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Recently, the reactor mixing angle $theta_{13}$ has been measured precisely by Daya Bay, RENO and T2K experiments with a moderately large value. However, the standard form of neutrino mixing patterns such as bimaximal, tri-bimaximal, golden ratio of types A and B, hexagonal etc., which are based on certain flavor symmetries, predict vanishing $theta_{13}$. Using the fact that the neutrino mixing matrix can be represented as $V_{rm PMNS}=U_l^{dagger} U_ u P_ u$, where $U_l$ and $U_ u$ result from the diagonalization of the charged lepton and neutrino mass matrices and $P_ u$ is a diagonal matrix containing Majorana phases, we explore the possibility of accounting for the large reactor mixing angle by considering deviations both in the charged lepton and neutrino sector. In the charged lepton sector we consider the deviation as an additional rotation in the (12) and (13) planes, whereas in neutrino sector we consider deviations to various neutrino mixing patterns through (13) and (23) rotations. We find that with the inclusion of these deviations it is possible to accommodate the observed large reactor mixing angle $theta_{13}$, and one can also obtain limits on the CP violating Dirac phase $delta_{CP}$ and Jarlskog invariant $J_{CP}$ for most of the cases. We then explore whether our findings can be tested in the currently running NO$ u$A experiment with 3 years of data taking in neutrino mode followed by 3 years with anti-neutrino mode.
A model independent analysis of the leptonic Dirac CP-violating phase ({delta}) is presented. The analysis uses the experimentally determined values of the mixing angles in the lepton mixing matrix in order to explore the allowed values for {delta} and possible general forms for the charged lepton mixing matrix. This is done under two general assumptions: 1) that the mixing matrix in the neutrino sector is the so-called tribimaximal matrix and hence the non zero value for {theta}13 arises due to the mixing matrix in the charged lepton sector and 2) the charged lepton mixing matrix is parametrized in terms of three angles and one phase. It is found that any value of {delta} is still consistent with the data and that, considering the assumptions above, regardless of the value for {delta}, the 1-3 mixing angle in the charged lepton sector is small but non zero and the 2-3 mixing angle can take values in only two possible small ranges around 0 and {pi}/2 respectively.
Experimentally, baryon number minus lepton number, $B-L$, appears to be a good global symmetry of nature. We explore the consequences of the existence of gauge-singlet scalar fields charged under $B-L$ -- dubbed lepton-number-charged scalars, LeNCS -- and postulate that these couple to the standard model degrees of freedom in such a way that $B-L$ is conserved even at the non-renormalizable level. In this framework, neutrinos are Dirac fermions. Including only the lowest mass-dimension effective operators, some of the LeNCS couple predominantly to neutrinos and may be produced in terrestrial neutrino experiments. We examine several existing constraints from particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology to the existence of a LeNCS carrying $B-L$ charge equal to two, and discuss the emission of LeNCSs via neutrino beamstrahlung, which occurs every once in a while when neutrinos scatter off of ordinary matter. We identify regions of the parameter space where existing and future neutrino experiments, including the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, are at the frontier of searches for such new phenomena.
We consider the MSSM with see-saw mechanism of neutrino mass generation and soft SUSY breaking with flavour-universal boundary conditions at the GUT scale, in which the lepton flavour violating (LFV) decays muto e + gamma, tauto mu + gamma, etc.,are predicted with rates that can be within the reach of present and planned experiments. These predictions depend critically on the matrix of neutrino Yukawa couplings bf{Y_{ u}} which can be expressed in terms of the light and heavy right-handed (RH) neutrino masses, neutrino mixing matrix U_{PMNS}, and an orthogonal matrix bf{R}. We investigate the effects of Majorana CP-violation phases in U_{PMNS}, and of the RG running of light neutrino masses and mixing angles from M_Z to the RH Majorana neutrino mass scale M_R, on the predictions for the rates of LFV decays muto e + gamma, tau to mu + gamma and tauto e + gamma. Results for neutrino mass spectrum with normal hierarchy, values of the lightest u-mass in the range 0 leq m_1 leq 0.30 eV, and quasi-degenerate heavy RH Majorana neutrinos in the cases of bf{R} = bf{1} and complex matrix bf{R} are presented. We find that the effects of the Majorana CP-violation phases and of the RG evolution of neutrino mixing parameters can change by few orders of magnitude the predicted rates of the LFV decays mu to e + gamma and tau to e + gamma. The impact of these effects on the tau to mu + gamma decay rate is typically smaller and only possible for m_1 > 0.10 eV. If the RG running effects are negligible, in a large region of soft SUSY breaking parameter space the ratio of the branching ratios of the mu to e + gamma and tau to e + gamma (tau to mu + gamma) decays is entirely determined in the case of bf{R} cong bf{1} by the values of the neutrino mixing parameters at M_Z.
We examine the constraints on the MNS lepton mixing matrix from the present and future experimental data of the neutrino oscillation and lepton number violation processes. We introduce a graphical representation of the CP violation phases which appear in the lepton number violation processes such as neutrinoless double beta decay, the $mu^--e^+$ conversion, and the K decay, $K^-topi^+mu^-mu^-.$ Using this graphical representation, we derive the constraints on the CP violation phases in the lepton sector.
Neutrino Deep Inelastic Scattering on nuclei is an essential process to constrain the strange quark parton distribution functions in the proton. The critical component on the way to using the neutrino DIS data in a proton PDF analysis is understanding the nuclear effects in parton distribution functions. We parametrize these effects by nuclear parton distribution functions. Here we compare results from two analysis of NPDF both done at next-to-leading order in QCD. The first uses neutral current charged-lepton lA Deeply Inelastic Scattering and Drell-Yan data for several nuclear targets and the second uses neutrino-nucleon DIS data. We compare the nuclear corrections factors F_2^Fe/F_2^D for the charged-lepton data with other results from the literature. In particular, we compare and contrast fits based upon the charged-lepton DIS data with those using neutrino-nucleon DIS data.