves on surfaces, and use them to give an alternative microlocal proof of the above results.
Motivated by advances in categorical probability, we introduce non-commutative almost everywhere (a.e.) equivalence and disintegrations in the setting of C*-algebras. We show that C*-algebras (resp. W*-algebras) and a.e. equivalence classes of 2-positive (resp. positive) unital maps form a category. We prove non-commutative disintegrations are a.e. unique whenever they exist. We provide an explicit characterization for when disintegrations exist in the setting of finite-dimensional C*-algebras, and we give formulas for the associated disintegrations.
187 - Kentaro Nagao 2009
In arXiv:0907.3784, we introduced a variant of non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory in a combinatorial way, which is related with topological vertex by a wall-crossing phenomenon. In this paper, we (1) provide an alternative definition in a geometric way, (2) show that the two definitions agree with each other and (3) compute the invariants using the vertex operator method, following Okounkov-Reshetikhin-Vafa and Young. The stability parameter in the geometric definition determines the order of the vertex operators and hence we can understand the wall-crossing formula in non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory as the commutator relation of the vertex operators.
100 - Igor Burban , Yuriy Drozd 2018
In this paper, we develop a geometric approach to study derived tame finite dimensional associative algebras, based on the theory of non-commutative nodal curves.
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