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Crossing the Gribov horizon: an unconventional study of geometric properties of gauge-configuration space in Landau gauge

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 Added by Attilio Cucchieri
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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We prove a lower bound for the smallest nonzero eigenvalue of the Landau-gauge Faddeev-Popov matrix in Yang-Mills theories. The bound is written in terms of the smallest nonzero momentum on the lattice and of a parameter characterizing the geometry of the first Gribov region. This allows a simple and intuitive description of the infinite-volume limit in the ghost sector. In particular, we show how nonperturbative effects may be quantified by the rate at which typical thermalized and gauge-fixed configurations approach the Gribov horizon. Our analytic results are verified numerically in the SU(2) case through an informal, free and easy, approach. This analysis provides the first concrete explanation of why the so-called scaling solution of the Dyson-Schwinger equations is not observed in lattice studies.

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Following a recent proposal by Cooper and Zwanziger we investigate via $SU(2)$ lattice simulations the effect on the Coulomb gauge propagators and on the Gribov-Zwanziger confinement mechanism of selecting the Gribov copy with the smallest non-trivial eigenvalue of the Faddeev-Popov operator, i.e.~the one closest to the Gribov horizon. Although such choice of gauge drives the ghost propagator towards the prediction of continuum calculations, we find that it actually overshoots the goal. With increasing computer time, we observe that Gribov copies with arbitrarily small eigenvalues can be found. For such a method to work one would therefore need further restrictions on the gauge condition to isolate the physically relevant copies, since e.g.~the Coulomb potential $V_C$ defined through the Faddeev-Popov operator becomes otherwise physically meaningless. Interestingly, the Coulomb potential alternatively defined through temporal link correlators is only marginally affected by the smallness of the eigenvalues.
The Kugo-Ojima color confinement criterion, which is based on the BRST symmetry of the continuum QCD is numerically tested by the lattice Landau gauge simulation. We first discuss the Gribov copy problem and the BRST symmetry on the lattice. The lattice Landau gauge can be formulated with options of the gauge field definition, U(link)-linear type or log U type. The Kugo-Ojima parameter u^a_b which is expected to be -1^a_b in the continuum theory is found to be -0.7*1^a_b in the strong coupling region, and the magnitude is a little less in the weak coupling region in log U type simulation. Those values are weakened even further in U-linear type. The horizon function defined by Zwanziger is evaluated in both types of gauge field and compared. The horizon function in the log U version is larger than the other, but in the weak coupling region, the expectation value of the horizon function is suggested to be zero or negative.
Lattice results for the gluon propagator in SU(2) pure gauge theory obtained on large lattices are presented. Simulated annealing is used throughout to fix the Landau gauge. We concentrate on checks for Gribov copy effects and for scaling properties. Our findings are similar to the ones in the SU(3) case, supporting the decoupling-type infrared behaviour of the gluon propagator.
145 - C. Torrero 2010
By means of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT), we calculate the lattice gluon propagator up to three loops of perturbation theory in the limits of infinite volume and vanishing lattice spacing. Based on known anomalous dimensions and a parametrization of both the hypercubic symmetry group H(4) and finite-size effects, we calculate the non-leading-log and non-logarithmic contributions iteratively, starting with the first-loop expression.
386 - M. Gong , Y. Chen , G. Meng 2008
Lattice gluon propagators are studied using tadpole and Symanzik improved gauge action in Landau gauge. The study is performed using anisotropic lattices with asymmetric volumes. The Landau gauge dressing function for the gluon propagator measured on the lattice is fitted according to a leading power behavior: $Z(q^2)simeq (q^2)^{2kappa}$ with an exponent $kappa$ at small momenta. The gluon propagators are also fitted using other models and the results are compared. Our result is compatible with a finite gluon propagator at zero momentum in Landau gauge.
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