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Luttinger liquid behavior of one-dimensional 3He

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The ground-state properties of one-dimensional 3He are studied using quantum Monte Carlo methods. The equation of state is calculated in a wide range of physically relevant densities and is well reproduced by a power-series fit. The Luttinger liquid theory is found to describe the long-range properties of the correlation function. The density dependence of the Luttinger parameter is explicitly found and interestingly it shows a non-monotonic behavior. Depending on the density, the static structure factor can be a smooth function of the momentum or might contain a peak of a finite or infinite height. Although no phase transitions are present in the system, we identify a number of physically different regimes, including an ideal Fermi gas, a Bose-gas, a super-Tonks-Girardeau regime, and a quasi-crystal.

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We experimentally investigate the quantum criticality and Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) behavior within one-dimensional (1D) ultracold atomic gases. Based on the measured density profiles at different temperatures, the universal scaling laws of thermodynamic quantities are observed. The quantum critical regime and the relevant crossover temperatures are determined through the double-peak structure of the specific heat. In the TLL regime, we obtain the Luttinger parameter by probing sound propagation. Furthermore, a characteristic power-law behavior emerges in the measured momentum distributions of the 1D ultracold gas, confirming the existence of the TLL.
183 - A.V. Rozhkov 2014
It is well-known that, generically, the one-dimensional interacting fermions cannot be described in terms of the Fermi liquid. Instead, they present different phenomenology, that of the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid: the Landau quasiparticles are ill-defined, and the fermion occupation number is continuous at the Fermi energy. We demonstrate that suitable fine-tuning of the interaction between fermions can stabilize a peculiar state of one-dimensional matter, which is dissimilar to both the Tomonaga-Luttinger and Fermi liquids. We propose to call this state a quasi-Fermi liquid. Technically speaking, such liquid exists only when the fermion interaction is irrelevant (in the renormalization group sense). The quasi-Fermi liquid exhibits the properties of both the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid and the Fermi liquid. Similar to the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid, no finite-momentum quasiparticles are supported by the quasi-Fermi liquid; on the other hand, its fermion occupation number demonstrates finite discontinuity at the Fermi energy, which is a hallmark feature of the Fermi liquid. Possible realization of the quasi-Fermi liquid with the help of cold atoms in an optical trap is discussed.
111 - R. Citro 2006
The ground state and structure of a one-dimensional Bose gas with dipolar repulsions is investigated at zero temperature by a combined Reptation Quantum Monte Carlo (RQMC) and bosonization approach. A non trivial Luttinger-liquid behavior emerges in a wide range of intermediate densities, evolving into a Tonks-Girardeau gas at low density and into a classical quasi-ordered state at high density. The density dependence of the Luttinger exponent is extracted from the numerical data, providing analytical predictions for observable quantities, such as the structure factor and the momentum distribution. We discuss the accessibility of such predictions in current experiments with ultracold atomic and molecular gases.
Interactions are known to have dramatic effects on bosonic gases in one dimension (1D). Not only does the ground state transform from a condensate-like state to an effective Fermi sea, but new fundamental excitations, which do not have any higher-dimensional equivalents, are predicted to appear. In this work, we trace these elusive excitations via their effects on the dynamical structure factor of 1D strongly-interacting Bose gases at low temperature. An array of 1D Bose gases is obtained by loading a $^{87}$Rb condensate in a 2D lattice potential. The dynamical structure factor of the system is probed by energy deposition through low-momentum Bragg excitations. The experimental signals are compared to recent theoretical predictions for the dynamical structure factor of the Lieb-Liniger model at $T > 0$. Our results demonstrate that the main contribution to the spectral widths stems from the dynamics of the interaction-induced excitations in the gas, which cannot be described by the Luttinger liquid theory.
A simple set of algebraic equations is derived for the exact low-temperature thermodynamics of one-dimensional multi-component strongly attractive fermionic atoms with enlarged SU(N) spin symmetry and Zeeman splitting. Universal multi-component Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) phases are thus determined. For linear Zeeman splitting, the physics of the gapless phase at low temperatures belongs to the universality class of a two-component asymmetric TLL corresponding to spin-neutral N-atom composites and spin-(N-1)/2 single atoms. The equation of states is also obtained to open up the study of multi-component TLL phases in 1D systems of N-component Fermi gases with population imbalance.
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