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On generating functions of Hausdorff moment sequences

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 Added by Robert L. Pego
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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The class of generating functions for completely monotone sequences (moments of finite positive measures on $[0,1]$) has an elegant characterization as the class of Pick functions analytic and positive on $(-infty,1)$. We establish this and another such characterization and develop a variety of consequences. In particular, we characterize generating functions for moments of convex and concave probability distribution functions on $[0,1]$. Also we provide a simple analytic proof that for any real $p$ and $r$ with $p>0$, the Fuss-Catalan or Raney numbers $frac{r}{pn+r}binom{pn+r}{n}$, $n=0,1,ldots$ are the moments of a probability distribution on some interval $[0,tau]$ {if and only if} $pge1$ and $pge rge 0$. The same statement holds for the binomial coefficients $binom{pn+r-1}n$, $n=0,1,ldots$.

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In this paper we show that many well-known counting coefficients, including the Catalan numbers, the Motzkin numbers, the central binomial coefficients, the central Delannoy numbers are Hausdorff moment sequences in a unified approach. In particular we answer a conjecture of Liang at al. which such numbers have unique representing measures. The smallest interval including the support of representing measure is explicitly found. Subsequences of Catalan-like numbers are also considered. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a pattern of subsequences that if sequences are the Stieltjes Catalan-like numbers, then their subsequences are Stieltjes Catalan-like numbers. Moreover, a representing measure of a linear combination of consecutive Catalan-like numbers is studied.
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Electronic transport through chaotic quantum dots exhibits universal behaviour which can be understood through the semiclassical approximation. Within the approximation, transport moments reduce to codifying classical correlations between scattering trajectories. These can be represented as ribbon graphs and we develop an algorithmic combinatorial method to generate all such graphs with a given genus. This provides an expansion of the linear transport moments for systems both with and without time reversal symmetry. The computational implementation is then able to progress several orders higher than previous semiclassical formulae as well as those derived from an asymptotic expansion of random matrix results. The patterns observed also suggest a general form for the higher orders.
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We derive the P-finite recurrences for classes of sequences with ordinary generating function containing roots of polynomials. The focus is on establishing the D-finite differential equations such that the familiar steps of reducing their power series expansions apply.
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