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Magnetic anisotropy of thin sputtered MgB2 films on MgO substrates in high magnetic fields

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 Added by Savio Fabretti
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigated the magnetic anisotropy ratio of thin sputtered polycrystalline MgB2 films on MgO substrates. Using high magnetic field measurements, we estimated an anisotropy ratio of 1.35 for T=0 K with an upper critical field of 31.74 T in the parallel case and 23.5 T in the perpendicular case. Direct measurements of a magnetic-field sweep at 4.2 K show a linear behavior, confirmed by a linear fit for magnetic fields perpendicular to the film plane. Furthermore, we observed a change of up to 12% of the anisotropy ratio in dependence of the film thickness.

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Spintronics exploits the magnetoresistance effects to store or sense the magnetic information. Since the magnetoresistance strictly depends on the magnetic anisotropy of the system, it is fundamental to set a defined anisotropy to the system. Here, we investigate by means of vectorial Magneto-Optical Kerr Magnetometry (v-MOKE), half-metallic La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) thin films that exhibit at room temperature pure biaxial magnetic anisotropy if grown onto MgO (001) substrate with a thin SrTiO3 (STO) buffer. In this way, we can avoid unwanted uniaxial magnetic anisotropy contributions that may be detrimental for specific applications. The detailed study of the angular evolution of the magnetization reversal pathways, critical fields (coercivity and switching) allows for disclosing the origin of the magnetic anisotropy, which is magnetocrystalline in nature and shows four-fold symmetry at any temperature.
506 - A. Muller 2009
Magnetite thin fims have been grown epitaxially on ZnO and MgO substrates using molecular beam epitaxy. The film quality was found to be strongly dependent on the oxygen partial pressure during growth. Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties were analyzed utilizing Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED), HArd X-ray PhotoElectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES), Magneto Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE), and X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD). Diffraction patterns show clear indication for growth in the (111) direction on ZnO. Vertical structure analysis by HAXPES depth profiling revealed uniform magnetite thin films on both type of substrates. Both, MOKE and XMCD measurements show in-plane easy magnetization with a reduced magnetic moment in case of the films on ZnO.
Electrochromic materials change color reversibly by applying an external DC voltage. One among the many emerging application of electro-chromics is the smart windows. The coloration efficiency, the optical colour modulation and the cyclability are the factors that bench mark the device. Tungsten oxide (WO3-x) is versatile material and reactive DC magnetron sputtering (with argon as sputter gas) technique is common for electro-chromics. In the present communication we have prepared tungsten oxide thin films by reactive DC magnetron sputtering technique (at room temperature 300 K) using Neon as the sputter gas. The thickness of the WO3 thin films are varied from 190 nm to 712 nm. These WO3 thin films are subjected for electrochemical measurements with three electrode electrochemical cell in presence of 1M HCl, 1M Li2SO4 aqueous electrolyte and we have prepared a solid state electrochromic device with nafion thin film. The highest coloration efficiency of the neon sputtered WO3 is observed as 187.9 cm2/C by lithium intercalation.
We studied the structural and magnetic properties of FeC~thin films deposited by co-sputtering of Fe and C targets in a direct current magnetron sputtering (dcMS) process at a substrate temperature (Ts) of 300, 523 and 773,K. The structure and morphology was measured using x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) at Fe $L$ and C $K$-edges and atomic/magnetic force microscopy (AFM, MFM), respectively. An ultrathin (3,nm) $^{57}$FeC~layer, placed between relatively thick FeC~layers was used to estimate Fe self-diffusion taking place during growth at different Ts~using depth profiling measurements. Such $^{57}$FeC~layer was also used for $^{57}$Fe conversion electron M{o}ssbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) and nuclear resonance scattering (NRS) measurements, yielding the magnetic structure of this ultrathin layer. We found from XRD measurements that the structure formed at low Ts~(300,K) is analogous to Fe-based amorphous alloy and at high Ts~(773,K), pre-dominantly a tifc~phase has been formed. Interestingly, at an intermediate Ts~(523,K), a clear presence of tefc~(along with tifc~and Fe) can be seen from the NRS spectra. The microstructure obtained from AFM images was found to be in agreement with XRD results. MFM images also agrees well with NRS results as the presence of multi-magnetic components can be clearly seen in the sample grown at Ts~= 523,K. The information about the hybridization between Fe and C, obtained from Fe $L$ and C $K$-edges XANES also supports the results obtained from other measurements. In essence, from this work, experimental realization of tefc~has been demonstrated. It can be anticipated that by further fine-tuning the deposition conditions, even single phase tefc~phase can be realized which hitherto remains an experimental challenge.
114 - P.-H. Chang , W. Fang , T. Ozaki 2020
The magnetic anisotropy in MgO-capped MnPt films and its voltage control are studied using first-principles calculations. Sharp variation of the magnetic anisotropy with film thickness, especially in the Pt-terminated film, suggests that it may be widely tuned by adjusting the film thickness. In thick films the linear voltage control coefficient is as large as 1.5 and $-0.6$ pJ/Vm for Pt-terminated and Mn-terminated interfaces, respectively. The combination of a widely tunable magnetic anisotropy energy and a large voltage-control coefficient suggest that MgO-capped MnPt films can serve as a versatile platform for magnetic memory and antiferromagnonic applications.
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