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Elements of proof for conjectures of Witte and Forrester about the combinatorial structure of Gaussian Beta Ensembles

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 Added by Olivier Marchal
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The purpose of the article is to provide partial proofs for two conjectures given by Witte and Forrester in Moments of the Gaussian $beta$ Ensembles and the large $N$ expansion of the densities with the use of the topological recursion adapted for general $beta$ Gaussian case. In particular, the paper uses a version at coinciding points that provides a simple proof for some of the coefficients involved in the conjecture. Additionally, we propose a generalized version of the conjectures for all correlation functions evaluated at coinciding points.

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101 - B. Eynard 2018
The zero locus of a bivariate polynomial $P(x,y)=0$ defines a compact Riemann surface $Sigma$. The fundamental second kind differential is a symmetric $1otimes 1$ form on $Sigmatimes Sigma$ that has a double pole at coinciding points and no other pole. As its name indicates, this is one of the most important geometric objects on a Riemann surface. Here we give a rational expression in terms of combinatorics of the Newtons polygon of $P$, involving only integer combinations of products of coefficients of $P$. Since the expression uses only combinatorics, the coefficients are in the same field as the coefficients of $P$.
In this paper, we discuss the properties of the generating functions of spin Hurwitz numbers. In particular, for spin Hurwitz numbers with arbitrary ramification profiles, we construct the weighed sums which are given by Orlovs hypergeometric solutions of the 2-component BKP hierarchy. We derive the closed algebraic formulas for the correlation functions associated with these tau-functions, and under reasonable analytical assumptions we prove the loop equations (the blobbed topological recursion). Finally, we prove a version of topological recursion for the spin Hurwitz numbers with the spin completed cycles (a generalized version of the Giacchetto--Kramer--Lewanski conjecture).
538 - Bertrand Eynard 2012
The BKMP conjecture (2006-2008), proposed a new method to compute closed and open Gromov-Witten invariants for every toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds, through a topological recursion based on mirror symmetry. So far, this conjecture had been verified to low genus for several toric CY3folds, and proved to all genus only for C^3. In this article we prove the general case. Our proof is based on the fact that both sides of the conjecture can be naturally written in terms of combinatorial sums of weighted graphs: on the A-model side this is the localization formula, and on the B-model side the graphs encode the recursive algorithm of the topological recursion. One can slightly reorganize the set of graphs obtained in the B-side, so that it coincides with the one obtained by localization in the A-model.Then it suffices to compare the weights of vertices and edges of graphs on each side, which is done in 2 steps: the weights coincide in the large radius limit, due to the fact that the toric graph is the tropical limit of the mirror curve. Then the derivatives with respect to Kahler radius coincide due to special geometry property implied by the topological recursion.
We construct an infinite-dimensional solution of the Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) of rank 1 which is represented as an integral operator with an elliptic hypergeometric kernel acting in the space of functions of two complex variables. This R-operator intertwines the product of two standard L-operators associated with the Sklyanin algebra, an elliptic deformation of sl(2)-algebra. It is built from three basic operators $mathrm{S}_1, mathrm{S}_2$, and $mathrm{S}_3$ generating the permutation group of four parameters $mathfrak{S}_4$. Validity of the key Coxeter relations (including the star-triangle relation) is based on the elliptic beta integral evaluation formula and the Bailey lemma associated with an elliptic Fourier transformation. The operators $mathrm{S}_j$ are determined uniquely with the help of the elliptic modular double.
172 - S. Fabi , B. Harms , S. Hou 2013
We present the geometric formulation of gravity based on the mathematical structure of a Lie Algebroid. We show that this framework provides the geometrical setting to describe the gauge propriety of gravity.
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