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3D maps of the local interstellar medium: searching for the imprints of past events

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 Added by Rosine Lallement
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Inversion of interstellar gas or dust columns measured along the path to stars distributed in distance and direction allows reconstructing the distribution of interstellar matter (ISM) in 3D. A low resolution IS dust map based on the reddening of 23,000 stars illustrates the potential of future maps. It reveals the location of the main IS clouds within $sim$1kpc and, owing to biases towards weakly reddened targets, regions devoid of IS matter. It traces the Local Bubble and neighboring cavities, including a giant, $geq$1000 pc long cavity located beyond the so-called $beta$CMa tunnel, bordered by the main constituents of the Gould belt (GB), the rotating and expanding ring of clouds and young stars, inclined by $sim$ 20$^{circ}$ to the galactic plane. From comparison with diffuse X-ray background and absorption data it appears that the giant cavity is filled with warm, ionized and dust-poor gas in addition to million K gas. This set of structures must reflect the main events that occurred in the past. It has been suggested that the Cretaceus-Tertiary mass extinction may be due to a gamma-ray burst (GRB) in the massive globular cluster (GC) 47 Tuc during its close encounter with the Sun $sim$70 Myrs ago. Given the mass, speed and size of 47 Tuc, wherever it crossed the Galactic plane it must have produced at the crossing site significant dynamical effects on the disk stars and IS clouds, and triggered star formation. Interestingly, first-order estimates suggest that the GB dynamics and age could match the consequences of the cluster crossing. Additionally, the giant ionized, dust-free cavity could be related to an intense flux of hard radiation, and dust-gas decoupling after the burst could explain the high variability and pattern of the D/H ratio in the nearby gaseous ISM. Future Gaia data should confirm or dismiss this hypothesis.

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116 - E. M. Reynoso 2003
We have carried out an HI survey towards X-ray central compact objects (CCOs) inside supernova remnants (SNRs) which shows that many of them are placed within local HI minima. The nature of these minima is not clear, but the most likely explanation is that the CCOs have evacuated the neighboring gas. This survey also allowed us to detect a weak, diffuse radio nebula inside the SNR Vela Jr, probably created by the winds of its associated CCO.
Gaia data and stellar surveys open the way to the construction of detailed 3D maps of the Galactic interstellar (IS) dust based on the synthesis of star distances and extinctions. Reliable extinction measurements require very accurate photometric calibrations. We show the first step of an iterative process linking 3D dust maps and photometric calibrations and improving them simultaneously. Our previous 3D map of nearby IS dust was used to select low reddening SDSS/APOGEE-DR14 red giants, and this database served for an empirical effective temperature- and metallicity-dependent photometric calibration in the Gaia G and 2MASS Ks bands. This calibration has been combined with Gaia G-band empirical extinction coefficients recently published, G, J and Ks photometry and APOGEE atmospheric parameters to derive the extinction of a large fraction of the survey targets. Distances were estimated independently using isochrones and the magnitude-independent extinction K(J-Ks). This new dataset has been merged with the one used for the earlier version of dust map. A new Bayesian inversion of distance-extinction pairs has been performed to produce an updated 3D map. We present several properties of the new map. Its comparison with 2D dust emission reveals that all large dust shells seen in emission at mid- and high-latitude are closer than 300pc. The updated distribution constrains the well debated, X-ray bright North Polar Spur to originate beyond 800 pc. We use the Orion region to illustrate additional details and distant clouds. On the large scale the map reveals a complex structure of the Local Arm. 2 to 3 kpc-long chains of clouds appear in planes tilted by 15 deg with respect to the Galactic plane. A series of cavities oriented along a l=60-240deg axis crosses the Arm. (
Context: The interstellar medium (ISM) on all scales is full of structures that can be used as tracers of processes that feed turbulence. Aims: We used HI survey data to derive global properties of the angular power distribution of the local ISM. Methods: HI4PI observations on an nside = 1024 HEALPix grid and Gaussian components representing three phases, the cold, warm, and unstable lukewarm neutral medium (CNM, WNM, and LNM), were used for velocities $|v_{mathrm{LSR}}| leq 25$ kms. For high latitudes $|b| > 20deg$ we generated apodized maps. After beam deconvolution we fitted angular power spectra. Results: Power spectra for observed column densities are exceptionally well defined and straight in log-log presentation with 3D power law indices $gamma geq -3$ for the local gas. For intermediate velocity clouds (IVCs) we derive $gamma = -2.6$ and for high velocity clouds (HVCs) $gamma = -2.0$. Single-phase power distributions for the CNM, LNM, and WNM are highly correlated and shallow with $ gamma sim -2.5$ for multipoles $l leq 100$. Excess power from cold filamentary structures is observed at larger multipoles. The steepest single-channel power spectra for the CNM are found at velocities with large CNM and low WNM phase fractions. Conclusions: The phase space distribution in the local ISM is configured by phase transitions and needs to be described with three distinct different phases, being highly correlated but having distributions with different properties. Phase transitions cause locally hierarchical structures in phase space. The CNM is structured on small scales and is restricted in position-velocity space. The LNM as an interface to the WNM envelops the CNM. It extends to larger scales than the CNM and covers a wider range of velocities. Correlations between the phases are self-similar in velocity.
With the use of the data from archives, we studied the correlations between the equivalent widths of four diffuse interstellar bands (4430$r{A}$, 5780$r{A}$, 5797$r{A}$, 6284$r{A}$) and properties of the target stars (colour excess values, distances and Galactic coordinates). Many different plots of the diffuse interstellar bands and their maps were produced and further analysed. There appears to be a structure in the plot of equivalent widths of 5780$r{A}$ DIB (and 6284$r{A}$ DIB) against the Galactic $x$-coordinate. The structure is well defined below $sim150$ m$r{A}$ and within $|x|<250$ pc, peaking around $x=170$ pc. We argue that the origin of this structure is not a statistical fluctuation. Splitting the data in the Galactic longitude into several subregions improves or lowers the well known linear relation between the equivalent widths and the colour excess, which was expected. However, some of the lines of sight display drastically different behaviour. The region within $150^circ<l<200^circ$ shows scatter in the correlation plots with the colour excess for all of the four bands with correlation coefficients $textrm{R}<0.58$. We suspect that the variation of physical conditions in the nearby molecular clouds could be responsible. Finally, the area $250^circ<l<300^circ$ displays (from the statistical point of view) significantly lower values of equivalent widths than the other regions -- this tells us that there is either a significant underabundance of carriers (when compared with the other regions) or that this has to be a result of an observational bias.
Three-dimensional maps of the Galactic interstellar medium are general astrophysical tools. Reddening maps may be based on the inversion of color excess measurements for individual target stars or on statistical methods using stellar surveys. Three-dimensional maps based on diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) have also been produced. All methods benefit from the advent of massive surveys and from Gaia data. We first updated our previous local dust maps based on a regularized Bayesian inversion of individual color excess data by replacing Hipparcos or photometric distances with Gaia Data Release 1 values when available. Secondly, we complemented this database with a series of ~5,000 color excess values estimated from the strength of the lambda 15273 DIB toward stars from SDSS/APOGEE, possessing a Gaia parallax. Third, we computed a low-resolution map based on a grid of Pan-STARRS reddening measurements by means of a new hierarchical technique and used this map as the prior distribution during the inversion of the two other datasets. Here we present a first attempt to combine different datasets and methods to improve the local maps. The use of Gaia parallaxes introduces significant changes in some areas and globally increases the compactness of the structures. Additional DIB-based data make it possible to assign distances to clouds located behind closer opaque structures and do not introduce contradictory information for the close structures. A more realistic prior distribution instead of a plane-parallel homogeneous distribution helps better define the structures. We validated the results through comparisons with other maps and with soft X-ray data. Our study demonstrates that the combination of various tracers is a potential tool for more accurate maps. An online tool makes it possible to retrieve maps and reddening estimations (
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