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Nonperturbative calculations in truncated Fock space in LFD

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 Added by Vladimir Karmanov
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English
 Authors V.A. Karmanov

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A non-perturbative approach based on the Fock decomposition of the state vector and its truncation is discussed. In order the non-perturbative renormalization procedure after truncation could eliminate infinities, it should be the sector dependent. We clarify the meaning of this procedure in a toy model. Then we demonstrate stability, relative to the increasing cutoff, of the anomalous magnetic moment found using the sector dependent renormalization scheme in Yukawa model.

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Within the covariant formulation of light-front dynamics, we calculate the state vector of a physical fermion in the Yukawa model. The state vector is decomposed in Fock sectors and we consider the first three ones: the single constituent fermion, the constituent fermion coupled to one scalar boson, and the constituent fermion coupled to two scalar bosons. This last three-body sector generates nontrivial and nonperturbative contributions to the state vector, which are calculated numerically. Field-theoretical divergences are regularized using Pauli-Villars fermion and boson fields. Physical observables can be unambiguously deduced using a systematic renormalization scheme we have developed previously. As a first application, we consider the anomalous magnetic moment of the physical fermion.
Bosonic quantum field theories, even when regularized using a finite lattice, possess an infinite dimensional Hilbert space and, therefore, cannot be simulated in quantum computers with a finite number of qubits. A truncation of the Hilbert space is then needed and the physical results are obtained after a double limit: one to remove the truncation and another to remove the regulator (the continuum limit). A simpler alternative is to find a model with a finite dimensional Hilbert space belonging to the same universality class as the continuum model (a qubitization), so only the space continuum limit is required. A qubitization of the $1+1$ dimensional asymptotically free $O(3)$ nonlinear $sigma$-model based on ideas of non-commutative geometry was previously proposed arXiv:1903.06577 and, in this paper, we provide evidence that it reproduces the physics of the $sigma$-model both in the infrared and the ultraviolet regimes.
The off-mass shell scattering amplitude, satisfying the Bethe-Salpeter equation for spinless particles in Minkowski space with the ladder kernel, is computed for the first time.
We review a method to directly solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation in Minkowski space, both for bound and scattering states. It is based on a proper treatment of the many singularities which appear in the kernel and propagators. The off-mass shell scattering amplitude for spinless particles interacting by a one boson exchange was computed for the first time. Using our Minkowski space solutions for the initial (bound) and final (scattering) states, we calculate elastic and transition (bound to scattering state) electromagnetic form factors. The conservation of the transition electromagnetic current J.q=0, verified numerically, confirms the validity of our solutions.
We suggest a framework based on the rainbow approximation with effective parameters adjusted to lattice data. The analytic structure of the gluon and ghost propagators of QCD in Landau gauge is analyzed by means of numerical solutions of the coupled system of truncated Dyson-Schwinger equations. We find that the gluon and ghost dressing functions are singular in complex Euclidean space with singularities as isolated pairwise conjugated poles. These poles hamper solving numerically the Bethe-Salpeter equation for glueballs as bound states of two interacting dressed gluons. Nevertheless, we argue that, by knowing the position of the poles and their residues, a reliable algorithm for numerical solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation can be established.
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