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Measurable equidecompositions via combinatorics and group theory

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 Added by Oleg Pikhurko
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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We give a sketch of proof that any two (Lebesgue) measurable subsets of the unit sphere in $R^n$, for $nge 3$, with non-empty interiors and of the same measure are equidecomposable using pieces that are measurable.

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Given an action of a group $Gamma$ on a measure space $Omega$, we provide a sufficient criterion under which two sets $A, Bsubseteq Omega$ are measurably equidecomposable, i.e., $A$ can be partitioned into finitely many measurable pieces which can be rearranged using the elements of $Gamma$ to form a partition of $B$. In particular, we prove that every bounded measurable subset of $R^n$, $nge 3$, with non-empty interior is measurably equidecomposable to a ball via isometries. The analogous result also holds for some other spaces, such as the sphere or the hyperbolic space of dimension $nge 2$.
Laczkovich proved that if bounded subsets $A$ and $B$ of $R^k$ have the same non-zero Lebesgue measure and the box dimension of the boundary of each set is less than $k$, then there is a partition of $A$ into finitely many parts that can be translated to form a partition of $B$. Here we show that it can be additionally required that each part is both Baire and Lebesgue measurable. As special cases, this gives measurable and translation-on
For an $r$-tuple $(gamma_1,ldots,gamma_r)$ of special orthogonal $dtimes d$ matrices, we say the Euclidean $(d-1)$-dimensional sphere $S^{d-1}$ is $(gamma_1,ldots,gamma_r)$-divisible if there is a subset $Asubseteq S^{d-1}$ such that its translations by the rotations $gamma_1,ldots,gamma_r$ partition the sphere. Motivated by some old open questions of Mycielski and Wagon, we investigate the version of this notion where the set $A$ has to be measurable with respect to the spherical measure. Our main result shows that measurable divisibility is impossible for a generic (in various meanings) $r$-tuple of rotations. This is in stark contrast to the recent result of Conley, Marks and Unger which implies that, for every generic $r$-tuple, divisibility is possible with parts that have the property of Baire.
68 - Thomas Ehrhard 2017
We define a notion of stable and measurable map between cones endowed with measurability tests and show that it forms a cpo-enriched cartesian closed category. This category gives a denotational model of an extension of PCF supporting the main primitives of probabilistic functional programming, like continuous and discrete probabilistic distributions, sampling, conditioning and full recursion. We prove the soundness and adequacy of this model with respect to a call-by-name operational semantics and give some examples of its denotations.
148 - Nicolas Behr 2021
Building upon the rule-algebraic stochastic mechanics framework, we present new results on the relationship of stochastic rewriting systems described in terms of continuous-time Markov chains, their embedded discrete-time Markov chains and certain types of generating function expressions in combinatorics. We introduce a number of generating function techniques that permit a novel form of static analysis for rewriting systems based upon marginalizing distributions over the states of the rewriting systems via pattern-counting observables.
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