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With the recent measurement of reactor mixing angle $theta_{13}$ the knowledge of neutrino oscillation parameters that describe PMNS matrix has improved significantly except the CP violating phase $delta_{CP}$. The other unknown parameters in neutrino oscillation studies are mass hierarchy and the octant of the atmospheric mixing angle $theta_{23}$. Many dedicated experiments are proposed to determine these parameters which may take at least 10 years from now to become operational. It is therefore very crucial to use the results from the existing experiments to see whether we can get even partial answers to these questions. In this paper we study the discovery potential of the ongoing NO$ u$A and T2K experiments as well as the forthcoming T2HK experiment in addressing these questions. In particular, we evaluate the sensitivity of NO$ u$A to determine neutrino mass hierarchy, octant degeneracy and to obtain CP violation phase after running for its scheduled period of 3 years in neutrino mode and 3 years in anti-neutrino mode. We then extend the analysis to understand the discovery potential if the experiments will run for (5$ u$+5$bar{ u}$) years and (7$ u$+3$bar{ u}$) years. We also show how the sensitivity improves when we combine the data from (3$ u$+3$bar{ u}$) years of NO$ u$A run with (3$ u$+2$bar{ u}$) years of T2K and (3$ u$+7$bar{ u}$) years of T2HK experiments. The CP violation sensitivity is marginal for T2K and NO$ u$A experiments even for ten years data taking of NO$ u$A. T2HK has a significance above 5$sigma$ for a fraction of two-fifth values of the $delta_{CP}$ space. We also find that $delta_{CP}$ can be determined to be better than $35^circ $, $21^circ $ and $9^circ $ for all values of $delta_{CP}$ for T2K, NO$ u$A and T2HK respectively.
We study the impact of one light sterile neutrino on the prospective data expected to come from the two presently running long-baseline experiments T2K and NOvA when they will accumulate their full planned exposure. Introducing for the first time, the bi-probability representation in the 4-flavor framework, commonly used in the 3-flavor scenario, we present a detailed discussion of the behavior of the numu to nue and numubar to nuebar transition probabilities in the 3+1 scheme. We also perform a detailed sensitivity study of these two experiments (both in the stand-alone and combined modes) to assess their discovery reach in the presence of a light sterile neutrino. For realistic benchmark values of the mass-mixing parameters (as inferred from the existing global short-baseline fits), we find that the performance of both these experiments in claiming the discovery of the CP-violation induced by the standard CP-phase delta13 equivalent to delta, and the neutrino mass hierarchy get substantially deteriorated. The exact loss of sensitivity depends on the value of the unknown CP-phase delta14. Finally, we estimate the discovery potential of total CP-violation (i.e., induced simultaneously by the two CP-phases delta13 and delta14), and the capability of the two experiments of reconstructing the true values of such CP-phases. The typical (1 sigma level) uncertainties on the reconstructed phases are approximately 40 degree for delta13 and 50 degree for delta14.
The relatively large measured value of $theta_{13}$ has opened up the possibility of determining the neutrino mass hierarchy through earth matter effects. Amongst the current accelerator-based experiments only NOvA has a long enough baseline to observe earth matter effects. However, NOvA is plagued with uncertainty on the knowledge of the true value of $delta_{CP}$, and this could drastically reduce its sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy. The earth matter effect on atmospheric neutrinos on the other hand is almost independent of $delta_{CP}$. The 50 kton magnetized Iron CALorimeter at the India-based Neutrino Observatory (ICAL@INO) will be observing atmospheric neutrinos. The charge identification capability of this detector gives it an edge over others for mass hierarchy determination through observation of earth matter effects. We study in detail the neutrino mass hierarchy sensitivity of the data from this experiment simulated using the Nuance based generator developed for ICAL@INO and folded with the detector resolutions and efficiencies obtained by the INO collaboration from a full Geant4-based detector simulation. The data from ICAL@INO is then combined with simulated data from T2K, NOvA, Double Chooz, RENO and Daya Bay experiments and a combined sensitivity study to the mass hierarchy is performed. With 10 years of ICAL@INO data combined with T2K, NOvA and reactor data, one could get about $2.3sigma-5.7sigma$ discovery of the neutrino mass hierarchy, depending on the true value of $sin^2theta_{23}$ [0.4 -- 0.6], $sin^22theta_{13}$ [0.08 -- 0.12] and $delta_{CP}$ [0 -- 2$pi$].
T2HK and T2HKK are the proposed extensions of the of T2K experiments in Japan and DUNE is the future long-baseline program of Fermilab. All these three experiments will use extremely high beam power and large detector volumes to observe neutrino oscillation. Because of the large statistics, these experiments will be highly sensitive to systematics. Thus a small change in the systematics can cause a significant change in their sensitivities. To understand this, we do a comparative study of T2HK, T2HKK and DUNE with respect to their systematic errors. Specifically we study the effect of the systematics in the determination of neutrino mass hierarchy, octant of the mixing angle $theta_{23}$ and $delta_{CP}$ in the standard three flavor scenario and also analyze the role of systematic uncertainties in constraining the parameters of the nonstandard interactions in neutrino propagation. Taking the overall systematics for signal and background normalization, we quantify how the sensitivities of these experiments change if the systematics are varied from $1%$ to $7%$.
The long baseline neutrino experiments, T2K and NOvA, have taken significant amount of data in each of the four channels: (a) $ u_mu$ disappearance, (b) $bar u_mu$ disappearance (c) $ u_e$ appearance and (d) $bar u_e$ appearance. There is a mild tension between the disappearance and the appearance data sets of T2K. A more serious tension exists between the $ u_e$ appearance data of T2K and the $ u_e / bar u_e$ appearance data of NOvA. This tension is significant enough that T2K rules out the best-fit point of NOvA at $95%$ confidence level whereas NOvA rules out T2K best-fit point at $90%$ confidence level. We explain the reason why these tensions arise. We also do a combined fit of T2K and NOvA data and comment on the results of this fit.
Precision measurement of the neutrino mixing parameters and the determination of mass hierarchy are the primary goals of the present and upcoming neutrino experiments. In this work, we study the sensitivity of T2K,NO$ u$A and LBNE experiments to discover leptonic CP violation and the determination of neutrino mass hierarchy. We obtain the correlation between the CP violating phase $delta_{CP}$ and the mixing angles $theta_{13}$, $theta_{23}$ and the sensitivity to determine the octant of atmospheric mixing angle $theta_{23}$. The entire analysis is done for a total 10 years (5$ u$+ 5$bar u$) of running of T2K, NO$ u$A and LBNE experiments. Furthermore, we also consider the impact of cross section uncertainties on the CP violation sensitivity of LBNE experiment.