Background: Quasi dynamical symmetries (QDS) and partial dynamical symmetries (PDS) play an important role in the understanding of complex systems. Up to now these symmetry concepts have been considered to be unrelated. Purpose: Establish a link between PDS and QDS and find an emperical manifestation. Methods: Quantum number fluctuations and the intrinsic state formalism are used within the framework of the interacting boson model of nuclei. Results: A previously unrecognized region of the parameter space of the interacting boson model that has both O(6) PDS (purity) and SU(3) QDS (coherence) in the ground band is established. Many rare-earth nuclei approximately satisfying both symmetry requirements are identified. Conclusions: PDS are more abundant than previously recognized and can lead to a QDS of an incompatible symmetry.
First order quantum phase transition (QPT) between spherical and axially deformed nuclei shows coexisting, but well-separated regions of regular and chaotic dynamics. We employ a Hamiltonian of the Arima-Iachello Interacting Boson Model (IBM) with an arbitrarily high potential barrier separating the phases. Classical and quantum analyses reveal markedly distinct behavior of the two phases: Deformed phase is completely regular, while the spherical phase shows highly chaotic dynamics, similar to the Henon-Heiles system. Rotational bands with quasi-SU(3) characteristics built upon the regular vibrational spectrum of beta- and gamma-vibrations are observed in the deformed phase up to very high excitation energies.
We generalize the notion of partial dynamical symmetry (PDS) to a system of interacting bosons and fermions. In a PDS, selected states of the Hamiltonian are solvable and preserve the symmetry exactly, while other states are mixed. As a first example of such novel symmetry construction, spectral features of the odd-mass nucleus $^{195}$Pt are analyzed.
It is shown that the rotational band structure of the cluster states in 12C and 16O can be understood in terms of the underlying discrete symmetry that characterizes the geometrical configuration of the alpha-particles, i.e. an equilateral triangle for 12C, and a regular tetrahedron for 16O. The structure of rotational bands provides a fingerprint of the underlying geometrical configuration of alpha-particles. Finally, some first results are presented for odd-cluster nuclei.
The phenomenological symplectic model with a Davidson potential is used to construct rotational states for a rare-earth nucleus with microscopic wave functions. The energy levels and E2 transitions obatined are in remarkably close agreement (to within a few percent) with those of the rotor model with vibrational shape fluctuations that are adiabatically decoupled from the rotational degrees of freedom. An analysis of the states in terms of their SU(3) content shows that SU(3) is a very poor dynamical symmetry but an excellent quasi-dynamical symmetry for the model. It is argued that such quasi-dynamical symmetry can be expected for any Hamiltonian that reproduces the observed low-energy properties of a well-deformed nucleus, whenever the latter are well-described by the nuclear rotor model.
Recent topics on mesons in nuclei are discussed by especially emphasizing the role of the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear medium. The spontaneously broken chiral symmetry in vacuum is considered to be incompletely restored in finite nuclear density systems with moderate reduction of the magnitude of the quark condensate. On the partial restoration of chiral symmetry, the wave function renormalization is important to be taken into account for the Nambu-Goldstone bosons. We also discuss the possible change of the meson properties in the nuclear medium and meson-nucleus systems for the $bar K$, $eta$, $K^{+}$ and $eta^{prime}$ mesons.