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Three Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae Behind CLASH Galaxy Clusters

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 Added by Brandon Patel
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report observations of three gravitationally lensed supernovae (SNe) in the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) Multi-Cycle Treasury program. These objects, SN CLO12Car (z = 1.28), SN CLN12Did (z = 0.85), and SN CLA11Tib (z = 1.14), are located behind three different clusters, MACSJ1720.2+3536 (z = 0.391), RXJ1532.9+3021 (z = 0.345), and Abell 383 (z = 0.187), respectively. Each SN was detected in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) optical and infrared images. Based on photometric classification, we find that SNe CLO12Car and CLN12Did are likely to be Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), while the classification of SN CLA11Tib is inconclusive. Using multi-color light-curve fits to determine a standardized SN Ia luminosity distance, we infer that SN CLO12Car was approximately 1.0 +/- 0.2 mag brighter than field SNe Ia at a similar redshift and ascribe this to gravitational lens magnification. Similarly, SN CLN12Did is approximately 0.2 +/- 0.2 mag brighter than field SNe Ia. We derive independent estimates of the predicted magnification from CLASH strong+weak lensing maps of the clusters: 0.83 +/- 0.16 mag for SN CLO12Car, 0.28 +/- 0.08 mag for SN CLN12Did, and 0.43 +/- 0.11 mag for SN CLA11Tib. The two SNe Ia provide a new test of the cluster lens model predictions: we find that the magnifications based on the SN Ia brightness and those predicted by the lens maps are consistent. Our results herald the promise of future observations of samples of cluster-lensed SNe Ia (from the ground or space) to help illuminate the dark-matter distribution in clusters of galaxies, through the direct determination of absolute magnifications.

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We present a candidate for the most distant galaxy known to date with a photometric redshift z = 10.7 +0.6 / -0.4 (95% confidence limits; with z < 9.5 galaxies of known types ruled out at 7.2-sigma). This J-dropout Lyman Break Galaxy, named MACS0647-JD, was discovered as part of the Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). We observe three magnified images of this galaxy due to strong gravitational lensing by the galaxy cluster MACSJ0647.7+7015 at z = 0.591. The images are magnified by factors of ~8, 7, and 2, with the brighter two observed at ~26th magnitude AB (~0.15 uJy) in the WFC3/IR F160W filter (~1.4 - 1.7 um) where they are detected at >~ 12-sigma. All three images are also confidently detected at >~ 6-sigma in F140W (~1.2 - 1.6 um), dropping out of detection from 15 lower wavelength HST filters (~0.2 - 1.4 um), and lacking bright detections in Spitzer/IRAC 3.6um and 4.5um imaging (~3.2 - 5.0 um). We rule out a broad range of possible lower redshift interlopers, including some previously published as high redshift candidates. Our high redshift conclusion is more conservative than if we had neglected a Bayesian photometric redshift prior. Given CLASH observations of 17 high mass clusters to date, our discoveries of MACS0647-JD at z ~ 10.8 and MACS1149-JD1 at z ~ 9.6 are consistent with a lensed luminosity function extrapolated from lower redshifts. This would suggest that low luminosity galaxies could have reionized the universe. However given the significant uncertainties based on only two galaxies, we cannot yet rule out the sharp drop off in number counts at z >~ 10 suggested by field searches.
Recently, there have been two landmark discoveries of gravitationally lensed supernovae: the first multiply-imaged SN, Refsdal, and the first Type Ia SN resolved into multiple images, SN iPTF16geu. Fitting the multiple light curves of such objects can deliver measurements of the lensing time delays, which are the difference in arrival times for the separate images. These measurements provide precise tests of lens models or constraints on the Hubble constant and other cosmological parameters that are independent of the local distance ladder. Over the next decade, accurate time delay measurements will be needed for the tens to hundreds of lensed SNe to be found by wide-field time-domain surveys such as LSST and WFIRST. We have developed an open source software package for simulations and time delay measurements of multiply-imaged SNe, including an improved characterization of the uncertainty caused by microlensing. We describe simulations using the package that suggest a before-peak detection of the leading image enables a more accurate and precise time delay measurement (by ~1 and ~2 days, respectively), when compared to an after-peak detection. We also conclude that fitting the effects of microlensing without an accurate prior often leads to biases in the time delay measurement and over-fitting to the data, but that employing a Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) technique is sufficient for determining the uncertainty due to microlensing.
Measuring time delays from strongly lensed supernovae (SNe) is emerging as a novel and independent tool for estimating the Hubble constant $(H_0)$. This is very important given the recent discord in the value of $H_0$ from two methods that probe different distance ranges. The success of this technique will rely of our ability to discover strongly lensed SNe with measurable time delays. Here, we present the magnifications and the time delays for the multiply-imaged galaxies behind the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) galaxy clusters, by using recently published lensing models. Continuing on our previous work done for Abell 1689 (A1689) and Abell 370, we also show the prospects of observing strongly lensed SNe behind the HFF clusters with the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). With four 1-hour visits in one year, the summed expectations of all six HFF clusters are $sim0.5$ core-collapse (CC) SNe and $sim0.06$ Type Ia SNe (SNe Ia) in F115W band, while with F150W the expectations are higher, $sim0.9$ CC SNe and $sim0.06$ SNe Ia. These estimates match those expected by only surveying A1689, proving that the performance of A1689 as gravitational telescope is superior. In the five HFF clusters presented here, we find that F150W will be able to detect SNe Ia (SNe IIP) exploding in 93 (80) pairs multiply-imaged galaxies with time delays of less than 5 years.
765 - A.Goobar , K.Paech , V.Stanishev 2009
Powerful gravitational telescopes in the form of massive galaxy clusters can be used to enhance the light collecting power over a limited field of view by about an order of magnitude in flux. This effect is exploited here to increase the depth of a survey for lensed supernovae at near-IR wavelengths. A pilot SN search program conducted with the ISAAC camera at VLT is presented. Lensed galaxies behind the massive clusters A1689, A1835 and AC114 were observed for a total of 20 hours split into 2, 3 and 4 epochs respectively, separated by approximately one month to a limiting magnitude J<24 (Vega). Image subtractions including another 20 hours worth of archival ISAAC/VLT data were used to search for transients with lightcurve properties consistent with redshifted supernovae, both in the new and reference data. The feasibility of finding lensed supernovae in our survey was investigated using synthetic lightcurves of supernovae and several models of the volumetric Type Ia and core-collapse supernova rates as a function of redshift. We also estimate the number of supernova discoveries expected from the inferred star formation rate in the observed galaxies. The methods consistently predict a Poisson mean value for the expected number of SNe in the survey between N_SN=0.8 and 1.6 for all supernova types, evenly distributed between core collapse and Type Ia SN. One transient object was found behind A1689, 0.5 from a galaxy with photometric redshift z_gal=0.6 +- 0.15. The lightcurve and colors of the transient are consistent with being a reddened Type IIP SN at z_SN=0.59. The lensing model predicts 1.4 magnitudes of magnification at the location of the transient, without which this object would not have been detected in the near-IR ground based search described in this paper (unlensed magnitude J~25). (abridged)
Cadenced optical imaging surveys in the next decade will be capable of detecting time-varying galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses in large numbers, increasing the size of the statistically well-defined samples of multiply-imaged quasars by two orders of magnitude, and discovering the first strongly-lensed supernovae. We carry out a detailed calculation of the likely yields of several planned surveys, using realistic distributions for the lens and source properties and taking magnification bias and image configuration detectability into account. We find that upcoming wide-field synoptic surveys should detect several thousand lensed quasars. In particular, the LSST should find 8000 lensed quasars, 3000 of which will have well-measured time delays, and also ~130 lensed supernovae, which is compared with ~15 lensed supernovae predicted to be found by the JDEM. We predict the quad fraction to be ~15% for the lensed quasars and ~30% for the lensed supernovae. Generating a mock catalogue of around 1500 well-observed double-image lenses, we compute the available precision on the Hubble constant and the dark energy equation parameters for the time delay distance experiment (assuming priors from Planck): the predicted marginalised 68% confidence intervals are sigma(w_0)=0.15, sigma(w_a)=0.41, and sigma(h)=0.017. While this is encouraging in the sense that these uncertainties are only 50% larger than those predicted for a space-based type-Ia supernova sample, we show how the dark energy figure of merit degrades with decreasing knowledge of the the lens mass distribution. (Abridged)
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