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A White Paper on SoLID (Solenoidal Large Intensity Device)

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 Added by Mehdi Meziane
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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In order to fully exploit the physics potential of Jefferson Lab after 12 GeV energy upgrade, a new Solenoidal Large Acceptance Device (SoLID) is proposed. The SoLID spectrometer, with its unique capability of large acceptance and high luminosity, is ideal for precision measurements in semi-inclusive DIS to study transverse spin and transverse-momentum-dependent parton distributions of the nucleon, and for parity-violating Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) to perform precision tests of the Standard Model at low energy as well as addressing specific issues in nucleon structure including charge symmetry violation, d/u ratio and higher-twist effects due to di-quark. SoLID is also essential for precision measurements of J/psi electroproduction in the threshold region to study non-perturbative gluon dynamics and interaction. Five highly rated SoLID experiments and two run group experiments have been approved by the JLab Physics Advisory Committee. The physics program is presented along with an overview of the SoLID instrumentation and its current status.

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The Workshop on Nuclear Data Needs and Capabilities for Basic Science was held at the University of Notre Dame on 10-11 August 2016. The purpose of this targeted workshop was to assemble and prioritize the needs of the nuclear physics research community for data sets, services and capabilities in areas including nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental interactions, neutrino physics and nuclear theory. An overview of nuclear data needs and capabilities identified at this meeting are summarized in the present document.
183 - Hui Wang , Jian Qin , Si Chen 2020
Intensity squeezing, i.e., photon number fluctuations below the shot noise limit, is a fundamental aspect of quantum optics and has wide applications in quantum metrology. It was predicted in 1979 that the intensity squeezing could be observed in resonance fluorescence from a two-level quantum system. Yet, its experimental observation in solid states was hindered by inefficiencies in generating, collecting and detecting resonance fluorescence. Here, we report the intensity squeezing in a single-mode fibre-coupled resonance fluorescence single-photon source based on a quantum dot-micropillar system. We detect pulsed single-photon streams with 22.6% system efficiency, which show subshot-noise intensity fluctuation with an intensity squeezing of 0.59 dB. We estimate a corrected squeezing of 3.29 dB at the first lens. The observed intensity squeezing provides the last piece of the fundamental picture of resonance fluorescence; which can be used as a new standard for optical radiation and in scalable quantum metrology with indistinguishable single photons.
This paper summarizes discussions of the theoretical developments and the studies performed by the NNbarX collaboration for the 2013 Snowmass Community Summer Study.
This white paper informs the nuclear astrophysics community and funding agencies about the scientific directions and priorities of the field and provides input from this community for the 2015 Nuclear Science Long Range Plan. It summarizes the outcome of the nuclear astrophysics town meeting that was held on August 21-23, 2014 in College Station at the campus of Texas A&M University in preparation of the NSAC Nuclear Science Long Range Plan. It also reflects the outcome of an earlier town meeting of the nuclear astrophysics community organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) on October 9- 10, 2012 Detroit, Michigan, with the purpose of developing a vision for nuclear astrophysics in light of the recent NRC decadal surveys in nuclear physics (NP2010) and astronomy (ASTRO2010). The white paper is furthermore informed by the town meeting of the Association of Research at University Nuclear Accelerators (ARUNA) that took place at the University of Notre Dame on June 12-13, 2014. In summary we find that nuclear astrophysics is a modern and vibrant field addressing fundamental science questions at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics. These questions relate to the origin of the elements, the nuclear engines that drive life and death of stars, and the properties of dense matter. A broad range of nuclear accelerator facilities, astronomical observatories, theory efforts, and computational capabilities are needed. With the developments outlined in this white paper, answers to long standing key questions are well within reach in the coming decade.
EUSO-SPB2 is a second generation Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) on a Super-Pressure Balloon (SPB). This document describes the physics capabilities, the proposed technical design of the instruments, and the simulation and analysis software.
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