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Laser beam complex amplitude measurement by phase diversity

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 Added by Laurent Mugnier
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The control of the optical quality of a laser beam requires a complex amplitude measurement able to deal with strong modulus variations and potentially highly perturbed wavefronts. The method proposed here consists in an extension of phase diversity to complex amplitude measurements that is effective for highly perturbed beams. Named CAMELOT for Complex Amplitude MEasurement by a Likelihood Optimization Tool, it relies on the acquisition and processing of few images of the beam section taken along the optical path. The complex amplitude of the beam is retrieved from the images by the minimization of a Maximum a Posteriori error metric between the images and a model of the beam propagation. The analytical formalism of the method and its experimental validation are presented. The modulus of the beam is compared to a measurement of the beam profile, the phase of the beam is compared to a conventional phase diversity estimate. The precision of the experimental measurements is investigated by numerical simulations.

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A peculiar radiation arising as a result of radiation interference of nonlinear oscillators excited by a monochromatic plane wave field of the incident particle is described. The radiation properties are determined by the fact that a phase of each oscillator radiation fields is synchronized by a wave field, while the radiation itself occurs due to the particle field influence on the oscillators. The consideration is performed for a thin film with negligible density effect. It is supposed that the contribution is given only by a long-wave part of the Weizsacker spectrum for which nonlinear polarization coefficients of medium are large.
We have designed a plenoptic sensor to retrieve phase and amplitude changes resulting from a laser beams propagation through atmospheric turbulence. Compared with the commonly restricted domain of (-pi, pi) in phase reconstruction by interferometers, the reconstructed phase obtained by the plenoptic sensors can be continuous up to a multiple of 2pi. When compared with conventional Shack-Hartmann sensors, ambiguities caused by interference or low intensity, such as branch points and branch cuts, are less likely to happen and can be adaptively avoided by our reconstruction algorithm. In the design of our plenoptic sensor, we modified the fundamental structure of a light field camera into a mini Keplerian telescope array by accurately cascading the back focal plane of its object lens with a microlens arrays front focal plane and matching the numerical aperture of both components. Unlike light field cameras designed for incoherent imaging purposes, our plenoptic sensor operates on the complex amplitude of the incident beam and distributes it into a matrix of images that are simpler and less subject to interference than a global image of the beam. Then, with the proposed reconstruction algorithms, the plenoptic sensor is able to reconstruct the wavefront and a phase screen at an appropriate depth in the field that causes the equivalent distortion on the beam. The reconstructed results can be used to guide adaptive optics systems in directing beam propagation through atmospheric turbulence. In this paper we will show the theoretical analysis and experimental results obtained with the plenoptic sensor and its reconstruction algorithms.
Many areas of optical science require an accurate measurement of optical spectra. Devices based on laser speckle promise compact wavelength measurement, with attometer-level sensitivity demonstrated for single wavelength laser fields. The measurement of multimode spectra using this approach would be attractive, yet this is currently limited to picometer resolution. Here, we present a method to improve the resolution and precision of speckle-based multi-wavelength measurements. We measure multiple wavelengths simultaneously, in a device comprising a single 1 m-long step-index multimode fiber and a fast camera. Independent wavelengths separated by as little as 1 fm are retrieved with 0.2 fm precision using Principal Component Analysis. The method offers a viable way to measure sparse spectra containing multiple individual lines and is likely to find application in the tracking of multiple lasers in fields such as portable quantum technologies and optical telecommunications.
613 - W. Zhang , T. Li , M. Lours 2011
When a photo-diode is illuminated by a pulse train from a femtosecond laser, it generates microwaves components at the harmonics of the repetition rate within its bandwidth. The phase of these components (relative to the optical pulse train) is known to be dependent on the optical energy per pulse. We present an experimental study of this dependence in InGaAs pin photo-diodes illuminated with ultra-short pulses generated by an Erbium-doped fiber based femtosecond laser. The energy to phase dependence is measured over a large range of impinging pulse energies near and above saturation for two typical detectors, commonly used in optical frequency metrology with femtosecond laser based optical frequency combs. When scanning the optical pulse energy, the coefficient which relates phase variations to energy variations is found to alternate between positive and negative values, with many (for high harmonics of the repetition rate) vanishing points. By operating the system near one of these vanishing points, the typical amplitude noise level of commercial-core fiber-based femtosecond lasers is sufficiently low to generate state-of-the-art ultra-low phase noise microwave signals, virtually immune to amplitude to phase conversion related noise.
Focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy suffers from source shot noise - random variation in the number of incident ions in any fixed dwell time - along with random variation in the number of detected secondary electrons per incident ion. This multiplicity of sources of randomness increases the variance of the measurements and thus worsens the trade-off between incident ion dose and image accuracy. Time-resolved sensing combined with maximum likelihood estimation from the resulting sets of measurements greatly reduces the effect of source shot noise. Through Fisher information analysis and Monte Carlo simulations, the reduction in mean-squared error or reduction in required dose is shown to be by a factor approximately equal to the secondary electron yield. Experiments with a helium ion microscope (HIM) are consistent with the analyses and suggest accuracy improvement for a fixed source dose, or reduced source dose for a desired imaging accuracy, by a factor of about 3.
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