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Projection Methods: An Annotated Bibliography of Books and Reviews

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 Added by Yair Censor
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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Projections onto sets are used in a wide variety of methods in optimization theory but not every method that uses projections really belongs to the class of projection methods as we mean it here. Here projection methods are iterative algorithms that use projections onto sets while relying on the general principle that when a family of (usually closed and convex) sets is present then projections (or approximate projections) onto the given individual sets are easier to perform than projections onto other sets (intersections, image sets under some transformation, etc.) that are derived from the given family of individual sets. Projection methods employ projections (or approximate projections) onto convex sets in various ways. They may use different kinds of projections and, sometimes, even use different projections within the same algorithm. They serve to solve a variety of problems which are either of the feasibility or the optimization types. They have different algorithmic structures, of which some are particularly suitable for parallel computing, and they demonstrate nice convergence properties and/or good initial behavior patterns. This class of algorithms has witnessed great progress in recent years and its member algorithms have been applied with success to many scientific, technological, and mathematical problems. This annotated bibliography includes books and review papers on, or related to, projection methods that we know about, use, and like. If you know of books or review papers that should be added to this list please contact us.

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Workflows are prevalent in todays computing infrastructures. The workflow model support various different domains, from machine learning to finance and from astronomy to chemistry. Different Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements and other desires of both users and providers makes workflow scheduling a tough problem, especially since resource providers need to be as efficient as possible with their resources to be competitive. To a newcomer or even an experienced researcher, sifting through the vast amount of articles can be a daunting task. Questions regarding the difference techniques, policies, emerging areas, and opportunities arise. Surveys are an excellent way to cover these questions, yet surveys rarely publish their tools and data on which it is based. Moreover, the communities that are behind these articles are rarely studied. We attempt to address these shortcomings in this work. We focus on four areas within workflow scheduling: 1) the workflow formalism, 2) workflow allocation, 3) resource provisioning, and 4) applications and services. Each part features one or more taxonomies, a view of the community, important and emerging keywords, and directions for future work. We introduce and make open-source an instrument we used to combine and store article meta-data. Using this meta-data, we 1) obtain important keywords overall and per year, per community, 2) identify keywords growing in importance, 3) get insight into the structure and relations within each community, and 4) perform a systematic literature survey per part to validate and complement our taxonomies.
115 - Veit Elser 2016
The decomposition of a matrix, as a product of factors with particular properties, is a much used tool in numerical analysis. Here we develop methods for decomposing a matrix $C$ into a product $X Y$, where the factors $X$ and $Y$ are required to minimize their distance from an arbitrary pair $X_0$ and $Y_0$. This type of decomposition, a projection to a matrix product constraint, in combination with projections that impose structural properties on $X$ and $Y$, forms the basis of a general method of decomposing a matrix into factors with specified properties. Results are presented for the application of these methods to a number of hard problems in exact factorization.
We revisit the feasibility approach to the construction of compactly supported smooth orthogonal wavelets on the line. We highlight its flexibility and illustrate how symmetry and cardinality properties are easily embedded in the design criteria. We solve the resulting wavelet feasibility problems using recently introduced centering methods, and we compare performance. Solutions admit real-valued compactly supported smooth orthogonal scaling functions and wavelets with near symmetry and near cardinality properties.
Small-scale Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) problems often arise in embedded control and estimation applications. Driven by the need for algorithmic simplicity to target computing platforms with limited memory and computing resources, this paper proposes a few approaches to solving MIQPs, either to optimality or suboptimally. We specialize an existing Accelerated Dual Gradient Projection (GPAD) algorithm to effectively solve the Quadratic Programming (QP) relaxation that arise during Branch and Bound (B&B) and propose a generic framework to warm-start the binary variables which reduces the number of QP relaxations. Moreover, in order to find an integer feasible combination of the binary variables upfront, two heuristic approaches are presented: ($i$) without using B&B, and ($ii$) using B&B with a significantly reduced number of QP relaxations. Both heuristic approaches return an integer feasible solution that may be suboptimal but involve a much reduced computation effort. Such a feasible solution can be either implemented directly or used to set an initial upper bound on the optimal cost in B&B. Through different hybrid control and estimation examples involving binary decision variables, we show that the performance of the proposed methods, although very simple to code, is comparable to that of state-of-the-art MIQP solvers.
Potential buyers of a product or service tend to read reviews from previous consumers before making their decisions. This behavior is modeled by a market of Bayesian consumers with heterogeneous preferences, who sequentially decide whether to buy an item of unknown quality, based on previous buyers reviews. The quality is multi-dimensional and the reviews can assume one of different forms and can also be multi-dimensional. The belief about the items quality in simple uni-dimensional settings is known to converge to its true value. Our paper extends this result to the more general case of a multidimensional quality, possibly in a continuous space, and provides anytime convergence rates. In practice, the quality of an item may vary over time, due to some change in the production process or the need to keep up with the competition. This paper also studies the learning dynamic when the unknown quality changes at random times and shows that the cost of learning is rather small
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